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Everything posted by Rashid

  1. Why has no one else voted for a Dr.Seuss book? The man's a genius, who deserves much recognition. Anyone who can write an actual book containing only 22 different words is a man of many talents.
  2. Can't really say Sony fanboys as I as one, so Microsoft fanboys and Nintendo fanboys. The constant people bashing the PS3 because Sony decided to bracnch out on it, and give it a huge price. No one's forcing you to buy one. And as I'm poor/cheap, and sure thay PS2 and PSP will keep me busy a while, I won't even get a PS3 till around 2008/2009. I hate GTA and every GTA "inspired" ripoff. GTA used to be good, then hype killed it. And I can easily call it the most overrated game series of the last 5-10 years. Online Play. I'm proud to say I never played any game online in my life, and I'm proud of it. I also never plan to. Tekken Fanboys. How can people say it has a good gameplay engine? They all play like shit. I'd rather play Mortal Kombat: Advance. World of Warcraft. Just end this now, and save the 1000's (or millions, I dunno) of people around the world before it's too late. World of Warcraft ruins people and needs to be stopped. That's enough for now.
  3. Fuck yes, now I'm happy. Clockwork Orange and The Shining easily rank in my Top 10 Movies Ever list. And Back to the Future would definitly be in my Top 3. Thought I liked Part 2 just a bit more. I'd give all 3 of those movies 9.5/10. Never saw Spinal Tap or any Godfather movie.
  4. The House on Haunted Hill Nothing like I thought it'd be. Still was a fairly creepy horror movie, that was full of suspense. I thought everyone did a good acting job, especially Vincent Price. And for something I bought for $1 at Wal-Mart, I'm pleased with my purchase. 7.5/10
  5. Wait, does manga count? Cause if so, then I can easily make a top 30.
  6. ...Have I even read 10 good books? Eh, I'll try. 1: "The Stand" - Stephen King 2: "Carrie" - Stephen King 3: "Artemis Fowl: Arctic Incident" - Eoin Colfer 4: "Have A Nice Day" - Mick Foley 5: "Real World is Faker Than Wrestling" - Mick Foley 6: "Fox in Sox" - Dr. Seuss 7: "Cat in the Hat" - Dr. Seuss 8: "Green Eggs and Ham" - De. Seuss Ummm..... 9: Webster's English Dictionary I tried. And you don't have to count the last book if you don't want to. I'm serious about the Dr. Seuss books though.
  7. The Matrix is good, just not Top 50 Worthy. I wouldn't even rank in my Top 100 Movies. Walk the Line was great. And never saw the other 3.
  8. 01: Futurama 02: The Simpsons 03: Roseanne 04: Seinfeld 05: Supernatural 06: Friends 07: The Cosby Show 08: Beavis & Butthead 09: Daria 10: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  9. Daily and Colbert each had around 4 votes.
  10. I'm actually relieved that Ace is doing this as I can't tally votes for shit. For just to insure, I didn't "fully" waste my time, I'll post the top shows anyway. 10 Votes Blackadder Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel Arrested Development South Park 14 Votes 24 15 Votes Seinfeld 17 Votes Lost Scrubs Futurama Family Guy And the winner that blew away the competition, with 25 votes, The Simpsons
  11. Ace, I don't mind you doing this at all. And later today, I'll just post the top shows on my list, to make comparisons when both lists are done.
  12. Ummmmm? Not sure if I said this clear enough. VOTING IS OVER. Your application is not accepted. Edit: This has already started. Look for the thread.
  13. I don't see how people call Simpsons bad these days. I still find it one of the best shows on television. Still very funny, and funnier than most shows out there. I say they have gone "very slightly downhill". Early Simpsons: 10/10 Current Simpsons: 8.5/10 And I really can't wait for this movie.
  14. I heart Aries (anyone who says it with the 'th' is gay), still do. And I think her death gave the FF games a new unpredictable edge. But yeah, it is pretty annoying to lose her, still if you get her final limit break, it is awesome beyond all belief.
