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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by OctoberRaven

  1. There's a zombie on your lawn. We don't want zombies on the lawn.

  2. The Hardys have been together since they were young kids.

  3. Tonight, I play scrabble with the future of all mankind at stake. www.myrottingbraing.com

  4. Tonight, I play scrabble with the future of all mankind at stake. www.myrottingbraing.com

  5. Brock Lesnar is going to teach us how to get our asses whooped on the next season of The Ultimate Fighter!

  6. Brock Lesnar is going to teach us how to get our asses whooped on the next season of The Ultimate Fighter!

  7. To balance out all the hate that has taken over EWB over the last few days, I just wanted you all to know that I love every single one of you!

  8. Brock Lesnar is going to teach us how to get our asses whooped on the next season of The Ultimate Fighter!

  9. Brock Lesnar is going to teach us how to get our asses whooped on the next season of The Ultimate Fighter!

  10. What I'm saying is we can just go down to the pound and get you a new Jazz Man.

  11. What the hell is a Russia anyways!?

  12. Just Started BY2G With Major Pro Wrestling.

  13. Awwwwww MANNNNN!I can't change schedule because it is not the first day of the month Rocky.

  14. Gotta choose a Christmas Movie; what do you guys think, Die Hard or Lethal Weapon?

  15. According to a poll by something called Ivillage most married women would rather sleep than have sex with their husbands. I find it ridiculous but there you go. On a totally unrelated note congratulations Zero :)

  16. According to a poll by something called Ivillage most married women would rather sleep than have sex with their husbands. I find it ridiculous but there you go. On a totally unrelated note congratulations Zero :)

  17. According to a poll by something called Ivillage most married women would rather sleep than have sex with their husbands. I find it ridiculous but there you go. On a totally unrelated note congratulations Zero :)

  18. I was up all night exploring a cavern, only to be gangraped by a trio of zombies. Next time, I'm rolling with an iron sword and some arrows.

  19. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: I am the stars of the earth.



  22. Cage of Death was AWESOME!

  23. Well now, that was something.

  24. Well now, that was something.

  25. It's uni-brow shaving time

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