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Status Replies posted by Rocky

  1. I hate always being to busy .. I can't get on computer as much anymore!

  2. Jeff and I decided to test the theory of relativity to see if it's really true.

  3. Well now, that was something.

  4. Well now, that was something.

  5. is enjoying his birthday


  7. Open interviews this Thursday for the position of Official Sousa Dickrider.

  8. Almost 1/3 of the entrants have been eliminated in the first week of WWE Survivor Season 2! Are you still alive?

  9. It's uni-brow shaving time

  10. Its 32º outside I'm sitting in my room, in front of a fan, wearing shorts and my door is shut keeping the heater heat out. I think my idea of "Too cold" is different than everyone else's

  11. People in this house need to let me cook, after all I' the only picky one here, the rest will eat anything. I cokk and everyone gets good food, they cook and I end up with spaghetti with no hamburger.

  12. New Name Suggestions...andd.....GO!

  13. Guess the song part 2: doo doo doo doo dooo HUUUUH doo doo dooo doo doo HUUUH

  14. New Name Suggestions...andd.....GO!

  15. FINISH THE FUCKING STORY, MAN! What happened....what about those glands?

  16. FINISH THE FUCKING STORY, MAN! What happened....what about those glands?

  17. Guess the song part 2: doo doo doo doo dooo HUUUUH doo doo dooo doo doo HUUUH

  18. My biggest fear is that I won't get over my ex and I'll end up like Matt Hardy.

  19. should I book a show in EWR while drunk?

  20. Do you know what happens to a toad when it gets struck by my Ignore List?

  21. Turned my useless LCD Monitor and found a way to connect it to my laptop to make dual screens......I think I'm in love...

  22. My night is set, Pizza, Pita bread and Fosters whilst watching SS.

  23. Is looking to freshen up EWR, suggestions?

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