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Everything posted by Tarheels.

  1. I've yet to read, but figured I'd share. We went to the midnight release party (we being my 3 other friends and I) dressed as Spartans. It was mostly all on video, and will probably be posted sometime soon. It was glorious, we'll get a spot in the local paper too for "crashing the potter party". I got the book though, and am going to start reading as soon as I get home from work at 3 tomorrow.
  2. Tarheels.

    NCAA 08

    I'll probably get this Wednesday or Thursday, due to my paycheck coming in Wednesday. I get it every year regardless of the reviews, I just love NCAA Football. Hopefully Campus Legend will be better this year, but I've heard that it should be so I hopefully have nothing to worry about.
  3. God, I love this album. I can't really see a track that I don't like on it, they're all really solid. Doomsday Clock is possibly my favorite, along with Tarantula.
  4. Tarheels.

    Live Earth

    Opening with Can't Stop Too bad my stream is messing up :thumbsdown:
  5. Tarheels.

    Live Earth

    "Everyday in Jamaica a little baby bursts into flames"
  6. Tarheels.

    Live Earth

    Seems like I decided to tune in on MSN just in time. RHCP is on next, apparently.
  7. Smashing Pumpkins and Coheed & Cambria are the ones I'm most looking forward to. I think Coheed is due out in October though, so I have a while to wait.
  8. I loved the movie. I'll most likely see it multiple times. I agree with the sub-plot though because the hacker one didn't seem like it was too important. I could have lived without that one. It was still a great movie though, best I've seen this summer.
  9. Almost Famous 9/10 Amazing. I love this movie. I saw it for the first time today, after somebody recommended it to me last night. Already one of my favorite movies ever. The Last Kiss 7/10 Decent movie. I came into it expecting more from it, being a Braff movie and all but it didn't feel like one. It wasn't exactly what I expected it to be, which is somewhat of a good thing though. Still a solid movie.
  10. I don't have the new maps When are they going to be free?
  11. I've always enjoyed Sim diaries, so go for it TOG
  12. Blah, I would definately play this if I had the expansion packs because the only one I bought was University when it came out, then I was kind of drawn away from the Sims. Either way I'll probably re-install it and get around to doing a Legacy soon. By the way, where does everybody get their custom hair/eye/skin stuff.
  13. This is going to be just like GTA:SA for me. I'm going to count down every second until this game is released.
  14. I saw the Bohemian Rhapsody one about a week or so ago, but didn't bother watching the others. I regret is now, for The Trooper owns your soul.
  15. I haven't even seen what Megatron looks like in the movie yet. Regardless I'll go to see this, I mark the fuck out for Transformers.
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