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Everything posted by DFF

  1. Not sure exactly how epic they sound (some they do, some they don't) but check out Tyr. They're a metal band from the Faeroe Islands and not bad. (I think you can still download "The Edge" for free from their webiste... http://www.tyr.net/)
  2. The Def Leppard thing... aren't they the second most successful UK band in the states (ever)? Something like only The Beatles have sold more records or something.
  3. I'm in as British Bladeland
  4. Brick 7.5/10 A really well thought out, good film. I like how nior-esque the film is (certain camera shots/styles/techniques, the way the chracters act and speak, etc). The dude frim 3rd Rock From the Sun is really good as lead character. Some of the supporting cast is good too, but others you'd like a little more back story, maybe. Still, a good film. X-Men 7.5/10 Haven't seen it for ages. A good film, and a good intro the the trilogy. Jackman, Stewart and McKellen are really good, with a decent support. (Although Halle Berry is quite rubbish... as usual). X-Men 2 8/10 Continues pretty much straight on from the first one. Story is slightly better, with some good character progression and a few cool new characters. (I don't know anyone else's opinion, but I quite liked Nightcrawler, and find it a pity he isn't going to be in the third film). Hopefully, the final film will be an immense conclusion to one ofthe better trilogies in recent years. Not quite LOTR, imo, but probably on the next tier down.
  5. Queen - "Bohemian Rhapsody" Meat Loaf - "Bat Out Of Hell" Bryan Adams - "Everything I Do (I Do It For You)" Gary Moore - "Over The Hills and Far Away" Led Zeppelin - "Stairway to Heaven"
  6. DFF


    Once is a good album. Glad you enjoyed Hammerfall.
  7. DFF


    Power Metal I hear ya say.... Try... Hammerfall, Nightwish, and Rhapsody. Of the top of my head, they are the good ones. EDIT: After flicking through wikipedia and jogging my memory, I'd say check out... Altaria, Angra, Blind Guardian (they are an acquired taste), Gamma Ray, Helloween, Kamelot,
  8. I thought Liuthuania's was hi-larious. And France's was one of the worst -due to it being exceptionally boring. Ireland had a better slow song than France.
  9. That was amazing... ...just... ...amazing...
  10. DFF

    Vote Lordi

    I'm intrigued. Go on... In Lordi news... you can see their performance here >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjWZjY0U18Y&search=Lordi
  11. DFF

    Vote Lordi

  12. Ok, here a different line of thought. The two Barca goals. (Aside from the fact that Eto'o's did look offside)... Would Lehmann have saved them? I'm almost certain he'd have saved the first. Almunia should've had it covered. The second was more down to luck, but I'd have thought Jens would have kept his legs closed better. And for the matter, I believe that the ref should have used common sense and just glanced over to see if Barca had the advantage with the Lehmann foul. Less than 2 seconds after the foul, Giuly cracked it into the net. 2 Seconds wouldn't have killed him (hell, I've seen many a referee - across the continent - play MUCH longer advantage). I still reckon we should have a rugby style advantage, where there is quite a large advantage given. Anyways, that a different point. I do think he should've used common sense and just waited, momentarily, to see if Barca had the advantage, and then award the goal. IIRC The prof foul rule change is down to their discretion (and I've yet to see a ref give a goal AND a red card - sometimes a yellow though). However, it is in the laws of the game to do what he did. He saw a foul and blew for it. I admit, I was annoyed as Hell he did it - but it wan't an incorrect decision. A gave a free kick for a foul - that's his job. And yes, the echo everyone else, he was a fucking shit referee. Bring back Collina!
  13. Yeah, I expect some form of rebellion and some form of death like event hapening to the evil Trigmeister...
  14. Ah, but in this ep it's an alternative reality - hence why a human created them. Telos doesn't come into it in that sense. The cybermen in the ep are of no real relation to Cybermen in Doc and Rose's "regular" reality.
  15. Call me a big kid, but I marked out a little for the stereotypical Dr. Who episode closing of them in peril... "delete.... delete.... DELETE...."
  16. Just found a stream of it... ... it kind of sounds like Muse doing NiN, doing a pop track... ... in a good way...
  17. 24 easily. As the least the plot is somewhere near the realm of reality...
  18. I just said I heard they were progish.. as in in complexity/make-up of songs. Didn't mean to say outright prog-rock. Prog-mo... interesting...
  19. Progmo then? Nice. Heard the odd track and wasn't too fussed, but everyone here seems to like 'em, I'll give 'em another go. If any, check out FFAF from the bands I put forward first. My fav. "emo" band...
  20. Somewhere I read that Coheed and Cambria were a prog-like band? I consider Hanson, Busted, McFly et al to be Pop-Rock...
  21. I REALLY hope that was sarcasm... :blink:
  22. Funeral For A Friend. Some like 'em, some don't. I do and they are good live. Check 'em out. I'll support the JEW loving, they are a good band... Also, check out, a band called Brand New (specifically, an album called "Deja Entendu") EDIT: Without getting into ridiculous sub-genre talk too much, Fall Out Boy once described themselves as "Softcore" (rofl). "Emo" has it's roots in Hardcore/Post-Hardcore at heart, so... erm... yeah... I don't see FOB as a proper "emo" band. PATD! are only slightly "emo", from the boyish vocal point of view. The actual music side of things I would say was more alt. indie. For me, FFAF is quite close to a 'pure' emo sound, and as such, I use them as my benchmark for comparison. My Chemical Romance are a weird cross of a few things, including emo (and a bit of punk/pop-punk also).
  23. it sounds a "nice" song, but it's not a bloody footy anthem! Who do you think you are kidding Jurgen Klinsmann? <<< Genius!
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