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Everything posted by Rashid

  1. Rashid

    CD Picks

    New York has 8.25 percent sales tax. And the city is home to overpriced everything. Go to Connecticut, seriously.
  2. 28 Days Later At first it looks like a zombie-horror movie. But they're not zombies, and it's not even a horror movie. A very good movie regardless. Loved the characters, interesting plot. Looking forward to the sequel. 8/10 Suddenly! A Frank Sinatra film from the '50's I got at Wal-Mart for 50cents. Pretty interesting plot. Movie was kinda cheesy, but fun anyway. 6.5/10 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) An enjoyable movie. Havent seen the original yet (will after) so I can't really compare. Nothing else more to say about it. 7/10 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) 7th movie I've seen in a 26 hour timeframe. Before I've seen this movie, only 1 movie (Exorcist) scared me past the age of 9. This is now the 2nd. Very horrific and terrifying. Very disturbing movie. This is now my 3rd favorite horror movie (just behind Shining and Exorcist). 9.5/10 Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho Very good music, great acting. Anthony Perkins was amazing. Loved the twist at the end. 9.5/10
  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Definitly not what I was expecting. First of all, cinematography (can't spell it) is amazing, every shot would make a worthwhile picture to hang on your wall. This movie has one of top 10 scores I've ever heard. The plot itself is kind of confusing, and at times I have no idea what was going on, but that just added to my enjoyment. Compared to Kubrick's other works, this is a superb movie, but I preferred Clockwork Orange and The Shining. 9.5/10
  4. 2001: A Space Odyssey Back to the Future Back to the Future Part 2 Clerks. Clockwork Orange The Exorcist Halloween Kill Bill Vol.1 Psycho Pulp Fiction Scarface The Shining Sin City Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) The Wizard of Oz Will edit if needed.
  5. Giner Snaps 2: Unleashed What made the first movie one of my favorite horror movies was the relationship between Bridgette and Ginger. This movie lacks that, but you can tell tries. Just isn't the same. Still a very good movie, but leaves some things unanswered. 7.5/10 Ginger Snaps 3: The Beginning Not a sequel, not a prequel. This is more like the first movie, with Bridgette and Ginger togther. But it doesn't have that feeling of the first movie. And deep down you know, if though they look the same with the same names, it's not really the ones we know and love. Still doesn't mean you shouldn't see it though. 7/10 Child's Play 3 Fell asleep halfway through. From what I've seen, it's definitly the worst of the 5. I fell alseep because it was boring. 5/10
  6. "and is the second best album to carry the Bat out of Hell name." You like it better than the 2nd? Or 1st?? I own both on Casette, but haven't listened to them in a long time, so I forget which one's which.
  7. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) A movie that's fun to watch now. And the special effects look fantastic for it's time, and aren't too bad by today's standards. 8.5/10
  8. Well to bump up this thread and talk of Meat Loaf, album's gonna be released in 5 days in NA. He also has a single out now, "It's All Coming Back To Me Now". I actually like the song quite a bit, and I plan to buy the album.
  9. Wait, I forgot about Stone Sour. Educated Horses: 6/10 Billy Taleny ll: 7/10 Come (whatever) May: 8/10 Pearl Jam: 8.5/10 Straight Outta Lynntown: 8.5/10 Now, gotta think. Have I heard more albums from '06?
  10. Oh, I also got Start Outta Lynntown. That makes 4 albums. I give both Lynntown and Pearl Jam 8.5/10
  11. Well I've listened to 3 2006 albums so cleary I'm qualified to vote. -Rob Zombie's Educated Horses: 6/10 -Billy Talent ll: 7/10 -Pearl Jam's Untitled: 8.5/10 So of the ones I've listened to, Pearl Jam.
  12. I'm just surprised Tupac wasn't on the list.
  13. FF = awesomeness GTA = overrated garbage So the answer is obvious.
  14. Nirvana - Unplugged Only live album I own, and I like it very much. Never heard the entire albums, but I've heard several live songs from KISS and it sounds really good.
  15. Opening Credits: Pokemon - PokeRap (Adds a funny mood to it...) Waking Up: Sum 41 - Over My Head (good) First Day At School: blink 182 - Down (a sad gloomy day) Falling In Love: blink 182 - Adam's Song (lyrics give me mixed reactions) Fight Song: Billy Talent - Red Flag (its faced paced, so good, and im fighting someone older) Breaking Up: blink 182 - Stay Together For The Kids (sad, but lyrics dont really fit) Prom: Billy Talent - Pins and Needles (another depressing slow song) Life's OK: Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock (much better) Mental Breakdown: blink 182 - Josie (faced pace, but doesnt fit) Driving: blink 182 - Another Girl Another Planet (me getting over my breakup, good) Flashback: Pokemon - What King of Pokemon Are You? (.......FUCK) Wedding: Metallica - Enter Sandman (this is getting worse and worse) Getting Back Together: Barry Manilow - Copa Cabana (maybe scene is at a dance club) Paradise lost : blink 182 - dammit (eh) Birth of Child: Stone Sour - Made of Scars (this is messed up) Final Battle: Rob Zombie - Foxy Foxy (not bad, kind of fits the mood) Death Scene: Rob Zombie - Dragula (fits mood well) Funeral Scene: Billy Talent - Surrender (sad slow song) End Credits: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (nice) Overall, a very fucked up movie. Like 10 blink 182 songs, 2 Pokemon songs, man...
  16. Very good graphics. Gameplay was alright, not as fluid as Deadly Alliance or Deception though. Love the roster. 60+ characters is awesome. Motor Kombat is a nice distraction but nowhere near as good as Puzzle or Chess Kombat. KAF is pretty good. For a first attempt though, I'm impressed. I liked a lot of characters endings, though many others were weird, bad, and wern't the best way to end their stories. Blaze was a very easy boss. Beat him with 17 characters so far. More times than any other MK boss. Being a Mortal Kombat fan for 8 years, I had to get this game. And it didn't let me down. I enjoy it very much. 8.5/10
  17. John Carpenter's The Thing Great movie. Creepy atmosphere, very good acting, superb score. Very good special effects. It's like Alien but in the Arctic. 8.5/10 Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window Wow, this was awesome. Loved the camera angles of the apartment shots. This was my first time seeing a Hitchcock movie, and I was not let down. If you wanna know what it's about, a photographer stuck in a wheelchair spends his time looking out his window observing his neighbors, when he's convinced one neighbor is a murdered. Yeah, Simpsons basically did a parody of it. 9/10
  18. Swears way too much, makes him look unprofessional. As does the drinking. Though I'd like to see him cover more recent games.
  19. ....I'm gonna cry in my room now. And I hoped so badly it were real. It would have been the best movie ever.
  20. First my friend told me he saw it. Then ApSham says he saw it. Why does everyone lie to me!!?? That says "student short". It's not official.
  21. Another thing that gets me is, if it is real, how did anyone find out about it. Surely you must be at least in your 50's or 60's to see this when it aired. ...Well seems I wasted 2.5 hours of my life.
  22. American: Frank Miller Japanese: Akira Toriyama, Watsuki Nobuhiro, Eiichiro Oda, and Tsugumi Ohba.
  23. Child's Play: 7.5/10 Child's Play 2: 7.5/10 2 very good movies. Though I see them as more of a dark comedy, rather horror. Like who is scared of Chucky?
  24. Shark Tales: 6/10 wasnt that good Friday The 13th Part lll: 7.5/10 One of the better ones. I was in the mood to watch it.
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