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Everything posted by Twist

  1. Well that goal should have stood, came off his stomach to my eye.
  2. I heard him talk for the first time today and I am shook.
  3. Add his time at Chelsea and PPG only goes up to 1.3.
  4. One of the counties in Ireland is a good starting point if you’re playing baseline CK2.
  5. I’m ten seasons in. Left Boro midway through the 8th as just wasn’t getting anywhere, just stalling out. They went on to win the Europa League under an interim manager before ten Hag joined from Man United in the summer (and was subsequently sacked before Christmas). I waited until the summer to take a job, joined a relegated Villa. Won the Championship AND the FA Cup. Finished 5th first season back in the Premier League (and got the extra CL spot available at this point in the game). Made the semi finals of the Europa before losing on penalties to Monaco. My fixtures for the CL are decent so hoping I can make a decent run (only other CL run in this game I took Boro to the semi finals in season 4). Two interesting points. 10 seasons and only TWO English teams have made the CL final, both losing. Given how dominant they normally are in CL on FM this surprised me. Also Eastleigh have gone from the conference to the championship in 7 seasons without ever spending more than £100k in a season.
  6. I was looking at that site just now! Gabor Kiraly had stints at all three clubs. Played for Villa and Burnley, but only a two week loan stint at West Ham where he was a substitute three times but never played. Hes also a goalkeeper so never wore the claret and blue for any of them anyway!
  7. That video is just a series of people acting like dickheads.
  8. You don’t have to play the games. Well, not in the same as FIFA. You’ll need to make substitutions, etc.
  9. United are on very good form at the moment. Not counting any chickens yet.
  10. Twist

    FIFA 23

    Pulled 95 rated World Cup Icon Zidane from an upgrade pack. Please and thank you. Still shite at the actual games though. Seems very hit and miss, some players just trounce me and my players seem useless and other times the opposite way. Cannot stop people who run at me (yet very bad at doing the same myself). End up with opponents just running circles around me in the box until they have a chance to shoot. Bloody infuriating.
  11. Ended up in the Conference League, which we won! But then missed out on the Champion’s League (via 5th) after Man City scored an equaliser against us on the last day in added time. Four trophies (five with the Championship), and a further two unsuccessful finals, in seven years feels like a good return over 7 seasons for Boro though. Sold Endrick for £200m and a regen for £130m, both to City.
  12. The issue with Howe playing the reserves is our reserves are shite.
  13. Now you’re just stealing ideas from Congress.
  14. Mario getting back in the seat.
  15. I imagine they feed into each other.
  16. Ball in play average over the first two weeks of this season was 54 minutes.
  17. Austria has an initial 22 schedule when the league splits. Following this there are championship/relegation groups with 10 games a piece.
  18. Made my 4th Carabao Cup final in 6 years with Middlesbrough (and 3rd in a row). Against Liverpool this time (all the previous 3 coming against Man Utd). Won on penalties to add to my two losses and lone win in previous finals. Still in the FA Cup and Europa League, which remains my only hope of the Champion’s League. I’ve been in the CL once (on a 5th placed finish after we got a bonus spot in the new format) but managed to make the semi finals before Chelsea put us out. The league has been a shit show this year but I’ve gradually scraped my way back into the top 10 but far enough of the top 6 that what European competition I’m in next year fully depends on whether I can upgrade on the Conference League by winning the other cup competitions.
  19. He earns more per an hour than I imagine the majority of people in the world do in a year. Edit: I checked, he earns twice as much in an hour than the global median annual salary. Our world is broken.
  20. Helps we only had 5 players away, none of them made it past the quarters and only Schar and Tripper played more than 90 minutes total.
  21. Twist

    FIFA 23

    This is absurd. I just got Icon Raul off a gold playoff pack.
  22. Twist

    FIFA 23

    I am getting some silly pack luck recently. Got got World Cup ToTT Casemiro in my gold preview pack.
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