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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by OctoberRaven

  1. So I happened on some soccer on TV, and one of the players looked like a really skinny Wade Barrett. Didn't catch his name though.

  2. So I happened on some soccer on TV, and one of the players looked like a really skinny Wade Barrett. Didn't catch his name though.

  3. So I happened on some soccer on TV, and one of the players looked like a really skinny Wade Barrett. Didn't catch his name though.

  4. Fucking blocks...I'm going to climb the SHIT out of you!

  5. Fucking blocks...I'm going to climb the SHIT out of you!

  6. Fucking blocks...I'm going to climb the SHIT out of you!

  7. I really, really, really hate Comcast.

  8. I really, really, really hate Comcast.

  9. I really, really, really hate Comcast.

  10. anyone know of a good TEW '10 update for Puro/Joshi?

  11. anyone know of a good TEW '10 update for Puro/Joshi?

  12. anyone know of a good TEW '10 update for Puro/Joshi?

  13. anyone know of a good TEW '10 update for Puro/Joshi?

  14. so do any of the TEW games work well on Windows 7? 'cuz... apparently TEW 05 does't.

  15. so do any of the TEW games work well on Windows 7? 'cuz... apparently TEW 05 does't.

  16. I like that music that plays in the background of The Rise of the Planet of the Apes TV spot.

  17. What do you guys use to write your diaries in before you copy them over here? Microsoft Word and EWB doesn't get along appearently

  18. Whose a good tag team partner for Cena?

  19. Vote American Males in the Best Themes thing!

  20. Catherine is a lock for GOTY. That is all.

  21. Catherine is a lock for GOTY. That is all.

  22. Catherine is a lock for GOTY. That is all.

  23. Catherine is a lock for GOTY. That is all.

  24. You do realize you can add your own matches into TEW05, right?

  25. Alright, it's AJ Styles vs. Colt Cabana (non-title), what match type?

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