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Avenged Probably

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Everything posted by Avenged Probably

  1. If anyone is interested I have a number of UK trades on Ebay up for auction which will be ending tonight (among various other items). Ultimate Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Ultimates, Ultimates 2 and almost a complete set of Ultimate Spidey too. My Ebay
  2. Acheievments wise, I'm trying to get the one where you need to upload one of everything. The CAW was weird that it'd only let me upload one once I'd made two. It still won't let me upload a moveset though, even though I have made two... any ideas why?
  3. Okay so I got for Christmas a years subscription to Marvel's Digital comics service. I am loving it so far. I trialed it when the first launched it years ago and it was a bit crap then, there were barely any full runs and and reader was buggy as hell. The reader is fine now and they have pretty much anything up from when the superhero comics started up until stuff as recent as within the last few months. So far I've been reading the entire New X-Men run (not Grant Morrison, the one with the kids), the modern Captain America run and the Rise and Fall of the Shi'Ar Empire story from Uncanny X-Men. So much to read, its rather good. I highly recommend it to anyone, and if you pay a full year up front it costs less than £40.
  4. I'm definitly in for this, fuck recent games. I don't know which to go for though... I have I, II, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII to choose from. Actually I won't go with I cos I did that and finished it on the playthrough last time. Probably go with one of the PS1 games, thinkinh VII if there's a few others going with that too.
  5. FD - do it! Only good things can come of this!

  6. Aye, probably will go but I'm jst very undecided. Iron Maiden live are highly recommended. (Y)
  7. So I can't decide whether or not to go, theres a notable list of bands that I haven't seen which I would like to see (Rammstein, Pendulum, Motley Crue, Gallows) and an even bigger list of bands that I have seen before some which I'd love to see again (Maiden, Slayer, Sabaton, Sylosis, Soulfly, Skindred, apocalyptica) and some which I wouldn't mind seeing again such as Anthrax and Papa Roach. I can't decide if its worth it for the amount of bands I'd watch which I haven't already seen :/ Anyone else here going? Thoughts?
  8. New Avengers is just as awesome for the next three volumes without a doubt. Although I suggest you pick up House of M before reading volume 4: The Collective - it may be a little confusing otherwise. If your going to read House of M you may aswell also get Avengers: Disassembled which is the lsat Avengers story before they became 'New.' Its a good story and works as a prelude/set up to both New Avengers and the House of M. Volume 5 is the Civil War tie in, which while not as good as previous volumes... if you enjoyed Civil War then you'll enjoy this because it adds more depth to the main story. After that its still damn good, definitly worth reading Hope that helps at all.
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our Red Skull. This will be awesome.... Weaving is an excellent villain. Seriously loving the casting of all these recent Marvel films (Hulk, Iron Man, Iron 2 as well as Cap & Thor upto now).
  10. Dude you need to make room in your PM inbox so I can send you the prediction contest proze thingy. PM when you've done it and I'll send it your way.

  11. Do it. I'm almost ashamed to say how much I'm enjoying this so far... only a few episodes in mind you, but it's wonderful. I usually hate anything in this vein... but it's just really fun I guess.
  12. Thoughts? Also on recent comics; X-Men Second Coming and Chapter 2 in Uncanny X-Men are really good. If they continue the pace like this (I think there's an issue every week) then we're going to have another Messiah CompleX quality crossover on our hands (instead of a Messiah War quality one). Wolverine: Weapon X continues to be all kinds of awesome, definitly the best Wolverine book out at the minute. I also picked up the first S.H.I.E.L.D issue today and was pleasantly surprised. For a book that features no core characters and have nothing direcetly to do with modern day Marvel (it's set in the past too) it's a damn fine read. It puts across sme pretty ludacris ideas too but the writings good enough that you can believe it. Highly recommended.
  13. So I'm playing LEAFGREEN at the moment. How long do I have to run around Viridian Forrest before I run into a Pikachu? Or is it just random? Any particular area of the forrest I should look at?
  14. Agreed. This is the only time in my life I think I wouldv'e preferred someone to make a pedo joke about myself instead of what really happened :/ Ah well, I'm still going to love this game, give or take the minor spoiler.
  15. Yeah, agreed with Ollie :/ Despite it being in a spoiler tag, I also expected some kind of pedo joke or something >_< Also, beat the Eidolon... was pretty easy once I started entering manual commands instead of just 'Autoing' everything.
  16. Okay so I've been playing a number of hours so far, and I'm loving this. Everything is great for me... I love the way the battles are, makes them fun and I can see that when it comes to grinding later it'll be more fun than a chore. The story is waaay more gripping and fast moving than that of XII which is wonderful, and it's nice to see elements of the last couple of games in the series with some new stuff too. Not to mention the game is beautiful. Loving all the characters thus far, even Vanille who while she does have a somewhat annoying run/voice... she's kinda hot Anyhow, I'm having trouble with the first eidelon battle :/ I just can't seem to get Nix's gauge up fast enough before the Doom counter runs down. I have used Libra and I'm following the hints it gives.... but it's just not fast enough. Any tips?
  17. Selling some trades on Ebay if anyone's interested; Clicky Keep an eye on it as well, I have a lot of trades as well as other American Marvel comics I'm selling... I'll keep putting more stuff up every few days.
  18. Wasn't Jason the original Red Ranger, while Tommy was the Green one? Tommy then became the Red Ranger in the next series IIRC?
  19. After finally unlocking Ezekeiel, I've started working on a created story of my own based on Regal's roundtable. So far I've done November's ECW episodes and the Survivor Series too. Out of curiosity, would people rather download a story in parts (say 1 or 2 months in length) or would they prefer the whole thing (say 6 months plus)?
  20. I'm playing Zero's now, pretty good so far. I like how the alternate superstar threads show up cos when I downloaded some other stories all the attires in the cut scenes (which had presumably been edited) all showed up white. I'm thinking that it only shows up if you use the colours they give you in threads and not any 'advanced editing'
  21. If anyone wants to play on 360 my gamertag is 'Avenged 009' so feel free to just add me and invite me to a match.
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