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Everything posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. I'm not one of these people who think the NFL "fixes" game but the Lions had that game taken from them. If they are playing Jacksonville in Week 6 or if that's a regular season game in Detroit, there's no way they pick up the flag. That is a case of an official being intimidated by a home crowd and one of the league's marquee teams. I've never been a Cowboys hater but after this I'm sickened. Fuck Jerry Jones and fuck fat Chris Christie.
  2. Will I need to be up to date on AoS to watch Agent Carter?
  3. He is considered a first-time offender by the league's new standards. If you 32 games without incident, your slate is wiped clean. Either way, I don't think it should have warranted missing a playoff game.
  4. Trestman had a reputation as "QB whisperer" before he became the head coach in Chicago and didn't fare all that well. He should be able to help Blake Bortles...if Bortles is any good.
  5. Ndamukong Suh's suspension has been overturned.
  6. Only can Peter Jackson make a 146-minute movie and that can pass as refreshingly short
  7. World's worst secret has been confirmed, Jim Harbaugh has signed a contract to be the next Head Coach at Michigan
  8. I watched the Truman Show probably for the first time since it came out in theaters the other night. That is such a good movie and the type of movie that a 14-year-old can't appreciate Also watched Out of the Furnace, that was just a boring movie.
  9. He pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact to murder and received probation. To me, there is clearly enough reasonable doubt to acquit at trial but I still think that Adnan did it more likely than not. Just a gut feeling. But there's one thing clear, this case needs Jimmy McNulty & Bunk Moreland. Get on it, David Simon!
  10. I agree that ongoing comic should be left out of here
  11. There were parts of that show that could be so good that it really frustrates me how bad that show could get at times.
  12. The "final" episode of Serial has leaked
  13. The third season of Louie was just weird. It was still good but the comedy just sorely lacking.
  14. This is a parody that's on YouTube. The actual content is pretty hit-and-miss (I love the Best Buy episode) but the guy has Sarah Koening's speaking patterns and beats down cold.
  15. This thread really shouldn't be buried, it's some of the best investigative reporting I've ever consumed. I'm on episode 10 and literally cannot contemplate going to sleep because I have to keep listening. I started listening Tuesday and am already on 10.
  16. I do believe it's Lance, thank you very much.
  17. This sketch somehow failed to make the cut on SNL last night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVzCih9RnWg
  18. Tonight's episode was pretty awesome but I am getting rather tired of Carrie being basically able to do whatever she wants
  19. If Homeland would have came around about two years later, it would have the perfect show for the anthology series format.
  20. 1. The Leftovers 2. Mad Men 3. Brooklyn 99 4. The Walking Dead 5. Homeland 6. New Girl 7. Orange is the New Black 8. Saturday Night Live 9. Black-ish 10. Family Guy 11. House of Cards
  21. 'sup. Also holy shit wait what you're PGuyWord? I remember that name! Seriously, one of the only original PW posters I remember is you and zimmy (I think his name was). I may remember Ruki, but I can't really recall. I was Hit Man 3120 way back in the day. The PW Forums were some of the most fun I have had on a message board. After the PW2 debacle, a bunch of us kept the forums going without the game for about another 5 years or so.
  22. In the episode? Where? Dammit! I didn't get a post credits scene in my download What happened exactly?
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