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I Don't Mind

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Everything posted by I Don't Mind

  1. I've recently latched onto Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men. They talk at a fast pace but give a pretty good and investing recap of X-Men storylines
  2. I have full faith in her inspirational speech to Peter on preserving life
  3. I'll suggest a good Western that isn't likely to show up on anyone's MUST SEE list but is still pretty quality. Two Mules for Sister Sara. From wikipedia: An American mercenary (Clint Eastwood) gets mixed up with a nun (Sister Sara: Shirley MacLaine) and aids a group of Juarista rebels during the puppet reign of Emperor Maximilian in Mexico
  4. Watched Army of Darkness in full for the first time yesterday. Halfway through my girlfriend called downstairs and asked what I was watching and why I wasn't watching it with her. After telling her I didn't think she'd like it, she proceeded to prove me wrong by joining me and enjoying it as much if not more than I did. She demanded we watch the first half today
  5. The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015). Tonally this is two different movies. The first half is all based on the Mad Max franchise and proves to be really freaking dark for a kids movie. It also features my biggest gripe with the movie, but I'll get back to that. The second half of the film is all the Avengers based stuff from the trailer where the main characters are superheroes on main land. Overall, it was meh. Recycled a lot of the jokes from the show, which I haven't seen in years. Had a few entertaining parts though. The biggest problem I have with this - they gave Sandy tits. I mean, when she's not in her aqua/space suit she's always been in her bikini but it's just an outfit. Her outfit in the first half of the film, she literally has curvature. Really weird choice by the animators
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xlO1EFwav4
  7. According to Wikipedia there are 24 Direct-to-video films, 2 theatrical films, 2 live-action telefilms, 8 television specials and animated telefilms, 8 Direct-to-Video Specials and 1 Puppet direct-to-video film. So depending on the availability of the telefilms, you've got a ways to go
  8. Asa is a fine young actor, but I won't believe it until I see a more credible source. Latino Review is the same source that reported on Aunt May: The Movie
  9. I Don't Mind

