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Stevie B

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Everything posted by Stevie B

  1. I've decided to stop playing Ultimate Team a few weeks ago. Decided I may aswell just sell players off one by one and just gamble on packs for fun. Not much luck the last couple of weeks, but today I got TOTY Benaita & Rodriguez! Two buses at once I guess, since the best i've ever got was Aguero.
  2. Will Smith on The Graham Norton Show: This made me so happy. Love it!
  3. I actually have never sat down and properly watched The Apprentice until Tuesday's episode... Now i'm really hooked. I feel like I've deprived myself of such greatness these last year years that I decided to go right back to the beigninng and have now ploughed through Season 1.
  4. I would say it's the cable at fault. You got another one you can try? Or as mentioned, they're dirt cheap from the right place. Got mine of ebay for a quid.
  5. Well fuck TMZ. Had me worried there for a minute.
  6. So another 49 bands just got announced, and I finally got round to buying my ticket.
  7. Buying my ticket tomorrow. Had an awesome time at my first Download last year. Fingers crossed for no torrential winds again this year!
  8. Took me a good few minutes to realise I had accidently downloaded a 20 year old PWTorch radio show instead of this weeks edition. The giveaway was "Nailz has been fired by the World Wrestling Federation." Awkward :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noah


      He'd make a good challenger for Carlito.

    3. Hobo


      That sounds more fun.

    4. ROC


      I legitimately want to listen to that right now.

  9. So what's your opinion so far? Been playing online for the last few hours and I think it's fantastic. After losing interest in Black Ops a long time ago, Ive still managed to fall back into place and found that addiction once again. I'm playing on PS3 if anyone fancies a few games sometime.
  10. ‎Queens of the Stone Age, Thirty Seconds To Mars, The Gaslight Anthem, Motorhead, HIM and Alice in Chains confirmed for Download 2013.
  11. Silly as it was... I got a lot of laughs out of tonight's episode. The ending was great, and made me forget about the illogical fact that Dave & The Cat walked to fucking India!
  12. A lot of patience. The main thing you need to remember is buy low, sell high. Check the average value a player is selling for over the course of a day and set yourself a target you will be prepared to pay. I've been using a Ligue 1/French team. Once I realized it would take me a while to get anyone a bit more expensive, I sold my team making a a few hundred on each player profit, then pretty much brought the same players back for less than I originally brought them for, which allowed me to afford some higher end players such as Reme, Sagna, and that Marseille Keeper. After making it to Division 1, that's where i've struggled. Now i've just sold nearly my whole team bar my goalkeeper and a few I haven't been able to shift for 75,000 coins. With that and money I already had i've just brought Benzema for 78,000, just to try him out. I have now put him on the market place starting at 85,000, buy now 90,000. Too high but i won't be playing for a couple of days so all I need to do is keep putting him back on the market with the web app. Way it's looking right now, should be able get rid of him for 82,000 at least. So yeah, keep buying and selling really and always put a Buy It Now price set at least double profit. * A good tip is to leave a player selling over night, when the market is less busy. You're more likely for someone to pay a Buy It Now price if they want that specific player instantly. The opposite goes for buying. Buy players in the evening during the peak hours. More players on the market = decreased value. Easier to hold out 5 minutes for the next player, rather than the next hour at less busy times. Also Formation. No point trying to make money on someone who's set to an unpopular formation like 343, as most people only search for their formation when looking for players, so try and pick up a formation card cheap (takes time) to at least one of the formations that have 4 at the back.
  13. Incase you missed it, and haven't searched elsewhere, Dave has now launched a Catch-up service on their website. http://video.uktv.co.uk/dave/red-dwarf/series-10/episode-1
  14. I'm sure they will start to tie up a few loose ends in the next few episodes. Read somewhere last night that this episode was just supposed to be a fun introduction back for the guys, and next weeks episode will be progressively better. Wasn't exactly expecting much, but it was good for what it was.
  15. My copy of Amazon didn't arrive. I've had a live chat thing with customer service, and they've refunded my deliver cost. I'm hearing different things as to whether or not there's a time limit to activate the 24 free gold packs thing with the Ultimate Edition? Suppose I shall find out for sure when my game does finally arrive. Otherwise they will be getting an angry phone call as the gold packs are a pretty big incentive in ordering the Ultimate Edition. But yeah, not ordering off the Internet again. Should have just pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition from ASDA, but I got suckered with a load of extra stuff you get from ordering with Amazon, which i'm sure will be worth it if everything works out in the end.
  16. Stevie B


    Then comes what I really wanted to post.
  17. Stevie B


    If you've not seen it already, here it is. This will be the latest craze. OMMA GANGNAM STYLE!!
  18. There's another headline announcement at 10am
  19. It's now been confirmed. Iron Maiden will headline Download next year.
  20. They will probably drop suttle hints, but I doubt anything will really surface until the new year.
  21. Well that was better than expected. Nothing really made me laugh, but I'm going to keep watching and see where they go with it.
  22. Watching Nothing to Declare on Living +1.. featuring Chris Hero having trouble getting into Australia

    1. New Damage

      New Damage

      Best passport/driving license photo ever.

    2. Stevie B

      Stevie B

      That was brilliant.

  23. Currently playing 100 floors. Pretty simple game, all you have to do is solve a puzzle in order to get the elevator door open. Currently stuck on Floor 23.
  24. Anyone else go Global Gathering?

    1. Sweet Holy Moses

      Sweet Holy Moses

      I went Global Warming. Does that count?

    2. brenchill


      I went last year. Any good?

    3. Stevie B

      Stevie B

      Yeah I had a great time! Only went up on the Saturday though

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