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Everything posted by Colly

  1. I think the problem (certainly in the UK) has been the extensive overhype going to Razorlight and The Libertines, both of which released fairly mediocre albums (certainly for the Libs, who could have done so much better), whereas a number of superb albums have been received well but then forgotten. A few have already been mentioned but my own personal favourites of this year are: The Futureheads - The Futureheads (pisses on its London equivalents in so many ways) Dogs Die in Hot Cars - Please Describe Yourself Graham Coxon - Happiness in Magazines Charlotte Hatherley - Grey Will Fade Kasabian - Kasabian (I possibly love this album too much) Mull Historical Society - This is Hope (criminally overlooked) The Ordinary Boys - Over the Counter Culture The Zutons - Who Killed The... I think the case this year is that really no huge band has appeared with a perfect album like the Libertines did in 2002 and the Strokes did in 2001, but a lot of new bands have popped up with promising debuts who could well step up in the future. Especially a band like the Futureheads, who are fucking ace.
  2. Thank god. I thought it was just me. For shooting just put a bit more power on than you would in Pro Evo 3, the bars are scaled slightly differently. Headers are really really annoying me now, its starting to detract heavily from the game, especially when they were so good in 3.
  3. Really enjoying the game, but where the hell are striped shirts in edit mode? I want to make a decent looking Newcastle and its just not happening. Plus I cant for the life of me work out how to score a header from a standard single-tap circle cross, they always miss the target. Alan Shearer free header on the six yard box, wide.
  4. I'll be doing that myself, for some reason I actually enjoy doing it. I'm sending one of my student dosser mates down early with 40 squid to get it for me tomorrow, so it should be waiting when I get home from work. T-minus 20 hours...
  5. Just buy Modern Life is Rubbish and be done with it. Jubilee is a tune though.
  6. I'd assume at least some of them will be Jookie, but Queen will probably be under the 70's. Band of the 90's: The Super Furry Animals, on so many levels if you try to analyse it. Boundary pushing, consistently excellent, visually superb and a decent sense of humour to boot.
  7. Or if you subscribe to the Mick Jones school of production, it involves pressing record and nipping to the pub for an hour.
  8. Its the exact same photo of Collina as last year. I played the demo that came with OPS2 magazine and this game is going to be shit hot. No more needs to be said.
  9. Just buy Now 78 (possibly not 78) or whatever the US equivalent is. Save you thinking at all.
  10. Best Band of 2004: Probably Franz Ferdinand, no ones really stood out that much this year. Either that or theres too many good ones, this was hard to pick. Best Album: Who Killed... The Zutons Best Debut Album: The Futureheads - The Futureheads Best Single: Ordinary Boys - Talk Talk Talk (Britpop is back!) Breakthrough Artist: The GLC Best Video: GLC - Half Man Half Machine (ten fags please!) Best Solo Act: The lovely Charlotte Hatherley (Or Morrissey, but he's less attractive) Best Live Act of 2004: The Zutons Best Festival Moment: Didnt do one this year unfortunately, my TV tells me Macca at Glastonbury, or 50 Cent at the Carling Weekend. Hero Of the Year: Carl Barat Villain of the Year: Pete Doherty (or whatever div at the NME gave the Embrace album 1/10) Outstanding Contribution to Music: Menswe@r. Or possibly Dodgy. Edit: Angry Baboon, isn't it a bit late to list The Libertines as a breakthrough band when really their breakthrough happened late 2002-early 2003? They had asically made it by the time Time For Heroes was released.
  11. Just wondering how anyones doing if they are since theres a nice big break before any further fixtures and the transfer window is open. I'm languishing fairly low at the moment with a few major disapointments that I've hopefully sorted out with some transfers. As it stood the team was: Howard: Playing absolutely shit Carragher: Solid Toure: Equally solid Naybet: Superb, bargain too Van Dam: Rubbish, doesn't play, signed solely because of his silly name Robben: Injured Rommedahl: Below par, budget purchase at the end Milner: Doing well, but with Bellamy on the wing now he doesn't start Reyes: Fucking shit hot Baros: Not bad, room for improvement though Bellamy: Was doing well, shift to the wing lowering goal count though I made the allowed three transfers, releasing Howard, Van Dam and Robben and bringing in Cech, Carr and Joe Cole. Looking forward to next fixtures now as I feel my team finally has the potential to do something. Clearly not win any money, but hopefully beat a few of my mates in our Mini League (I'm currently 7th of 9).
  12. Yup. Each team plays the others once and the top three go through. These 24, plus 8 Champions League losers go into the last 32, then it continues as normal. No idea why, but I like leagues so I'm happy. Plus I can pretend Newcastle are in the CL again. Woo!
  13. Again you've lost me. American football should not be trying to be Americanized? I vaguely understand your point, but without the razzamatazz (best word ever) theres nothing left but empty pauses.
  14. Colly

    A Few Bands

    Ghost Town by The Specials could (and should) go down as one of the greatest songs of the last century its that fucking cool. There seems to be a small movement of UK bands at present heavily influenced by and referencing the Specials including the Ordinary Boys and the Dead 60's. Basically listen to the Specials and disregard grind your souls inanity.
  15. Its quite sad how much I agree with Keira Knightly at number one. It was a very unexpected nice surprise. On a lighter note, go on Sean Bean! Fix t'bayonets laark! Go on ya bastard frogs!
  16. The one thing that does get to me about the PS2 was on release they said it was designed to look like something you could have next to your TV, VCR etc. and not look out of place like your old-school games console, and to an extent they achieved it. It does look right snazzy on my TV stand. But why, when TV's have now gone from black to silver as the predominant colour, did they make the PS2 black? It took them ages to knock out the silver one. Spanners.
  17. Looks easy peasy for the Toon, only Lisbon should provide any real problem, plus isnt it the top three teams go through?
  18. Anything that involves Dick and Dom being removed from my TV is a good thing. Please replace it with a Going Live/Live and Kicking style decent kids TV show. If only I had Sky Sports in my room, Soccer AM is the best TV program on any channel, any time of the week.
  19. With the additional factual error of All Killer No Filler not being their last album, that would be Does This Look Infected? I knew that and I dont even like them, although the new single is pretty ace.
  20. I thought that from the start. WWE in intentional irony shocker.
  21. Colly

    Best Rock Movie?

    Definitely Spinal Tap. What was the one with Jimmy Nail, Billy Connolly, Timothy Spall and Bill Nighy where they were a reforming prog rock band? That was alright. Edit: Good old IMDB, Still Crazy.
  22. I like watching it from time to time, but it just lasts too long. I cant devote that much time to watch something with so many gaps that over your end would be full of commercials, but over here are filled with nothing of value (some insight on a rubbish play that gained a yard or something). I used to really hate it, but playing Madden finally let me understand what the hell was going on which made it a lot better and I always watch the Superbowl now.
  23. Its by Joe Esposito (possible sic). And its great, far better than its Rocky and Over The Top equivalents for cheesy gym music.
  24. So when they say 'magic family musical' they mean panto right? Guaranteed he wont be as good as the Chuckle Brothers, Frank Bruno or a random former Gladiator (hopefully Jet, lovely Jet).
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