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The Donators
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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. The officials appear to be playing on high ping, the time it's taking them to make decisions.
  2. Southampton and West Ham are the other two. I hate this idea, for the record.
  3. The lobby above should be open in two
  4. Anybody around tonight for murdering?
  5. That was a ton of fun lads. Special thanks to Rich for murdering me repeatedly.
  6. And I will win two impostor rounds in a row and then just straight up slit someone's throat in front of LL on the third one.
  7. In what should come as a shock to absolutely no one, DCL has been named PL Player of the Month and Carlo has been named Manager of the Month.
  8. I've been truly spoiled by playing with EWBers. I was just in a game where either the host was an idiot and set kill cooldown to 0 which I don't know is possible, or the impostor was hacking. There is LITERALLY nothing to gain from the latter so I hope it was the former.
  9. Give me a shout when that game finishes!
  10. I think this may be the first time I've ever gotten more than 100 points in fantasy league.
  11. I mean he was sort of right, he instead decided to concede more.
  12. BBC have had to clarify that the digit on the score update is indeed a 7, which I love.
  13. Liverpool and six times, name a more iconic duo.
  14. Worst part about this is that a massive Liverpool loss to Villa, an Everton side having won 7 games on the trot plus an international break will only mean Liverpool end up smashing us in the derby.
  15. Some days Among Us is the Thing and you're terrified, other days Among Us makes you the impostor twice in a row with 3x speed and no meetings. I have never felt such power.
  16. Provided I am still awake, I am all the way down.
  17. Anybody selling a goalkeeper? Jordan Pickford is shite.
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