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Timmoru Suzuki

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Everything posted by Timmoru Suzuki

  1. Fuck the Golden Butterfly. Only got **.
  2. One more. Racing games where you have to finish in a certain position, usually top 3 to progress and yet drivers who finish below you end up progressing anyway.
  3. Levels in which you have to keep an NPC alive to pass; since 99% of the time either the NPC is a blithering retard, happily waltzing around in front of mortal danger, or because the game is coded so enemies focus all their attacks on the NPC, never on you regardless of how much of a threat YOU might be to them. And, continuing from what Skummy said about happily failing levels if he knows it's because he isn't good enough; sports games where you get the sense that you fail to win because the CPU has decided that you're not winning; rather than you not being good enough to win. AKA Pro Evolution Soccer syndrome, although some of those titles are much worse for it than others. The sense towards the end of an RPG where you feel the story is being continued longer to make the game longer, not because the story actually need be any bigger. I think that's in the same ball-park as what Benji was talking about. Or, having to go to a guy for something, but he'll only give you said item/help you in whatever way if you do him a favour. Only, to complete favour you have to go to another guy, and he'll only help you if you do him a favour, and.... etc. The odd time is fair enough but some RPG's seem to make up 80% of their play-time through that method. Finally, games where they developers haven't thought out every possible way you might be able to complete a task. To better explain this, there was a section on X-Men Legends II in which you have to attain an item that you can't reach; it's across a chasm or some such gap. I tried using Iceman to build an ice-bridge across, no go. Tried using Magneto to build me a metal bridge across, but no. Tried using Nightcrawler to teleport across, no. Turns out I was *only* able to use a flying character to fly across. Its a fair enough solution but I don't see why it had to be the ONLY way to do it. That's not intended so much as a gripe with that particular game, moreso similar situations in games in general.
  4. I actually enjoyed the earlier cases; most of the later ones just seem to end in 'Chase after suspect and shoot them,' or 'chase after suspect and wait for them to crash a car and arrest them.' I liked actually investigating stuff. The random street crimes are there for shooting and action. But I'm only just into Homicide; so maybe thats not the case at all >_>
  5. And that's complete. Gonna take a bit of time to visit locations and find hidden cars.
  6. The Fallen Idol case is pissing me off NO end /Rant over.
  7. LOL! Okay will do that Finally managed to enter a cafe without giving myself away...it was alarmingly easy. Don't know how I managed to fuck that up. EDIT - The 'lol' was at Maxx, clearly. Thanks gentlemen
  8. This game NEEDS a save option. Anyway, annoyed slightly with the 'Fallen Idol' case: Still, those are the only gripes so far, this is on the whole, brilliant. So far. Also, do you get a chance to just drive around town WITHOUT your partner being with you?
  9. It was fine, predictable and not a home run like last week but a perfectly good mid-series filler episode; plus as they say, 'E by, by gum.'
  10. Then you get to watch a band AND watch us drink pear Cider because we dont like lager. Lucky boy!
  11. "Did you have an APPle?" That guy is such a dick. Leon isn't actually bad at all; his mistake was just choosing to back an APP which didn't have global appeal. Jim is really good, Glenn might be; I like Tom if only for being the most polite Apprentice candidate EVER (and for some hilariously silly APP ideas) Right people have been fired so far. The first guy was clueless and the second (Alex was it?) didn't do anything and was a smarmy cunt to boot.
  12. Boo! Zen was quality. The answer to their being 'too many male crime fighters,' not that I agree, is to comission more female leading ones, not cancel the male-leading ones. If they HAD to cancel a male based cop show, then I can see Zen being a victim of budget and the fact that Luther series two is about good to go. Sherlock was a big success, Wallander is more established and Gently pulls in the olds. But still, this sucks; at the worst Zen was a lot of fun; and best it was about as good as anything the BBC's been doing for years.
  13. But, they get to avoid the weakest overall series, and Christopher Ecclestone. And they get Tenny. But yeah, going back to series one isn't entirely without merit.
