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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Sittin on the porch, playin EWR during a rainstorm,awesome

  2. Sittin on the porch, playin EWR during a rainstorm,awesome

  3. Is now the owner of two Royal Rumble commemorative folding chairs.

  4. is replaying Metal Gear Solid. The game still rule and I still suck at it

  5. is replaying Metal Gear Solid. The game still rule and I still suck at it

  6. Holy shit, Brian Kendrick is on TPIR.

  7. Holy shit, Brian Kendrick is on TPIR.

  8. Holy shit, Brian Kendrick is on TPIR.

  9. is there really no picture packs out for WMMA3 yet? damnit.

  10. *BZZT!**BZZT!**BZZZZT!* Alright... let's move onto a game called 'Alphabet', but with a twist! This is for everyone, your scene is that you've been kidnapped for Battle Royale and have just found out your weapon is a pillow. First person to comment must make a three-word response, starting with 'a'. Next is four-words with 'b', five-words with 'c', and finally six with 'd' before resetting again on 'e'. Take it away!

  11. Excellence has gone live...now to make sure EWR doesn't screw me over!

  12. The walking Dead looks so good, too bad I want to sleep at night

  13. Never realized how far behind on Shimmer I was..just popped in vol 27 and hear how Serena Deeb signed a development deal with WWE..

  14. Jeffy and Jackwagon Uso.

  15. JHS, please report to EWB's favorite films thread as apparently, you and I are the only people who can appreciate Blade Runner on this forum.

  16. I swear to god Catherine better get a US Release or I am going to choke so many bitches.

  17. i'd like to start playing Mafia games but EWB does NOT seem like the best place to get started

  18. i'd like to start playing Mafia games but EWB does NOT seem like the best place to get started

  19. i'd like to start playing Mafia games but EWB does NOT seem like the best place to get started

  20. I am trying, but cannot for the life of me understand the Mafia game.. I've read rules and guides.. It cant be that complex.

  21. With all these returns in the WWE lately I'm crossing my fingers for Billy Kidman.

  22. i hate eddie kingston. that is all.

  23. NERDS UNITE!: Which Final Fantasy game should I play out of the following: 7,9,10,11 or 13?

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