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Status Updates posted by Gazz

  1. I wonder if our newest member actually is Melina Perez...

    1. CobraKaiEnTai


      Only one way to find out. Change your name to Dave Batista and see if she notices, or change your name to John Morrison and see if she ignores you.

  2. Midget is the third man! :o

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Midget is the third leg! :o 

    2. thatshortguy


      I know where the power lies.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Of course he's a celebrity, why else do you think all those wrestlers stop and talk to him when they spot him at ringside on EWR?

    2. CobraKaiEnTai


      Well it was just his birthday yesterday

    3. Stevie B

      Stevie B

      He's no Adam Pieland.

  3. This is also one.

  4. 265lbs of blue eyed Soul.

  5. If someone wanted to take on the mantel of running a prediction contest, now would be the time to do it...

    1. CobraKaiEnTai


      I'll do it.....oh right nevermind.

    1. Sousa


      This website was created in the year of our lord two thousand and nine.

    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Hosted by Angelfire

    3. Tkasto


      I really like the shop.

  6. Bloody Polandball! Coming over here, nicking all my fighting animals!

  7. I've been super evil the whole time basically.

  8. Bart Simpson probably is 37...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Draevyn


      Which was then retconned to 90's later on.

    3. CobraKaiEnTai


      Mr. Burns is probably 128 then.

    4. HC


      Hell, Burns was probably 128 when the show started.

  9. It's my time! And my dick fell off!

  10. Anyone wanna do some heists on GTAV on 360 in the next few hours. Shoot me a PM.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gazz


      I'll just tap X to respawn.

    3. MDK


      I've realised I don't have a wireless adapter >_>

    4. Noah


      Adapt-er or perish!

  11. Bob Saget's Tiger Uppercut

  12. I'm sick of #TheShield. I'm glad Rollins bought in. It's about ethics in getting WWE title shots.

    1. Roster Depth Sicko No. 2

      Roster Depth Sicko No. 2

      I assumed he'd pocket the Money in the Bank under the premise that it was just a smart business move.

    2. Sousa


      I don't believe that.

  13. Main event storyline a pile of shit? Better call Paul!

  14. This Sunday, I'll be taking on 29 brutish men, hopefully all at the same time.

    1. LL!


      Pffft Slogger's Mom's record is 30.

  15. Me? The thirteenth Duke of Windbourne? In 'Other Ryland Games'? With my reputation? What were they thinking?

  16. Uptown Terry Funk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gazz


      The correct answer was Downtown Bruno.

    3. Benji


      The correct answer is Charlie Brown from outta' town.

    4. Plubby


      And when he's wraasslin, he's saasssin so fi-i-ine

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