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Everything posted by Rashid

  1. FT13 > NOES still love em both though.
  2. Scary Movie 2 Not as good as the original, but tons better than the crappy 3 and 4. 6/10
  3. Hard Candy -Definitly an odd movie, not what I was expecting. I'm surprised that it basically had only a couple characters. But that gave lots of time for character development. Also I feel there is no real protagonist or antagonist in this movie. It's your own opinion, of who you think was right or wrong. 8/10 John Carpenter's Halloween -Very spooky music, has a superb score, very good acting. I rank this as the 3rd best horror movie I've ever seen. (2nd: Shining, 1st: Exorcist) 9/10 Edit: Jeepers Creepers 2 -#1 was bad, #2 was terrible. Making a writeup explaining why its bad would just be a waste of time. 2/10
  4. Akira Toriyama. He owns all.
  5. I love Aaron's expression at the end. Where this video ever come from, was it from a "reality" tv show?
  6. I never had the channels WB or UPN and I don't have CW. So that kind of stuff doesn't affect me. But I really like watching Supernatural and that belongs to CW. But I will miss the WB logo with Bugs Bunny on front.
  7. Forget to post this when I saw it, but anyways. Supernatural - Season 2 Premiere (In My Time Of Dying) A great episode, with lots of drama. I liked the twist towards the end with the Reaper. The ending was pretty predictable, but I felt it had to be done. And Jenson Ackles really shined in this episode. 8/10
  8. I hate most recent pop songs. But on the way to school each day, I have a 45 minute bus ride. And that's obviously both ways. So I hear those crappy songs multiple times a week, for months. Recently each day, I've been reading The Stand to try and block it out. It works a bit.
  9. That's supposed to be "LOOSELY" based off the Looney Tunes. It looks awful. Thank god it doesn't air on television here. Edit: Another awesome show I remember watching as a kid was ReBoot. Shortlived, but pure genius.
  10. Mallrats: 8/10 Very funny movie. I loved Brodie, he made the movie for me. Of the 6 movies in the series, I rank this one 4th. 1: Clerks. (9/10) 2: Clerks 2 (8.5/10) 3: Chasing Amy (8.5/10) 4: Mallrats (8/10) 5: Dogma (8/10) 6: 'Strikes Back (7.5/10)
  11. Just wondering, am I the only person who put Sum 41 in their Top 10?
  12. Never saw original TMNT, but the new one really sucks. Well everything 4Kids has now sucks. TMNT is crap, Sonic X is crap, their editing of One Piece is beyond abysmal. I really only watch animated shows on Youtube or other sites.
  13. I like Greenday. There a great band, or they were. I'm not that fond of their American idiot phase. I prefer their music from '94-'00. I'm glad they made it high, it's a bit disappointing that they got higher than Queen and Beatles, but I'm not complaining. I'm guessing Top 4 are Oasis, Metallic, RHCP and Coldplay. Oasis are cocky, but do make great music. RHCP are great, one of my current favorites. May not be in 2 years though. Metallica is a good band, would probably rank in my top 20 or top 25. Coldplay are pretty good.
  14. Old Nelly I'd give 6/10. Nothing great, but fun to listen to. Nice, catchy songs. She stood out. She was unique. New Nelly, I'd give 3/10. Better than Pussycat Dolls and Fergie, but that honestly isn't saying much. Promiscous is a bad song, and Maneater is a terrible song.
  15. Guns N' Roses AND blink 182!!?? Damn, I'm loving this. And I was afarid that blink weren't making the list. I never thought I'd get 6 of my favorites on the list. Lets go RHCP and Greenday! ..But who are Muse?
  16. 40 Days and 40 Nights It was on TBS, I wasnt doing anything, so I watched it. It was just "eh", wasnt overly funny or anything. A weak movie. 5/10 Jerry Maguire (cant spell it) An entertaining movie. I really enjoyed it. 8/10 Jackass WOW, that movie was bad. I couldn't even watch the first 30 minutes of it. It was plain stupid. Was not funny. I had to actually force myself to watch it. I actually rank this was the worst movie I've ever seen (beating out The Blair Witch Project). 1/10
  17. More of my favorite moments -The Bride's killing spree in Kill Bill v.1, where she fights the Crazy 88's. -"Say hello to my little friend" line from Scarface. -The last minute to "The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari".
  18. Unleashed (Danny the Dog) This ranks as my 4th favorite Jet Li movie (of the 10 I've seen). Not like any other of his movies. This is not a cliche martial arts movie. It focuses more on story, rather than mindless fighting. It has a great story, superb acting, I recommend it to anyone. 8/10
  19. Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge Moment: When the bird explodes. I laughed for 10 minutes straight. It was awesome because it was stupid.
  20. Rashid

    Your Top 10

    My favorite songs from the last couple months. Also, in the last month in music, only a couple artists have caught my intrest. I'm not very big on current music anyway. Billy Talent- "Red Flag" Billy Talent- "Devil in a Midnight Mass" Evanscene- "Wake me when your Sober" (i think thats the name) Nickelback- their new hit, not sure of the name Red Hot Chili Peppers- "Dani California" Stone Sour- "Through Glass" Stone Sour- "1st Person" Stone Sour- "30_30_150" Weird Al- "White and Nerdy" Weird Al- "Don't Download This Song"
  21. First time I saw the movie, I'd give it 8/10. Then I bought the special DVD set that came with "The Hard Goodbye" graphic novel, and after reading it, and watching the movie again, i realised how faithful it was to the comic, and I now give it 9/10. Best film of 2005, and one of the top 10 films of the last 6 years.
  22. Canadian Idol: Season Finale Was pretty entertaining. Good preformances, and I'm really happy Craig didn't win. 7/10
  23. The Matrix A very good movie. Interesting story, fantastic special effects. 7.5/10 The Matrix Reloaded Special effects are better, fight scenes are better, but story lacks, and overall this is not as interesting and has boring moments. 7/10 The Matrix Revolutions A step up from Reloaded. Special effects in this movie are at the best in the series. The fight scene between Neo and Smith at the end is my favorite scene of all 3 movies. I really liked the story. 7.5/10 Watching the 3 Matrix movies in one day isn't good for the head. It was fun though. 2 months ago, I saw the Star Wars Trilogy in a day. Then Matrix. My friend and I soon plan to watch all 3 Lord of the Rings movies in a day.
  24. Guns N' Roses at #10: FUCK YES! 01: Nirvana (#17) 02: Guns N' Roses (#10) 03: Sum 41 04: Pearl Jam (#39) 05: blink 182 06: No Doubt 07: Billy Talent (#32) 08: AFI (#45) 09: Red Hot Chili Peppers 10: GreenDay
  25. 01: Nirvana (#17) 02: Guns N' Roses 03: Sum 41 04: Pearl Jam (#39) 05: blink 182 06: No Doubt 07: Billy Talent (#32) 08: AFI (#45) 09: Red Hot Chili Peppers 10: GreenDay 4/10, and 10 bands left. This doesn't look good for me. But as long as 1 of my bands are on the Top 10, I'm happy.
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