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Everything posted by Mongrel

  1. It is seriously by far the best she's played against a top player - even better than at Roland Garros 2009. It has been a tough couple of years, but this win is huge for her and hopefully is a monkey off her back.
  2. Serena back to her classy best.
  3. Nah, it wasn't the one I played either. Just couldn't find a laid out version on Google Images. I think we are talking about the same thing.
  4. Yep, that's the one. Might be known by a different name in the UK. I loved that game, but it was always so creased when you got it out of the box and my mum ruined it for me at like age eight with an iron.
  5. Not sure it fits with the theme of the others, but, man, I'm gonna be so disappointed if Test Match doesn't make an appearance!
  6. Andy going for it.... the Schleckster making his attack stick, and, my TDF broadcaster cuts to a commercial, classy... Anyways, Andy still need a shitload of time to kill Contador and Evans, because both can time-trial better.. ...and cut to Missy Fucking Higgins (assuming from the username you are with SBS as well). I happen to like that song... and yes, I'm an SBS'er Well I happen to hate Michael Firrito, so I guess we're even?
  7. Andy going for it.... the Schleckster making his attack stick, and, my TDF broadcaster cuts to a commercial, classy... Anyways, Andy still need a shitload of time to kill Contador and Evans, because both can time-trial better.. ...and cut to Missy Fucking Higgins (assuming from the username you are with SBS as well).
  8. Pretty shit option for Franklin who I'm sure just wants a fight at this point. EDIT: Maldonado is an odd choice in any event.
  9. Hamill to move up and Gustafsson to get a different opponent?
  10. Nice, only got into him recently and don't think it has been released in Australia. My two most recent purchases were Frank Turner's Love & Ire Song and The Tallest Man on Earth's The Wild Hunt.
  11. Del Potro did them both at the US Open.
  12. He's not on court yet, so I'll run with Robin Soderling for today thanks.
  13. On the basis delpo wins, Nalbandian please.
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