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DMN in the House

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Everything posted by DMN in the House

  1. The Multiverse makes the Letitia Wright thing a non-issue. Just...
  2. Fortunately for them, they play the Las Vegas Raiders, who have lost their will to play football.
  3. Football is a dumb sport, good thing it's college basketball season.
  4. Well, I'd like to be able to say this season was fun, but it hasn't been. Derek Carr deserves better. Wonder who we can get as a coach for next season...
  5. Basically any competitive league of any size is going to be like that, tho.
  6. The U has reportedly pulled Cristobal out of Oregon, and rumor is the Ducks might go after Chip Kelly. I'm ambivalent to it. Chip finally got us competitive, but he's still not recruiting well, even by UCLA standards, the team is super experienced, so a downturn would be expected, and the defense is still trash while Chip is super loyal to the DC. On the other hand, there's so many job openings that I'd have to be worried about who we could get to replace him, though you'd think UCLA would be an attractive job.
  7. Apparently you can just pull on dude's jersey's and shit in pass coverage and it's not a penalty, but whatever.
  8. Dave Aranda out here talking about learning to trust and love again.
  9. All I'm hearing is that we still have Steve Young under contract.
  10. One thing that the recent discussion on Eternals made me realize is
  11. I thought Jungle Cruise was fine, nothing amazing. King Richard was excellent. Really enjoyed it, even teared up a bit. Will Smith is getting all the love, and deservedly so, but the entire cast was great.
  12. The Harder They Fall was great. Good modern western, lots of fun, good gun fights, comedy, drama, just a really enjoyable movie.
  13. Eternals was fine, but I don't really care about any of the characters, nor much of Marvels space stuff in the first place. Then, to be fair, they've pretty much covered every Marvel character I like that isn't a mutant, so...
  14. He was pretty bad anyway, not a big loss since Mullens and Hobbs play better. Amik Roberson would be better too, if he wasn't like four feet tall.
  15. The recent drafts were bad at the top, but players like Crosby, Renfrow, and Hobbs in the later rounds have been great. To be honest, even the early picks aren't that bad, Jacobs, Abram, Mullen, and Moehring are all good, and you can't put what happened with Ruggs on talent evaluation, he was playing great. Its really just Ferrell and Arnette as high profile busts and the fact that Jacobs and Abram get injured a lot. I think Mayock will be a good GM if he gets majority control.
  16. This has been a crazy crazy week for the NFL. Also, OBJ to Vegas would be nice.
  17. https://www.nbcsports.com/philadelphia/eagles/desean-jackson-hitler-quote-louis-farrakhan-anti-semitic
  18. ODB I'd be ok with, but Desean is a piece of shit so no thanks. Low-key I feel kinda shitty because my first thoughts on this are 'damn this fucking season' because it's happening to my team, but someone lost their life.
  19. No excuse to drink and drive. Flat out no excuse. This fucking season.
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