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Everything posted by Lint

  1. How is it a group of girls as cute as the US has, comes to play curling? On the other hand, I've been watching curling for like 20 minutes now..kinda interesting..
  2. Lint

    News on "Grind"

    Dude, I seriously thought that this was a topic about that bad skateboarding movie from a few years ago..
  3. Lint

    Shadow President

    Idid that..now I get a message saying it has to be run in Win32 or something...
  4. Lint

    Shadow President

    How do I get this to work with WindowsXP home edition? everything I try to play it, it locks up
  5. Lint

    Bloodrayne bombs

    You know, I have Alone In The Dark on DVD and have NEVER watched it. I bought it at Blockbuster so I could get one of those 3 for $25 deals, but I never really had any ambition to watch it. Is it REALLY that bad>
  6. Holy shit that sounds like a great movie. I can't wait until that comes out
  7. Ash J. Williams? Hmm..while I haven't watched them in a LOOOONG time, wasn't that his name in the Evil Dead series? Ashley J. Williams? Geez..I need to dig out my Evil Dead DVD..its old..one of the big ol' clear plastic cases..ahh memories Jack Of All Trades had probably the best theme song to a tv show ever..so glad I was able to find it to download
  8. Lint

    Bloodrayne bombs

    I suppose it won't be as awful as the first three. I mean, as bad as Boll is, there's a fascinating cast. I know that could be said for this feature, but it'll be interesting to see how it goes. And if it's crappy, it won't shock anyone...again. And don't think I'm believing one second that there'll ever be a Postal movie...how would that even be possible? Supposedly The Rock was going to star in the Farcry movie, but he's not listed on the page, so maybe he's not afterall. that cast for Dungeon Siege is a pretty kick ass cast though. Maybe he'll make a decent movie outta it
  9. Lint

    Bloodrayne bombs

    Yea..thats why I editted my post from "videogame movies suck" to "don't do well"..the RE movies, while not insta-classics, could've been MUCH worse then they were
  10. I want Jack Of All Trades on DVD. Bruce was GOLD in that show
  11. Can't say its really a surprise. Videogame movies typically don't do well, and Uwe Boll sucks as a director. But 1.2 million and only 985 theaters showing it? Yikes
  12. ahh..was wondering who the hell xbeantownx was...I accepted but had no clue who you were
  13. I play PDZ and just got Madden 06..I wanna play a bit more of that befor eI go online with it. I go by Lint6
  14. so I just got my Xbox 360 and my friend expressed interest in buying my old Xbox. If I do sell it to him, he'd get the following Xbox 3 controllers (2 regular, 1 Madcatz NFL controller) DVD playback kit Madcatz memory card cables and possibly Madden '06 and NCAA '06. What do ya'll think would be a good price to charge him for that>
  15. Yea, I realized afteR I posted that that I forgot to type who it was. Always surprised me, despite my love of Offspring, that he'd do something with a major labl group like them. but I read an interview with him were he said he's good friends with them.
  16. Not really a "song"..more like a group playing and someone talking over the music, but the Offpsring track "disclaimer"..
  17. Halo Zero, a french fan-made 2d side scrolling shooter based loosely on the Halo: The Fall Of Reach novel, has been released today. You cn download it at http://dobermann47.free.fr/en/index.htm until MS And Bungie catch wind of it and shut it down... Screen shots
  18. It comes from their song Nemesis, off their 2000 album Slither. A good album that was kind of a departure from their screaming hardcore metal albums to a more melodic metal..think of Fear Factory stuff, minus the references to how technology will kill us all. I thought Slither was a great album..just thought it sucked it was their last one... just realized I have to buy that album again..was stolen from me when my car was broken into like 2 years ago..I'm still finding empty CD cases from ones that were in my cd case that was taken...
  19. I know what ya mean. I got started playing POP:TWW again..then I got Dragon Quest 8...thats taken up all my free time now...
  20. Lint

    Chris Cornell

    I saw Tom Morello play a solo show..billed as The Night Watchman, during the Rock Against Bush tour. I must say, all it takes is to hear him play for an hour with an accoustic guitar to realize just how untrue your comment is.
  21. Lint

    Chris Cornell

    I voted for Audioslave, though honestly its a close call for me between Audioslave and Soundgarden...never heard his solo stuff and, surprisingly, it seems like theres no love in this poll for Temple Of The Dog...
  22. Might have a gun, but according to the ESRB website.. so it might be a gun, but Robotnic is still the enemy. So the gun might just be used to simply disable the robots, thus no killing
  23. http://videos.myspace.com/videoplayer/vide...XJnPWR3ZGN0dXMy there is the 9 minute long version. According to punknews.org, a 14 minute long version is being released around the beginning of november
  24. me and my friends did that mode too..nothing better thena bunch of drunks (us), laughing their asses off as they watch people fly off a roof
  25. I wanted to watch..but I signed up for a bowling league tonight and it went until aroundmidnight...so I missed it
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