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Status Replies posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Now that Carlito has regained the I-3 Title, what should his next goal be?: a) challenge for the World Title, b) become President of the United States, c) challenge the Undertaker's Streak at WrestleMania XXIX

  2. You have been eaten by a Grue.

  3. You can do it Otto! You can do it Otto! Help each other out! That'll be our motto!

  4. I am back and posting on EWB again after 24 hours' absence.

  5. All hail Adam Ryland

  6. shames for next wordhevywadcampyn!

  7. Guy starts a WWE Alternate Universe 2012 thread on an internet forum. Claims he'll run for president in 2020. You can't explain that.

  8. EWB Rocks..I am loving it.

  9. Jimmy Uso > Jey Uso

  10. Wanna start a diary, start something from scratch. I have an idea, but want YOU to pick my roster. Go to EWR and make a pick you ingrates.

  11. C-Verse is actually interesting me for the first time

  12. Am I the only one who still likes Beavis & Butt-head?

  13. Why has no one told me about Vermin Supreme?

  14. It just occured to me how long it has been since EWR came out... And how every day new people are discovering that sometimes Shane McMahon marries previously unknown half sister! Wait till they see what happens when you push Funkai!

  15. gyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.plgyroonline.pl

  16. Welcome to the Wrestling Parents Hotline. Please press 1 for Judy Bagwell, 2 for Ernest Miller's, 3 for Momma Benjamin, 4 for Brodus Clay's and 5 for Al Wilson.

  17. Welcome to the Wrestling Parents Hotline. Please press 1 for Judy Bagwell, 2 for Ernest Miller's, 3 for Momma Benjamin, 4 for Brodus Clay's and 5 for Al Wilson.

  18. I was just watching RIkishi's WWF 2000 timeline - turns out to convince him to take the bump, Shane McMahon did the Hell In A Cell to truck bump TWICE.

  19. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

  20. Happy Larry Csonka's birthday, EWB!

  21. today is the shortest day of the year. Things can only get better from here!

  22. Louis CK's newest stand up is hilarious. The funniest thing I have watched all year. Go watch it, it's only 5 bucks.

  23. That's odd. Usually the blood gets off at the second floor...

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