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Status Replies posted by OctoberRaven

  1. The January 2nd edition of RAW is in Tennessee,,, jackpot.

  2. The January 2nd edition of RAW is in Tennessee,,, jackpot.

  3. Spambots are now trying to convince people to take pills and alcohol, WHAT IS ZE WORLD COMING TO?!

  4. I bet CMPunk420, crazy_eyez88, iHole, and Crazy Eyez are all the same person. It's probably Horace222/wwefan45.

  5. Merry Christmas to all! Now you're all gonna die!

  6. Okay, seriously, I've come this far without knowing....what the fuck is a Kardashian?

  7. Begin preperation for new diary. 'The Kids of America'. I've got goosebumps, have you?

  8. Seen a good price on Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition. Should I get it? *ponders the philosophical implications*

  9. Randall Norton The Novice Killer!

  10. Wallet Inspector!

  11. Might buy Wrestling Manager just to make Karl Kennedy champion of all. If only it was free. Free as a river!

  12. Soooo what did I miss?

  13. I'm tired of Sheamus' monopoly over certain citrus fruits.

  14. Hey, I like angry birds.

  15. Quick question. The 34.95 on the purchase page of GDS, is that in pounds or euro?

  16. The quality of spambots is terrible these days

  17. Should I buy Skyrim tomorrow or wait for WWE '12?

  18. Peta is attacking Nintendo over the tanooki suit?!? Please! Where were you 20 years ago?

  19. Ok seriously is there a better song than "The Statue Got Me High" by TMBG? I don't think there is.

  20. Ahmed Johnson doesn't like the gays.

  21. Who will be the first to challenge Carlito for the Carlito Championship? a) Carlito, b) Carlito, c) Carlito, d) Carlito, e) All of the above

  22. I think Booker T "forgetting" John Morrison's name and calling him "That Parkour Guy" is actually Book getting in a jab for Morrison not knowing who he was back when he tried out for the first season of Tough Enough.

  23. ATTENTION COMCAST: Fuck Off. And Die. Not necessarily in that order.

  24. ATTENTION COMCAST: Fuck Off. And Die. Not necessarily in that order.

  25. "Hello, my name is Mister Burns. I believe you have a letter for me" "Okay Mister Burns, what's your first name?" "...I don't know..."

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