  15. Home Alone: 8.5/10 Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1966): 9/10 2 awesome Holiday classics that never get old.
  16. After counting up the votes of 45 EWB members, here it is. EWB's favorite television shows. Now, there may be a flaw here or there. For some shows, a couple people never specified what version of the show they meant and whatnot. One person just said "The Office", not mentioning the UK or US version. But for the most part, this is correct. Also, there may not be a definite 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place show, and most there are A LOT of "ties" or several showing shows getting the same amount of votes. Like, there's around 3-5 2nd Place shows. Here are shows that only received 1 vote and didn't make the cut. (I was gonna place them in alphabetical order to make viewing easier, but over 100 shows are in this catagory. I wasn't going through all that trouble for shows at the bottom.) Deadwood The Day Today The 11 O'Clock Show Knowing Me, Knowing You, With Alan Partridge Teachers The Mighty Boosh The League Of Gentlemen Walking The Dead Brotherhood This Hour Has 22 Minutes The Crystal Maze Dead Ringers Alistair McGowen's Big Impression CSI: Miami Only Fools and Horses Hustle Soccer AM Freaks and Geeks Mr.Bean Men Behaving Badly Royal Canadian Air Farce Beast Wars The Mattel & Mars Bar Quick Energy Chocobot Hour Power Play God, the Devil & Bob M.A.S.K Spaced Rocko's Morern Life Kenan & Kel Doug 3 South Cowboy Bebop All in the Family Nathan Barley Tour de France Teachers Father Ted The Dick Van Dyke Show The Mary Tyler Moore Show Coach The Odd Couple Family Ties WKRP in Cincinnati Wings Moonlighting Night Court Melrose Place Lead Balloon The Real Football Factory's The Glass House Boston Legal Grey's Anatomy Carnivale Roseanne Dragon Ball Z Digimon Gundam Wing Reba The Wedge Undergrads X-Play The Screen Savers Reviewers on the Run Cinematech Glenn Beck Jack of All Trades Attack of the Show Without A Trace Spooks My Wife and Kids 8 out of 10 Cats He-Man and The Master of the Universe Miami Vice Knight Rider MacGyver Monty Python's Flying Circus WWF Saturday Night Main Event Outer Limits Picket Fences Hill Street Blues Garth Mareenghi's Darkplace Knightmare Columbo Quincy Life on Mars Judge Judy Are You Afarid of the Dark? Grounded For Life The Loop The (NRL) Footy Show Family Matters Full House Early Edition Metalocalypse Jam Brass Eye Big Train Quizmania Black Boots Child of our Time Wonder Years Martial Law Roswell Bones Oz Tru Calling Pen & Teller Bullshit The Twilight Zone Married With Children Kolchak: The Night Stalker Numb3rs Nevermind the Buzzcocks Yes (Prime) Minister Dr. Terribles House of Horrible Operation Good Guys Bottom Young Ones Vincent X-Men The Dead Zone Babylon 5 Saturday Night Live King of the Hill The Pretender Drawn Together The Critic Coming next, shows with 2 votes.
  17. Alien at #38, hell yes! Definitly would rank among the 10 best horror and 10 best sci fi movies ever. 40 Year Old Virgin was an entertaining comedy, that made me laugh a lot. So I don't mind this one. FMJ I never saw, always wanted to though. I love Kubrick's films. Always wanted to see Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, as I'm a Johnny Depp fan. I'm slightly happier about the list now. As long as Wizard of Oz is in the top 5 or 10, I'm really happy.
  18. No 2001? No Back to the Future P2? No Edward Scissorhands? = Thumbs Down Chasing Amy = Thumbs Up Saw = Thumb in the middle Halloween = 2 Thumbs Up Kill Bill ONLY at #43 = Thumbs Down Mixed reactions so far.
  19. VOTING IS NOT OVER. I will start this up in a couple days.
  20. Zubat in Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. He'd always confuse the shit out of me, then rub it in by taking only a small amount of my energy from leech life.
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