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Stevie B

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Everything posted by Stevie B

  1. Up to my Nuts in Guts!

  2. According to a short video by the cast on their Facebook Fan Page, the new series will be out in September! There are very few shows i get really excited about returning, but this certainly is one of them. It's been too long!
  3. But more importantly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCvv0NzyaSE Also, Goldfinger - 99 Red Balloons, Limp Bizkit - Rollin & A - Starkbucks.
  4. So i come home pissed and find a slug crawling round the kitchen floor.. instead of scooping it up, i threw a load of salt over it, giggled as it disintegrated for a good 5 minutes before leaving it and going to bed

  5. Could you shrink the width of your signature please. It's causing an annoying stretch when reading topics.

    Thanks :)

  6. Im no expert of graphic designs or anything, but I think they look awesome!
  7. Finally got round to playing the Demo. I love this game due to this song: Only noticed it due to my mate and I having a bit of munch before having our match, and this song was constantly looped in the background. Epic song!
  8. So ive been on Level 70 for about a month now, just enjoying myself and completeing a few more challenges. My main aim was to achieve MVP in Hardcore Team Deathmatch. Well I finally achieved that today. Since i pretty much did all the challenges worth doing, I decided to Prestige. Im having a lot of fun again working my way back up the rankings, and actually competing serious again where a Win actually means something again. It's fun to try out some of the old guns again ive not used in a very long time again, and to hear the constant sound when you make an achievement. Since we've got until November until the new game comes out, figured I may aswell Prestige at least once. How many times have you lot Prestiged?
  9. It would have been on of the games on this 32 in 1 games cartridge I had for the Atari 2600. The first game I remember for sure playing was Terminator II for the Commodore 64.
  10. So this is why I haven't seen you in a long time eh?
  11. Shenmue ^_^ Maybe then we can have Ryo Hazuki's story concluded.
  12. The new one by The Sun with Terry Venabules singing is amazing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjOvTArUqmQ
  13. Stevie B

    South Park

    So did I. What was the ending in refrence too? The free Willzyx episode. (Season 9 Episode 13) Ah yeah, now i get it. Still, reckon having the Imagination Land geezer come back and take Tom Cruise there would have been funnier.
  14. Stevie B

    South Park

    So did I. What was the ending in refrence too?
  15. Stevie B

    South Park

    Kip Drordy took me to the movies too.
  16. Im buying this game just for Ryo Hazuki
  17. Stevie B

    South Park

    Hahahaha great episode! So So true.
  18. Stevie B

    South Park

    Man, i was in histerics when Randy and a bunch of others were bouncing down the street on their balls. Great episode! KFC really is that addictive.
  19. Stevie B

    Leeds/Reading 2010

    Blink, Weezer, All Tmie Low, Limp Bizkit, Cypress Hill, Guns n Roses, Dizzie, Cribs, Lost Prophets. Plenty to dig there. Just hope I get this Stewarding job since i can't imagine not going to Reading, yet I don't want to fork out money for it since im using the money for another festival.
  20. Stevie B

    Leeds/Reading 2010

    Ive applied to work for Oxfam volunteering as a Steward this year, so this is the first time in 5 years im not having to endure the manic on ticket sale day.
  21. This was a great little game. Basically, you would go through the game, playing against better countries as you progress. Now what made this great was the players you could buy. There was a variety of different types of players you could by, such as someone who has a really powerful shot, a guy who would just dive all the time and reward you free kicks, big fat guy who would just barge throught people, e.t.c... that's all i can really remember.
  22. Ive never been to a gig that i haven't enjoyed (well to be fair ive not been to many) but over the last 5 years of going to Reading Festival, ive seen a lot of bad stuff. Festivals do seem pretty dodgy though. I mean, you can normally tell which bands generally want to be there, and the others who are just in it for the money.
  23. This. They were fucking terrible when they played Windsor last year.. then again the metal/hardcore scene in Windsor is fucking terrible and full of idiots that think playing a guitar out of tune sounds remotely good. Other than that I haven't been to an outright terrible show in a couple years, since that dreadful Battle of the Bands in 06.. awful, just awful. As for Reel Big Fish, I would give my left nut to see them live. Where in Windsor did they play?
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