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Everything posted by KevinStorm

  1. Yeah, that doesn't sound suggestive.
  2. My Steam name is colonelcharisma. I'm down for some EWB play when I'm not playing the shit out of NBA 2k11.
  3. Every TV carrier in my area has Current TV, except the one I use. Figures.
  4. ordered second row reserved tickets to Ring of Honor's show in Charlotte on July 9th.

    1. SlicedBread


      Looking forward to that card, the aftermath of the BITW iPPV will likely make that card very interesting.

  5. Had a gift certificate to Best Buy, so I picked up 2k11 last week. Created a point guard in MyPlayer, got drafted in the 2nd round by Miami, cut shortly after, did almost 20 games in the D-League for the Austin Toros, then got signed to a 10-day contract for the Sacramento Kings before they renewed it for the rest of the season. Having a blast at this game, even if it took me a while to get used to the controls. And I barely know anything about basketball. Where can I find a good set of sliders?
  6. Oh hell. I might have to get XBox Live again.
  7. You will need a memory card for the PSP. Do you know which model you have? I have a hacked PSP, but it's a 2000 model which are several years outdated now. But, the way you hack one of those involves downloading custom firmware onto the memory card, opening the battery, cutting a connection on the battery's motherboard so it won't load the stock firmware and will pull the custom firmware off the card instead, then drawing the connection on the battery's motherboard with a pencil. I think I found a youtube video or something on how to do it, but it's been a few years since I did it.
  8. I didn't like the first one very much. It was just boring to me.
  9. The politics game intrigues me, and I would like to know more.
  10. If you download games on separate accounts, will they only be available on that one account?
  11. This guy knows what's up. Although, I am curious as to how Minecraft would work on a phone that's all touchscreen.
  12. I remember an old PC game called Pharaoh that had a pretty big manual. I think Civ3 is still the biggest manual I've ever seen.
  13. If I have an account, and my fiance has an account on the same system, does that mean we get 4 free games? >_>
  14. I have a Yamaha keyboard that I can hook up to my computer with a MIDI to USB cable and play around with programs like Reason. It works pretty well, though it doesn't have a pitch wheel that will work with Reason.
  15. The Metal Gear Solid series needs to be remade for PS3.
  16. Christ, just don't play the fucking game if it's such a hardship. I'm weak. And my issue was just all of that happens within the first two levels of the game, there's no pacing. That was kind of my problem with it. Felt like it was written by someone with severe ADHD.
  17. If you had it on PS3, I'd play.
  18. It was, but it was too damn short. EDIT: Which brings me to another gripe: when developer companies make half a game because they want to make a "sequel" later.
  19. I'll go the opposite way here: games where the single-player portion is half-assed and obviously just an after-thought because the developer wanted to focus on multiplayer. Hello, COD: Black Ops and MW2.
  20. I got very bored with GTAIV very quickly. LA Noire is pretty good, I think.
  21. I'm listening to Panic! At the Disco's new album. Thank god Ryan Ross left that band. I never could get into his folksy retro-rock influence in Pretty. Odd.
  22. I only bought a PSP so I could hack the firmware to run emulators of old systems.
  23. I didn't. The guy that runs Danger Room makes them for the actors he works with.
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