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Everything posted by Rashid

  1. You're missing Flyswatter as well.
  2. Blink 182 The ones bolded is what I own of blink's albums. Buddha Chesire Cat Dude Ranch Enema Of The State Take Off Your Pants And Jacket The Mark and Travis Show Blink 182 Greatest Hits 6/8 aint bad.
  3. For it its going on at like 9:45pm tomorrow, so If im online at the time I'll check it out.
  4. -Don't like the orange border. -Dont like how the Raven pic in front is so blurred. -Good Pic Choices. -Great Text. -You have a problem with the text, if you read Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven you would know its "Quoth" not "Quote", and "Quoth" looks better and when I hear Raven say it I hear more of a "th" sound than a "e" sound.
  5. I'll vote for Norro, I just love the blending he did with the 2 bands.
  6. As someone mentioned earlier, cheesy plots dont matter, a lot of great horror movies had cheesy plots and some not so great movies that I still love anyway. Jack Frost was pure cheese and fucking funny as well. A movie I really enjoyed. Leprachaun was cheesy, hell so was Child's Play. Friday The 13th is a series I truly loved despite all it's hate by the general public. The movies have a very cult based following. And I'd have to say I agree with Bushmeister's comment. The genre is horror movies is too wide, and "gore horror" is it's own genre. Here's how I'd break down horror: *Psycological Horror: The movies that have the deep plots and involve thinking, and dont rely on blood and guts to scare people. These movies are not as common today. Examples: Poltergeist, Exorcist. *Slasher Horror: FridayThe13th, NightmareOnElmStreet, Halloween, etc.., these movies have a murdered and he kills people. These usually have the weakest plots and a lot of violence. These movies were most popular in the 80's. Example: See No Evil *Gore Horror: These movies dont usually have great plots while some do. They've become very popular in just the last couple years, and rely on pure blood and gore to scare people. Examples: Hostel
  7. Rashid

    Number Two

    The sub title should be: "Twice as crappy as the first...which is really hard to belive" Jackass is fucking shit, one of the worst movies of all time, no concept, no thought put into it, its just filming morons, its not even funny. its just sad that these talentless people have to resort to this for money and fame.
  8. If it says May 27 (tomorrow) why does it say playing in 4 hours?
  9. I tried searching for the albums Sephiroth Clone mentioned. http://www.wirz.de/music/vonschm/grafik/bringing.jpg http://www.lyrics.com/l/led.zeppelin/led.zeppelin.4.jpg http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000002L...SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg http://www.debaser.it/resize.aspx?path=/fi...k.jpg&width=250 http://eil.com/newgallery/Smashing-Pumpkins-Gish-325325.jpg http://www.amazingbarkingspider.com/music/...ese%20Dream.jpg http://www.usmusicvault.com/images/no.doubt/rocksteady.jpg http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/images2/cream_disraeli_sm.jpg http://critiquesdemusic.canalblog.com/imag...tero_Front1.jpg http://www.muzieklijstjes.nl/Tips/BeatlesRevolver.jpg http://www.stevesbeatles.com/cds/album-covers/abbey_road.jpg I've heard of the "Paul is dead" theory, but how did it come about just from that cover?
  10. I like to consider myself a horror movie fanatic and spend a lot of time analyzing them. Friday The 13th: I've seen parts 1-8, 10, and FvJ. Im yet to see Part 9. But I love this series. They all have a fairly simple plot which is what I liked. And I love the character of Jason Voorhees. He was a mentally handicapped child you got teased a lot, and one day at camp got teased and pushed into a lake by some other kids, but was not saved. But the series has had MANY theories (some I believe in), like how people say Jason never died in the lake, and somehow survived, and lived in the woods all his life. One day saw his mom murdered and it drove him over the edge. Nightmare On Elm Street: Another very successful franchise. As of now Ive only seen the first one, and it was a great movie. Jason is better in terms on quantity or kills, but Freddy definitly had a better quality of kills. The SAW movies are quite interesting. They're full of blood and gore BUT not scary. Blood and gore are NOT scary. I watched SAW 1 and 2 right after another and never had any reactions ot the movies. Same thing with Hostel. Bloody, but NOT scary. That's what most horror movies lack. I consider The Shining and The Exorcist the greatest horror movies of all time. They both had amazing, suspenseful plots, and both very frightening movies. They're scary because they're psychological, they mess with your head. Unfortunitly, there are so many more horror movies out there I still want to see: the other Nightmare on Elm Streets, all the Halloween movies, Birds, Misery, Rosemary's Baby and over time I bet I will watch these movies. Slasher flicks have always been my favorite sub-genre of horror movies. But slasher flicks (90% of the time) are not scary, I'm fine with that, I don't watch them to be scared. Other horror movies try to scare people with just blood and guts (eg: Hostel and SAW). In my opinion these movies fail as horror movies. The true horror movies are the one that are suspenseful, and frightening. Look at Poltergeist, was it bloody? No. Was there even 1 drop of blood in the movie? I don't think. But was it scary? Hell yes. So in closing, when companies make horror movies, they really need to cut back on the gore, and scare us the good ol' fashion way.
  11. I only go to the theatre like 2-4 times a year and only for a movie I really wanna see (of if im forced into going). And now the movie I really wanna see is X-Men 3. And then after that is probably going to be Harry Potter and Order of the Pheonix in late Fall.
  12. I own All Killer No Filler, Does This Look Infected?, Chuck and Go Chuck Yourself. All 4 of those albums are great. I've always wanted to get their first album Half Hour Of Power. Im a huge Sum 41 fan, I love all members of the band. But I agree Dave was probably the most talented of the 4.
  13. It's more or less guaranteed this year, big tour coming up and actual proof of studio recordings via the leaks. If not
  14. Just some of my favorite album covers.
  15. Rashid


    I own the following Graphic Novels: -Dragon Ball Z (Volume 1,2,3) -Dr.Slump (Volume 1,2,3) -Hack.Sign (Volume 1,2,3 COMPLETE SERIES) -Gundam Wing (Manga based off the movie) I own like all issues of the american monthly Shonen Jump which has/had -Dragon Ball Z (not any more) -Sandland (not any more) -Yu-Gi-Oh (not any more) -Shaman King -Naruto -Hikaru No Go -Yu Yu Hakusho -One Piece -Yu-Gi-Oh: Mellinium World And thanks to online manga downloading, I've after read -Kinikuman (First 10/12 Volumes) -Zombie Powder (Volume 1,2,3,4) -Kajika (FULL SERIES) -Cowa (FULL SERIES) -many one shots by Akira Toirayama
  16. Tetris should have been at #3. Pong should have been at #2. Super Mario Bros. should have been at #1. IT WASNT EVEN ON THE LIST!!!
  17. Seeing as I recently bought Sum 41's "GO Chuck Yourself" and Rob Zombie's "Educated Horses" all Im looking forward to now is "Billy Talent ll".
  18. I dont think im into "emo" bands. "Panic at the disco" and "Fallout Boy" I hate with a passion. JEW I dont mind, but I dont like them. ...Would Sum 41 count as an "emo" band?
  19. Rashid


    I chose Nevermind, but that was a tough decision. Use Your Illusuion 1 would have been my second pick.
  20. Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock". I love Twiststed Sister and in my opinion "I Wanna Rock" is better than "Were Not Gonna Take It". Its sad the single never took off. I also own there "greatest hits" album, and alot of songs on the album rock, like "I Am" or something like that. They should not have been One Hit Wonders. Also on the Sum 41 Album "Chuck" the singles on it were "Were All To Blame", "Pieces" and "Some Say". My favorite song on the album was "No Reason" that should have been a single.
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