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Everything posted by Sam

  1. So into the fourth season at Manchester United, constant stadium expansions have left me with a stupid amount of money so I've bought a couple of big name signings over the seasons. Anyway right now the only player scoring goals is Vidic! I'm drawing games 1-1 or losing 1-0 my team just cannot score, very frustrating seeing as the previous 3 seasons have seen my team score 500+ goals!
  2. Wow the lesbian won She obviously picked the women herself the dirty scoundrel! All those fit women for herself the greedy lezzo!
  3. France deserve to be in the bottom to be fair their song was awful with the mixture of french and english...i.e. franglais it was bad.
  4. Woooo the lesbian of Serbia is heading for a victory! Eastern Europe is so open minded nowadays ¬.¬
  5. I don't understand why so many countries get to vote? When did Croatia sing?!
  6. England don't stand a chance! I'm betting on somewhere like Latvia or Bosnia winning tonight!
  7. Carry over rules are abit stupid as well. I mean a yellow card in a World Cup doesn't carry over to the next one! Imagine how stupid that would be!
  8. Use a better tactic then I had Saha as my top goal scorer for the last two seasons. He got 30 in premiership last year.
  9. Chelsea still need to get an extra 7 points on United to win the title because of the goal difference. Chelsea also still have to play United and Arsenal. So United will have to lose twice and draw once in order for Chelsea to win the title and of course Chelsea have to win all 3 games. When you look at the fixture list for United you cant really see where they will drop 7 points.
  10. Okay Michael Weiner is the worst ref ever. He sent off two of my players in a Champs League game gave 3 penalties (1 for me, 2 against). All of which were scored, which is another thing I'm yet to see a penalty be missed and I spent years of game time managing in the lower leagues before getting hugely angered at my sides slump and consequential relegation to the Conference. Anyway we win the game by 3-2 with another 2 goals ruled out for no apparent reason and 9 men! I would like to take this moment to say FUCK YOU MISTER WEINER!
  11. booyah, 3-1 win against the league leaders! everyone hates layer road in this decision clearly.
  12. Man of the match was blatantly Wayne Rooney.
  13. Sam

    Kingdom Hearts 2

    I love the Timeless River level, seems to be the perfect level. Sure it lacks heartless but the story for that particular level is bang on! Plus the black and whiteness and old school look is really well done. Up to POC level now and the story I think is very good so far, seems to be more deeper than the first one.
  14. Oh yeh who moved into 9th in the championship wtih a great 1-0 over the tractor boys! The mighty U's thats who! Duguid = the hero of Colchester right now! Really good game last night and the atmosphere was amazing, singing all the way through and when we won the place exploded.
  15. Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds Awesome album. There isn't a bad song on it. Total value for money and I love the fact that Sexy Ladies lead into My Love bascially. It's too hard to even say which song is the best as they're all top quality. My personal favourite is the 7 min long LoveStoned as it's an awesome song with the fast beat followed by the slow beat near the end. Top notch album. 10/10.
  16. And spent £3m on a player that not only did they not start, but that got sent off three minutes into his debut when he came off the bench. £1m per minute. Great value for money!
  17. Wooo Championship kicks off today and we got a massive game away at Birmingham. Hopefully we can stay up but obviously it will be a fight against relegation this season but we had years and years of it in League One and ended up getting promoted so you can never be to downcast when supporting Colchester United.
  18. Pirates Of The Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest 9/10 A great movie, shame I watched it in a cinema with broken air con though. The plot in my opinion was flawless and although I needed the toilet the entire time of the movie I simply couldn't go because I was worried about missing a plot development which would have happened as the movie was packed with action from start to finish. Also the performance by Jonny Depp was amazing, the character of Captain Jack Sparrow will go down in folklore, plus his run was simply the greatest thing I have ever seen in a movie!
  19. So when is this game actually coming out in Europe!? Play.com says 4th August but then HMV says 29th September which is a big difference! Also does it follow on directly from Kingdom Hearts or does it follow on from Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories? If so is it needed to have played the latter game in order to understand what is going on in the game?
  20. Its always bad to see top players go but I'd rather Ronaldo went and Rooney and Ruud stayed at Old Trafford. Plus a decent fee for him means we could find a decent replacement for him. perhaps Camoranesi if Juve get relegated, or maybe Joaquin though he would probably cost as much as we would get for Ronaldo. Can't really see us being able to hold onto him. It's not like the Beckham situation where the Man United fans got behind him, I really dont think anyone is so keen on him now especially when you consider how he is completely unpredictable. Would rather have a consistent player that hasn't got such a big name but actually makes the team play better than a galatico that does a few step overs and then falls over.
  21. If Man United were to sign a midfielder it should be either Kaká or Gattuso if Milan also end up going down. Can't see any of the players wanting to play in Serie B.
  22. The BBC is reporting that all four clubs may end up being relegated from Serie A with Juventus going down to Serie C. If that does happen then a lot of very good players will suddenly be on the market.
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