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Everything posted by KevinStorm

  1. I used to play two games in middle school called "Capitol," which was some kind of Congress-based game, and "Homestead," which was a farm sim. I'd kill to find either of those again.
  2. KevinStorm

    WWE '12

    Not gonna lie. I'd probably watch that.
  3. I don't like having to recharge a staff. Found a really cool one, but it ran out of juice.
  4. KevinStorm

    WWE '12

    I had Rock get injured on Smackdown. The following Sunday was Wrestlemania, and he won the World Heavyweight title.
  5. KevinStorm

    WWE '12

    So it's basically impossible to beat Big Show in a collar-and-elbow tie-up(where you have to bang X to get a grapple).
  6. KevinStorm

    WWE '12

    Glad I'm not the only way. I managed to beat Del Rio on Normal last night with CM Punk just barely. Didn't even hit a finisher. The AI reverses way too easily, and for some reason, when I go for a grapple I end up in a headlock instead. Can't figure out if I'm being reversed out of nowhere or if it's bug, but it happens a lot.
  7. KevinStorm

    WWE '12

    I played 8 matches before going to work today, and lost every one. What am I doing wrong? Can't seem to get a move in.
  8. KevinStorm

    WWE '12

    Good god I suck at this game so much. Haven't won a match yet, and have been completely squashed a few times. What's the point in making guys get up for moves faster if they just get up all groggy and shit? I can't recover fast enough to do a move before my opponent is already doing another move on me.
  9. Killing dogs. Being mean toward orphanage ladies. I'm not sure I like what this game is doing to you, Srar. :/ I do.
  10. On the way to Winterhold, I ran into a fort that had been taken over by two Necromancers that fucked me up a few times. Finally I just said screw it and charged past them on my horse.
  11. Each game is a self-contained story, so you don't need to play any of the others. Hell, if you tried playing all of them, you'd never catch up with the series.
  12. How'd you move the body? EDIT: A while back I killed two Alik'r warriors out in the middle of nowhere, then went to Whiterun and the guards attacked me. I think the game knows what you do no matter who sees it.
  13. Belethor's General Goods in Whiterun will buy your Necklaces and Rings (as well as pretty much everything else). The shops won't stock anything above your level (special enchanted weapons/apparel not withstanding). So if you want to buy better stuff, you'll have to level up. (I think Silver, Dwarven, Elven and Orcish items become available somewhere around level 10) I completely cleaned out Belethor's money. How long does it take him to get more gold in for me to sell him stuff?
  14. I'd also like to find out some good places to sell stuff where I won't get ripped off. Also, I just took down a mammoth.
  15. Avast blocked the download link and told me it's win32:Malware-gen. False positive, I'm assuming?
  16. Apparently this game gives me motion sickness.
  17. How's the archery in the game? I tried to play a thief archer character in Oblivion but it didn't work out so well.
  18. How'd you fix it, just in case it happens to anyone else?
  19. I loved the MW2 story. It was just far too short for a $60 game.
  20. I'll probably get it when the price is down or I can get it used for cheap. I enjoyed MW2, but the campaign was way too short, and I don't have enough free time lately to be sold on a game entirely by multiplayer.
  21. I've had a Samsung Vibrant since August or so of last year when it came out. The Galaxy S II is a hell of an upgrade on that original.
  22. Goddamnit I want one. I work for a wireless carrier and still can't afford it yet.
  23. Just played this for the first time earlier. I created a player for career mode and put him on DC United. I don't understand anything about soccer/football, but I scored a goal during my first game, so I'll call it a success.
  24. I use an android app called AndLess on my phone.
  25. I've never found an MMO that was good enough to justify me paying monthly for it, but this might be it.
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