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Status Updates posted by CobraKaiEnTai

  1. Listening to U2 on YouTube while drinking Yoo-hoo. 

    1. Hobo


      follow that up with listening to Song 2 by Blur so you can go whoo-hoo!

  2. In Britain they call it a lift, but Americans call it an elevator. I guess we're just raised differently.

  3. Sorry, you can try to put as positive a spin on it as you want, but if you.....

    -Ain't got no place to lay your head, somebody came and took your bed.

    -The landlord said your rent is late. He may have to litigate.

    And/or you....

    -Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style. Ain't got no gal to make you smile.

    With all due respect, I think I *might* worry a little bit and NOT be happy. Just saying.

  4. Ball Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Dick

    Ball Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Dicks

    Ball Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Dick.

    Ball Wars Episode 4: A New Dick

    Ball Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Dick

    Ball Wars Episode 6: Return of the Dick

    Ball Wars Episode 7: The Dick Awakens

    Ball Wars Episode 8: The Last Dick

    Ball Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Dick

  5. May the Fourth Be With You

  6. Beware the Ides of Smarch.

  7. How come the Three Little Pigs never warned Little Red Riding Hood about the Big Bad Wolf? Was it because of what happened to the Boy Who Cried Wolf?

    1. Draevyn


      Well he ate two of them and cornered the other inside his stone house. How would the last one have warned her?

    2. Schlitzbrille


      The destruction of the Three Little Pig's houses was an inside job #WAKEUP

    3. Draevyn


      It was probably his cousin who went to the market.

  8. From your resident EWB pollster, if you haven't yet, please VOTE! Vote like your life depends on it, because in a lot of ways, unlike ever before,  it does. Your vote matters. You can make the difference.  Vote Kodos 2020. Vote Biden too while you're at it. 

    1. K


      thanks for the reminder, heading out to vote now. hope the lines arent long.

    2. Sousa


      Hang on, you're doing this and you're from South Bend, are you literally Pete Buttigieg?

    3. CobraKaiEnTai


      Haha yea I wish, hes only a couple months older than me, but he's accomplished a lot more in life than I ever have. 

  9. "Do you notice something different about EWB?"

    "New glasses?"

    "No, it seems like something is bothering him."

    "Probably misses his old glasses"

  10. Fruity, delicious, delicious, fruity, fruity BY GAWD THEY'RE FRUITY! Skittles!

  11. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner. Freedom is keeping your rights even if 99 out of 100 people vote against it. Which sounds more like America to you?

    1. Schlitzbrille


      Whichever one lets me shoot my pewpews in peace. <_<

  12. Happy Palindrome Groundhog Super Bowl Day

  13. I too have a massive end or something.

  14. Happy birthday to me!!!!!!!




    and @Emperor DCand @uwosashley I guess. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C-MIL


      Have a great one!

    3. Schlitzbrille


      Now give yourself a nice present by challenging for the I-3 Championship.

    4. Krabby


      Happy birthday 

  15. Mayor Quimby supports revolving door prisons. Mayor Quimby even released Sideshow Bob, a man twice convicted of attempted murder. Can YOU trust a man like Mayor Quimby? Vote Sideshow Bob for Mayor.

  16. SEX! Now that I've got your attention, vote for Bart!

  17. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the internet and they won't bother you for days, weeks, maybe years.

  18. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital, dying of nothing.

    1. Draevyn


      I used to use this before I started hitting the gym. Someone would tell me I was eating something bad and I'd be like "Yeah, but at least I'll die of something...and then followed with this"

  19. Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

    1. Draevyn


      Did you find a random quote generator?

  20. Life is sexually transmitted.

  21. Death is the number 1 killer in the world.

  22. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

  23. Hello EWB, I'm feeling.

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