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Everything posted by ravenjuice

  1. So, Metallica played a new song last night, it's pretty good, lots of double bass and a SOLO. Quality isnt that good, but I'll edit a link in later. Anyone else heard it? Thoughts? It's better than the new Slayer, which to me sounds like something Avenged Sevenfold could of put out. http://www.metworld.de/newdesign/start.html there you go, password is www.metallica-world.de
  2. At the risk of coming across as a complete retard, can anyone name some bands that Guns N Roses have influenced? Because off the top of my head I can't think of any. Other than Velvet Revolver...but that doesn't really count does it? I know its a bit off topic, but I'm curious, cus Guns are like the second best band ever.
  3. You have to love the media. Theyre just a bit lame. Slayer, on the other hand, do make your favourite band look gay.
  4. Carpenter wanted the Halloween series to be a bunch of different stories, but the popularity of Myers made the studio change that and center it all around him.
  5. ravenjuice

    Vote Lordi

  6. Yeh im with Ace, BArca were good for their win, but I was rooting for arsenal til the end.
  7. Arsenal havent been the same side since Henry missed the 1-1, probably the turning point imo.
  8. He does? I want to see frenchmen fighting Hleb was a bit unlucky there.
  9. I remember two dives from arsenal...I cant remember the other one though, Either way, they were in quick succession, and it might of been hyperbole, but it still has no place in the final. Yeh, Lehmann did deserve to go, but the refereeing has been pretty poor, as pointed out by Ally and Andy. EDIT: Yeh I agree with TMM now he's elaborated, my mistake.
  10. Yeh i agree with Dan, way too much diving from Arsenal.
  11. As a Manchester united fan since the age of five, i am very surprised that I find myself supporting Arsenal. Good final so far, and nice to see a high point of the season for Campbell, he might be getting on, but he deserves it.
  12. Summers gets cool points for having 3 Inches of Blood in his sig. Erm, to answer the question, Dashboard have some good songs, wheras they also have some terrible songs, I find it to be very hit and miss with them, I'd reccomend As Lovers Go espesh. the acoustic version, it's "emo" as fuck, but immensely good. Something Corporate are also a band that are classed as emo that I find myself listening to a fair bit, the whole of Leaving Through The Window is cool, as is the song "Drunk Girl" ermmmmmm *racks brain* This one is a long shot, but my mate whose really into "emo" loves Scary Kids Scaring Kids, not actually heard them though so Im not sure what genre they are. You should probably check out Gregory and the Hawk as well if you havent already, your best bet of finding songs is on myspace. The music isnt exactly emo, its acousticy sad songs...its hard to explain listen and you'll see. And nu-metal owned when I was a kid *nods*
  13. Use your Illusion 2. Easily. I'm a fan of all four bands and own all four albums, and its still an easy choice for me.
  14. Ok, no votes for ...And Justice For All? Criminal. Blackened is the best album opener EVER. For saying that I voted MOP purely cus it is as good as people say it is, and anyone who says otherwise can't legally have an opinion of music. For saying that, All of Metallicas albums are immense, including St.Anger and ReLoad...altho I can kind of grasp why people dont like them. I do not however understand how people cannot like Load, awesome album.
  15. Someone want to tell me what power metal Pantera was like? Anything will do...just curious.
  16. Iron Fucking Maiden. Zeppelin are the shitest band on that poll.
  17. ravenjuice


    I would'nt take my word as gospel skummy, as I don't really like By The Way. I've given the new album 2 listens through, but nothing has jumped out and grabbed me, other than Snow, as previously mentioned. With the recent release of Pearl Jam and 10,000 Days RHCP are quite low on my list of priorities at the moment.
  18. ravenjuice


    I got hold of this a few days ago...Can't say I'm that impressed to be honest...then again my fave chillis album is By The Way.
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