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Status Replies posted by Rocky

  1. It's taken me a while to realize, but I truly, truly hate Matt Hardy with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.

  2. Why do all the epic threads occur when I'm asleep :(

  3. A thread I started is in the HoF!

  4. It's a shame the thread is closed, I was going to suggest Gamblor. Or failing that, Cool Mo D.

  5. Move to the music everyone

  6. I think I'm gonna wear spandex.

  7. To balance out all the hate that has taken over EWB over the last few days, I just wanted you all to know that I love every single one of you!

  8. Here comes Peter Cottontail

  9. TREMENDOUS turn of events. I'm . . . I'm a little giddy. I mean, I'm still stressed and probably shouldn't be on EWB - but now I'm quite giddy.

  10. TREMENDOUS turn of events. I'm . . . I'm a little giddy. I mean, I'm still stressed and probably shouldn't be on EWB - but now I'm quite giddy.

  11. All right, I've stepped away and played Minecraft for a bit. Now I've decided we're going to be excellent to each other again.

  12. My friend's boyfriend is fighting for Strikeforce tonight. Sweet

  13. I hate people who don't use spoliers, I get smackdown ruined for me like once a month.

  14. I hate people who don't use spoliers, I get smackdown ruined for me like once a month.

  15. I hate people who don't use spoliers, I get smackdown ruined for me like once a month.

  16. The best thing to put on toast is lemon curd.

  17. Welcome to the 24 hours every year where Gazz wants to do a New Japan diary.

  18. I'm looking for a good Samurai movie, any suggestions?

  19. Here is a new rule: if you feel nostalgic for something that happened within the last 7-8 years, YOU ARE NOT OLD. STOP IT.

  20. Here is a new rule: if you feel nostalgic for something that happened within the last 7-8 years, YOU ARE NOT OLD. STOP IT.

  21. CLW News:Axl Law just got sent to Rehab for Personal Habits.

  22. I swear I heard The Shore theme playing in the next room

  23. Awwwwww MANNNNN!I can't change schedule because it is not the first day of the month Rocky.

  24. The gap between your cleaning being finished and when the guests show up is boring as hell. And makes you paranoid that no one will turn up.

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