    The Flash

    Saw the most apropos memes based on the most recent episode:
  10. No, it's just a vocal minority being stupid http://www.ibtimes.com/joss-whedon-fired-nope-he-deactivated-twitter-following-feminist-hypocrisy-1907981 I think there's plenty to criticize of Whedon, even MCU's Black Widow, but these people are idiots
  11. Solid B for me as well. Just saw it this morning. It was so much sensory overload in the fight scenes, it was like every problem could be solved with a fist. The rapid-fire quick-cuts of people throwing punches felt like a big spot fest and little psychology. I know they're robots and before it was aliens, but I think what I like more about the standalone films is it's not just armies of random goons getting progressively weaker as the movie goes on because ain't nobody got time for drawn-out fight scenes to put over how formidble they are anymore! Hawkeye was definitely the star of the film and had me terrified at the end he was going to die, but Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch definitely won me over by the end. Shame Quicksilver had to die. Between The Flash TV show, Quicksilver in X-Men DoFP and this, I'm really loving all speedsters in comic book films. Ultron and Vision felt far too human as well. That bothered me. I came to terms with Ultron having Tony's sarcasm but sometimes I wish he was just a touch more poetic T-1000 Some things that I didn't understand about the film: At the end of Iron Man 3 Tony blows up all his suits and tells Pepper he's out of that game. Granted, it's Tony so we as viewers could take that with a grain of salt, but from scene 1 of AoU he's in the suit with no explanation. Same with Loki tricking Thor and everyone by faking his death - the first scene is Thor tracking down the scepter based on what Loki told him. Both of these events feel like whole massive character arcs and stories! My biggest character gripe though was when Ultron buys vibranium from Klaw. Uh, what? You're a bulletproof omniprescent robot intent on killing all mankind, why are you buying anything from some third world arms dealer? Why not just kill him and everyone in the building and take it and anything else you may want? Cutting off his arm because Ultron gets slighted at the comparison to Stark seemed weak compared to what he could have done to him. The only other scene that particularly ground my gears was Hawkeye pointing out how absurd the entire scenario was "but I'm gonna go out there and do my job!" It sounded like either Jeremy Renner or someone in the writer's room was just sour that they weren't working on a serious drama piece instead of a disney superhero ensamble piece
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb6DkVSJTGo
  13. I think BvS was fine for a teaser trailer. I would have preferred a little less be given away in the AoU trailers. Now when I go see AoU I'm going in concerned I've seen the majority of the big scenes already in the trailer. We got spoiled with the marketing for Ultron. I imagine we'll get a few more trailers for BvS before it's release, each one focusing more on a different character. I disagree that this trailer didn't add anything of value. It showed us the world they're living in, thus explained to some degree to non-educated viewers why Batman might be stepping up to Superman. But at the same time, we don't see Superman abusing his power or being anything less than uncomfortable being treated like a God. This doesn't seem like something he chose, but was forced upon him. He could still be the sweet natured, innocent farmboy we wanted him to be in MoS rather than the moody teenager. Time's passed, hopefully he's matured. All of the news soundbites sound super Fox newsy like Lex Luthor's been feeding them his propaganda. I really want to see Luthor in the next trailer, because I think that's where things will get more interesting. And visually, I thought there were a lot of really great scenes. Superman bringing the shuttle (or whatever that was) back to Earth safely, Batman on top of the skyscraper, the light-up eyes. I don't care about the staredown nearly as much as other scenes that define who the characters are down to their core
  14. Marvel Unlimited gets brought up quite a bit here and I've been a subscriber for a while. I'm sure I could find out by just starting it, but would there be any interest in a separate Reading Club thread? And if there were one to be started, any suggestions on how things to read should be chosen? I've never been a part of a book club before, or had anyone to discuss comics with. I suppose to avoid numerous posts of "yeah I'd be interested" simply liking this post would be a good indication, but again, structure suggestions appreciated if there is interest
  15. 1) Guardians of the Galaxy 2) Lego Movie 3) Captain America: The Winter Soldier 4) X-Men: Days of Futre Past 5) 22 Jump Street 6) Big Hero 6 7) The Interview 8) This Is Where I Leave You 9) A Million Ways ot Die In The West 10) Mr. Peabody and Sherman
  16. Oh my gosh, is Norman Osborn's hair supposed to be cornrows? I've seen him a million times and now I can't unsee cornrows
  17. Full length Netflix Daredevil trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC7GPdBV9WQ He's alright, but he's no Ben Affleck
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ3yXDFvybA
  19. I definitely think TPBs are the way to go. I've been using Marvel Unlimited for over a year now. When it works, it's amazing. I've become addicted to Ms. Marvel, All-New Ghost Rider, Amazing Spiderman from a few years ago, Gerry Duggan's Deadpool, Ellis' Moon Knight, and Eric Priest's Black Panther. My God, Priest's Panther. But it's incredibly buggy and not always user friendly, especially with comics prior to the 90's
  20. Everyone who hasn't seen Community should listen to this guy, he knows a thing or two
  21. I also just saw the new TMNT. I know this has always kind of been a thing in the franchise but watching it play out as an adult, I was a little uncomfortable with how much a turtle wanted to fuck this woman
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wMQz3iJDzE
  23. 1) Justified 2) Agents of SHIELD 3) The Flash 4) Bojack Horseman 5) Archer 6) The Walking Dead 7) Gotham 8) It's Always Sunny 9) New Girl 10) Orange is the New Black 11) Constantine 12) Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 13) Lilyhammer 14) Conan 15) Trailer Park Boys
  24. After rewatching Heart of Ice it didn't live up to what I remembered. In my brain I had actually combined every Freeze story into one episode, and was disappointed that it was so short. Freeze definitely has an amazing arc though. So far Joker's Favor is my favorite episode in my rewatching. He reaches a level of evil that I can only describe as original
  25. While not widely available on Netflix, all of the seasons are available on Amazon Instant Watch for Amazon Prime subscribers
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