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Status Replies posted by apsham

  1. I will now provide EWB with the comprehensive list of wrestling women types that you all are allowed to find attractive. 1. Vickie Guerrero (obvs.) 2. Cheerleader Melissa 3. Rhaka Khan 4. Rosa Mendez (because, fuck, wow) 5. Nikki but not Brie 6. Rhonda Singh 7. Madusa (mountainous cleavage era) 8. Molly Holly

    1. apsham


      Sara Del Ray should be at the top of every list.... she's a girl right?

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  2. Why has no one told me about Vermin Supreme?

  3. Now we have "Man On A Ledge"..this follows the trend of movies being depicted in smaller environments. First was Die Hard..action movie in a skyscraper. Then we had Speed, actio movie in a bus. Phonebooth, action movie in a phone booth. Devil, a horror movie in an elevator. I'm waiting for "Milk Crate"..I can hear the trailer.."Colin Farrell is Jack McMillan..a man, standing on a milk crate, and thumb tacks are on the floor.."

  4. Tonight on RAW: 1 hour and 45 minutes of talking, 2 minutes of Brodus Clay dancing, 5 minutes of silence from Jericho, and 13 minutes of "wrestling"

  5. Anyone have any Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes that they want to see reviewed?

  6. Watching Batman Forever....is it any possible to have larger nipples on the bat suit? Good lord...

  7. Welcome to the Wrestling Parents Hotline. Please press 1 for Judy Bagwell, 2 for Ernest Miller's, 3 for Momma Benjamin, 4 for Brodus Clay's and 5 for Al Wilson.

  8. how is Crimson 'undefeated'? didn't he lose some like, 10 on 2 handicap match in his first match?

  9. I was just watching RIkishi's WWF 2000 timeline - turns out to convince him to take the bump, Shane McMahon did the Hell In A Cell to truck bump TWICE.

  10. Papa John's should let you order just garlic sauce from them. That way you can put it on Pizza Hut pizza instead.

  11. Agreeing to watch Bridesmaids with the girlfriend - because Chris O'Dowd is in it, and apparently Erin from the Office as well. Thoughts on the movie?

  12. I just found out about Karen... JARRETT? Man, that's all kinds of fucked.

  13. I just found out about Karen... JARRETT? Man, that's all kinds of fucked.

  14. What's the name of that BBC New Years quiz show where comedians work in teams to answer trivia that covers the year? Last years was amazing, did they announce who is going to be on it this year, and when is it?

  15. Anyone here play Sonic Generations? It's on sale for $10, is it worth picking up or is it a typical shit sonic game?

  16. What crawled up your anus and died?

  17. Note to self: Do not dare to go against the popular consensus on EWB, or you will be berated with sarcastic remarks from serveral 30 year old men whose sole accomplishments in life are being V.I.P.'s on an internet forum.

  18. copying topic titles and trying to be funny is, um, not funny.

  19. Everyone please have bad luck tomorrow. I have a job interview, so I need plenty of luck and I can't have you freeloaders hoarding it all.

  20. Lincoln was shot in Ford's theatre, while Kennedy was shot in a Ford Lincoln. Reagan was shot in Washington, while Washington was shot with a Raygun.

  21. Bossman was the ultimate heel!

  22. Finally registered! Yay.

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