  14. I'd echo the consenus; start with Series 6 which is the start of Matt Smith's Doctor and Steven Moffat as the Executive producer. If you like, go back to Series 2 - the start of David Tennant's Doctor; and into random classics - no need to watch these in order. Tom Baker is the best place to start, and Davidson and Pertwee are worth checking out. We've recommended classics in this thread, if you skip back enough pages you'll find them.
  15. So many questions: Why wait until we were basically down before we started winning? When did Darius Henderson decide that some goals might begin to justify the stupid money he's on (for our level)? Why do Palace and Donny have to go and be winning as well? Damn, damn and blast the cruelty of false hope.
  16. I thought the same as Benji the first time through, then re-watched it on iPlayer and totally loved it. Once I got past the idea I wasn't getting a lively, bouncy opener, then I really appreciated the blend of wit and emotion with the Moffat standard 'What the fuck is going on?' feeling. Skummy is bang on about River too. I read an interview with Moffat where he said that basically the goal of the last series was to re-assure viewers post Tenny. To hold their hands and go, 'Don't worry; it's still a great, fun show. We still have a quality Doctor, it'll be fun, promise,' but this year his goal to is unsettle us as much as possible, to throw viewers out of their comfort zones. I think that was his intention with putting up a weighty, finale-like epic up first. Oh, and the whole shooting the Doctor and then again mid re-generation thing. That too. Overall, loved it.
  17. I'll be there (being as I live in Sheffield and all). In free time I'll just mosey along and see a random band since as it's free and all; and I'll obviously make more of an effort if there's an act I really wanna see. It's July 22-24th BTW.
  18. Stick with Astonishing. Okay, the first couple of volumes of UXM are very good; but then they quality tails off incredibly. Some parts of it, towards the end of the run are beyond awful; although the last arc has some strength in it. As for other X-Men, Deadly Genesis is probably worth a look. I haven't read any comics in about eighteen months, so I have no idea if the regular X-Men titles are any good currently.
  19. Richard Cheese If he plays on the Saturday, then they'll have one worthwhile act that day
  20. I watched my team be effectively relegated today, as Sheffield United lost 2-1 to Middlesborough with an 89th minute goal. What makes it worse is that we should have been 3/4 goals up at half time. They scored just about the only time they went into our half in the first half after a lot of early pressure from us, after a bit of a defensive mix-up (one of the stories of our season), but we fought back, should have equalised right away; didn't, wasted another good chance and finally equalised. We had another couple of chances before the break. The longer the second half went on, the more our confidence dropped (another trait of our season) and Middlesbrough's grew some. Still, at 1-1 with 10 minutes to go Darius Henderson, who had missed two good chances in the first half missed an absolute, my grandmother who's been dead for 14 years would have scored SITTER which would have probably won us the game; and then they scored late on to nick it. A lack of confidence and a lack of goals have been major issues, as well as defensive frailties and relying far too much on loan players. Next year a lot of players are going to be moved on, most for the better and we need to rebuild in League One (and beat the Wendy - nice local league with them and Chesterfield who ARE going up from League Two). On a plus note, our U-18 team just made the FA Youth Cup Final (to play Man Utd or Chelsea), so we're obviously doing something right. Hopefully some of those lads, as well as some younger players (aged 19/20) in the reserves will come through for us in League One and help the re-building process. In these last few games in the Championship it might be worth giving a couple of the older ones a run-out; see who adapts, see who swims. Anyway, the short of it is: I was fucking depressed about 5PM today.
  21. Yeah, that looked incredible. Cannot fucking wait.
  22. You can create players. Nothing to stop you creating a player and designing it around a real life player - unless it won't let you take a 'real' player name online? Not sure how or why they'd implement that though. Also, the lack of players doesn't bother me. It has Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Murray and Roddick.... so basically the top current male players you'd ever want to use. Players like Monfils, Gonzalez, Hewitt and a couple more would be nice sure, but with those five and the other 5 pros on the game it's got everything I could reasonably expect in terms of a male roster; and the legends list is superb. I'm also enjoying the fuck out of playing as my created guy. Okay, the female roster is crap, but I don't care. Anyway, aside from that; glad you've gotten into it. It's a wonderful sports game.
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