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Evil Chase K

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Everything posted by Evil Chase K

  1. The Jets probably would have been willing to part with more than just a fifth. The Steelers were just dumb enough to accept only a fifth. I doubt it. The Steelers were coming at this with absolutely no leverage. They were obviously desperate and the Jets definitely didn't NEED Holmes. So they probably figured since he'll miss 4-games this year and essentially be a rent-a-player they'd offer a 5th rounder and if they didn't get him, oh well. The Steelers were prepared to cut Holmes anyway, so they probably would've taken anything for him. Stupid move not at least waiting until the NFL Draft.
  2. Maybe. I mean he will be suspended for 4 games and next year's his contract year so it'll cost the Jets a lot of money to re-sign him. He's essentially a rent-a-player who is one strike away from a year long suspension. But I'd have to think someone would've been willing to part with more than just a 5th.
  3. Wow, I'm speechless. I understand trading Holmes but... a 5th? The Steelers are the worst team in the league at getting value for a soon-to-be-departing player. Unbelievable.
  4. I never said the Steelers don't have flaws. It's obvious to everyone that they certainly did last year. But that never gets brought up here. What gets brought up are misconceptions that I feel like I have to set people straight for. If I didn't get trashed every time I bring up my blog on NFL.COM I'd be happy to post my season preview when I get to posting it the week after the draft and you can all see that I am actually quite critical of the team. Super Bowl XL is ridiculously played out because the Seahawks own ineptitude beat them more than any calls ever did. I never said Ben played "well" I said he made some plays that had to be made in order for them to win and that's true. When the team needed him he came through.
  5. Haynesworth's contract isn't all that huge after the big bonus he's due. I forget the exact numbers but it's a very reasonable contract after the bonus is paid. The Ravens have to get more powerful on offense to compete in that division. But they also need to upgrade their secondary. I'm currently doing a mock draft on another forum as the Ravens and I can tell you that I think you guys need a tight end on offense and you'll be all set. Defensively the Ravens need to get D-Line depth and fix their secondary. But the offensive team transition is going to be happening with lots of teams in the near future as the NFL continues to put rules in place to destroy defensive football. It's not unanimous. I am the board's resident "homer" Steelers fan. Though I'm sure someone will say I don't count.
  6. Apparently it's not 100% certain that we'll get new overtime rules as Goodell has stated that he's gonna talk to the players about it and if they don't like it, they will discuss it again on May 5th. Why they didn't just wait to vote on May 5th I don't know.
  7. You can keep saying that all you want but that doesn't make it true. The guy's a winner, plain and simple. I realize that as a Ravens' fan you're not exactly a Ben fan and that's fine. But to say guys like Eli, Flacco, and McNabb are better than Ben is absolutely laughable. Ben is waaay more clutch than Flacco and McNabb, and Eli really has only had one good run. I'll give you Peyton, Brady and Brees. Rivers and Rodgers need to a win a Championship before they can even be on Ben's level, IMO. I could give you lots of solid statistical reasons why Ben is a Top 5 NFL QB if you want.
  8. Yeah I know, I'm a homer and all that. I just want to point out that without Ben the Steelers don't even get to Super Bowl XL and the Steelers defense won Super Bowl XLIII? I disagree. Yeah Harrison's pick six played a huge role, but then the defense went out and blew the game in the second half. And if not for Ben Roethlisberger's heroic final drive in which he had to overcome a holding call that negated a big first down and ended with one of the best passes in Super Bowl history, the Steelers lose that game. Sure Ben's stats weren't amazng, but he had a better completion percentage than Warner and he undoubtedly had the biggest play of the game. Yinz may continue with your DT/QB argument.
  9. I like Caputi a lot. He definitely can be a force around the net. He works hard, and he's been one of the best players on the Baby Pens for the past few seasons.
  10. I've heard lots of people say what the two of you have. They will be quick to call the move genius when Belichick takes Tebow in Round 2.
  11. I'm not saying they need to go out and use their first round pick on Tebow. But I guarantee you that even if he's a 4th or 5th round pick he would help attendance. I think he could turn out to be a solid player for years to come, probably not as a QB, but the guy's too hard of a worker to completely fall off the map.
  12. I see it the other way. As a Penguins fan, this game was still heart breaking. But Sid winning it was the perfect ending for me. Very bittersweet, but I can't be upset. The US played great, and they have nothing to be ashamed of. Brooks Orpik was a man amongst boys out there today. Patrick Kane and Dustin Brown will never be booed by me and even though I hate Rafalski, I hate him a little less now.
  13. No it isn't. Jaguars can draft him, ticket and jersey sales improve. And he can play tight end/h-back/situational QB for a few years while he works on taking snaps from under center. As long as he's not a first-round pick the money he'll be making won't make it hard-to-swallow financially. If Tebow never turns into a QB I think he could make one hell of an H-Back. He works hard, he's a great leader, and he can run. If he has any kind of hands he could be a solid starter in the league for years. Santonio is from Florida.
  14. Yeah he really didn't say anything that most coaches aren't thinking. I guarantee you that is the game plan for defenses when they go up against high caliber QBs. You have to hit them, hurt them, and take them out of their game.
  15. I'll spare you people the Ben Roethlisberger is better than Peyton Manning argument because I don't want to become the cliche many of you already think I am and instead I'll just take the time to talk about Drew Brees. He is the best QB in the NFL right now. No doubt about it. Brees is on a different level than Brady, Manning, Roethlisberger, Rivers, etc. He is just outstanding. I used to knock the guy because as far as I was concerned he was unproven in the playoffs but the guy was unflappable in the biggest game of his life. What a performance.
  16. Did I slip back in time or something? Avatar? Isn't that the Pocahontas remake that everyone's been talking about?
  17. Reality cigarettes. Manning always looks like he's pouting on the sidelines when his team loses. He throws his teammates under the bus, he yells at his O-Line as soon as he gets hit, he definitely comes off as a douche at times. I think Manning's a great QB, best in the NFL during the regular season. But I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility to think people might see Peyton as a douche.
  18. Great game, great result. Congratulations Saints!
  19. Rumor from Pittsburgh is that Dallas wants either Kris Letang or Alex Goligoski but the Pens won't part with them unless James Neal is sent from the Stars.
  20. I think Death Magnetic should be way higher and even though I absolutely LOVE seeing Clutch get must deserved recognition for being as awesome as they are...I gotta say I think Blast Tyrant should be in the 9 spot instead of Pure Rock Fury. I love both albums but to me Blast Tyrant is the best thing Clutch has done since Elephant Riders.
  21. I've always believed that you build a franchise up the middle before worrying about the skill positions. QB or DT should be their pick and none of the QBs in the draft should go #1.
  22. I didn't realize I was only allowed to post about things that were deemed appropriate or meaningful to other people. My mistake.
  23. Shut up, it's a business. And businesses can't just blatantly rip off other people's trademarks.
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