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Status Replies posted by Rocky

  1. I met Jim Cornette tonight!

  2. I would like to congratulate Kirkland for surviving the ignore list. You're off. You're safe. You're free.

  3. If you're reading this, you are a twatwaffle.

  4. Halfways done Jericho's new book and I just got it hours ago, it's that awesome.

  5. i hate eddie kingston. that is all.

  6. Week One EWBFWL scores are up. Go look.

  7. Nothing makes you feel like you're wearing new boots like wearing new boots.

  8. What happened on Raw?

  9. New Minecraft world starts.......now.

  10. Is it weird that when I saw someone got warned for spoiling Raw, my first instinct was 'ooh, something worth spoiling happened'?

  11. Something something spoiler something.

  12. Walked two miles today, now sitting in front of the fan and writing something on my laptop, good day

  13. Oh my god I moved to seattle can you believe it

  14. I still believe in Bill Baconhill.

  15. Statutory rape is delicious.

  16. Statutory rape is delicious.

  17. The final screenshots of U GON DIE have been captured. Like Edward Bloom in Big Fish, I have gazed into the witch's glass eye. I have seen how I GON DIE.


  19. I'm bleeding, which makes me the victor...

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