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Everything posted by fourstarfizzle

  1. Nachooooooooooooooooo This looks awesome, and yeh theres a Tenacsious D movie with accompanying album apparantly. Apparantly the guy in the gold mask is none other than Silver King.
  2. Fuck Kane, fuck The Rock, fuck Cena..... It's all about Hogan & Taker in Suburban Commando, now thats a classic.
  3. I've got The Hurricanes on VHS tape still, got it about 2 years ago for £1 in a charity shop
  4. Well, that was crap. If you want a good version, watch Harvey Birdman or Sealab 2021.
  5. At least it's better than those stupid whiny gay-ass voices on those power-metal bands
  6. AHC were awesome at Ozzfest 2002, can't say I'm fond of any of the others.
  7. http://www.apple.com/trailers/touchstone/a...ypto/large.html Watch the trailer, then watch it again, and pause it at the scene about 3/4 of the way through where the guy gets caught in the net, and then keep going through the frames backwards using your left arrow key till you get to the odd frame out amongth the clips of the guys painted white, which is just before the monkey. Long live the Gibson and his comedic touch...
  8. The horse race with Partridge is my favourite, just for the classic horse names like "Epileptic Fridge Boy', 'Small Town Gypsy Massacre', 'Alf Ramsays Porn Dungeon', 'Christ's Chin', 'Abba The Horse' and of course 'Sinead O'Connor'
  9. Agreed. Seriously, the only people I know who like the Mighty Boosh I can tell are fans of it, as they are all the same (note: weird, "quirky"). EDIT: And Mudda, Chris Morris did Brass Eye and The Day Today, which are both worth checking out. If you watch the news, he got into a lot of shit for his Brass Ete special on paedophelia.
  10. Personally thought it was rather shite, Morris is way too good for it. That Roy bloke kinda reminds me of a poor version of Dylan Moran in Black Books, dunno why.
  11. It was originally only meant to be a 2 one off dates in Nottingham & London, the decision to turn it into a tour only got announced this week
  12. Should be a good show, I caught em with Cave In in Cardiff about 3-4 years ago, and before that I saw them at Manchester Apollo before they went huuuge.
  13. The same kinda wank NME shoves down the publics throats, justs the queue of Babyshambles, Hard-Fi, etc.
  14. I discovered another possible translation in the "Sugar, Going Down Swinging" song, which is: "Wishing to be the friction in your jeans" to "Wishing to be the freak shit in your jeans"
  15. As I said in the other thread, Capote all the way for me, and Dillon in Crash too.
  16. I hoping Capote cleans house on the Oscars, as the movie is fucking brillaint. Dillon definately deserves an Oscar for his acting in Crash. But on the whole, I'd like Capote to get the majority, it deserves it.
  17. If you want another young band of equal musical ability if not twice as good, Fall of Troy are unbelieable. www.myspace.com/thefalloftroy
  18. It's kinda like SOAD meeting Mars Volta in some of their songs, its a refreshing change to most of the shit out there.
  19. She's not famous really. She's just popular at the moment. I mean, lets look back at the BB winners, where are they now, the only one who made anything of it was the Irish Gay dude. Jade is the only real acception of making it somewhat despite not winning BB, and thats only because she's a stupid ugly bitch who's weight fluxuates as much as the stock market. I just dispair about 6 months from now when she's actually in the charts as Kandyfloss, you laugh, but its gonna happen...
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