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GTA: San Andreas

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Anyone else been reading about bigfoot and these other 'phenomenon' in SA, such as the 'ghost car' etc.? It pops up on nearly every GTA forum I visit!

Here's a fun parody of the "Bigfoot in SA rumour" I found at GTAForums.com:

i was doing some exploring and walking through the woods in the country side. the sun was beginning to set and it was getting dark out when i heard a faint noise. "wehhhhhhhh" it sort of sounded like. i ignored it and continued walking. "wehhhhhhhhhhh" i swore it was getting louder and i began to get nervous. "what the hell is that?" i thought. i continued walking, nervously looking all around me as i walked. "WEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" suddenly i heard the noise again, loud as hell. it scared the **** out of me and i began to run as fast as i could. i looked behind me while i ran and saw one of those WWII looking planes coming up behind me. bullets shot out of hit, hitting the ground just behind my feet. up ahead i saw the path ended and i'd have to jump off the cliff, luckily it wasn't too tall. i ran as fast as i could and dropped off the cliff as the plane passed inches above my head and continued on. CJ stood there catching his breath and i just stared at the plane. just when i thought i had survived, the plane turned around. "jesus christ" i thought. it was headed right towards me and i couldn't run away from it anymore. i was at the bottom of the cliff i had dove off and there was nothing but a giant wall of rock behind me. i had to fight or be ripped apart by this psycho in a WWII plane. i cycled through my weapons and found an AK47 i had purchased with my last few thousand dollars. for the first time since i bought it, i stopped regretting that purchase. i manually aimed the AK at the plane and fired like a mad man. i sprayed all over the plane, hoping to hit the pilot or anything damaging to the plane. *CLICK* i ran out of ammo and the plane was still coming. was my aiming that bad? i'd find out now how my aiming was when i cycled through my weapons and found my last 2 weapons were grenades and a desert eagle. i whipped out the desert eagle and started blasting. i stood there expecting to die but refusing to go easy when i saw the plane tilt in the air. i knew i had done some damage. the plane nose dove and headed right towards me. i ran the short distance i had time for and dove behind a tree when i heard the *CRASH* i turned around hoping to the the plane burning and the pilot being cooked, but only saw black smoke coming from the plane as it sat there. i slowly circled the plane and went to the pilot's door side. it was dead silent out except for the sound of the plane's engine smoking and crickets chirping in the distance. the darkness made the situation all the more terrifying, though i don't think the sun would've helped calm my nerves at all. i kept my desert eagle pointed at the plane and crept toward it when i heard the creak of the door open. the psycho was still alive. i stood there, frozen in my tracks as the pilot opened the door of the plane and fell onto the ground with a *THUD* i watched in horror as the pilot slowly began to rise to his feet. the darkness made it hard to make out the details of his body, but he stood 8 feet tall at the least. he was a giant. i stood there frozen in fear when i realized i was staring at a bigfoot. we stared at eachother for what felt like an hour, when he made the first move. he raised his head toward the sky and let out the most horrifying howl i had ever heard in my life. i felt my nerves sink to the pit of my stomach and a chill come over my body. that was enough for me. i raised my desert eagle at the beast and unloaded a clip into its torso. nothing. it stopped howling at looked at me. i reloaded and aimed for the creature's chest and neck area this time. it stumbled back into the plane and collapsed to the ground. it had landed on its butt and sat there, still moving his head and staring at me. between the plane crash and the bullets, it was more than the bigfoot could handle. i walked up to it and CJ said "should've left me alone, mother ****er" the moon light shone down on us and i looked at the bigfoot's hand. it had was holding something. by the time i figured out what it was, it was too late. the plane went up in flames. the massive explosion lit up the night. the son of a ***** had set off a remote explosion. my body flown threw the air and landed a few yards away. a few seconds after that, the bigfoot came down from the air, englufed in flames, and landed my my already charred body. we lied there, burning together in the night. it was the sexiest night of my life.
Edited by Cloudy
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Oh, I also believe my Max Health is, er, maxed. Just maxed out my Machine Pistols for Dual-wield capability as well.

Working on maxing Desert Eagle now.

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Christ, for the last time i'm telling you I have no problem with CJ at all, I was just saying that since i'm white, it'd be easier for me to relate to a white character, i'm not black nor are there any black people in my area, so I can't really create. Just like Kaney said, thanks.

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Wu Zi Mu was much easier than this, I did that in two goes.

In Farewell My Love I keep skidding off in the same place near a small bride over another road which always screws me over.

To be fair, the first time I raced I was so frenzied about who her new fella was that I couldn't concentrate properly. Best moment of the game so far, along with the phone conversation with Cesar....

"Does the Pope sh*t in the woods?

Why you keep saying that? I don't know, what his Holiness does is none of my business"

Ho ho

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Tommy Vercetti is still the coolest GTA character so far....

However CJ is decent enough, my only problem with the race card so far is being unable to understand half of the stuff Sweet said, being white English. I had to wait for descriptions on the bottom of the screen.

That phone line is shockingly crackly....But then I guess it IS the early 90s!

Overall I've not got a problem what race or gender the main character is, although playing a woman would probably be a little bit weird, having never been a woman myself...Still, the next game needs an Englishman (voiced by Sean Bean - I'm fed up of cockneys in games) or a young Japanese fella....You know it makes sense.

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Guest Downloading_Man

At the moment I look like some kind of black 'Action Man'.

Afro + Goatee

Green Hat (Fisherman Dut Style)

(Sometimes wear an eyepatch, just for a laugh)

White Vest - Underneath - Unfastened Combat top

Dog Tags

Gold Watch

Camo Trousers

Cowboy Boots (How can you NOT wear cowboy boots...apart from them looking shit)

He looks like a total muppet, but you can't beat putting on an eyepatch as a disguise when holding up the pizza store.

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I had a plane crash the other day. I was on a mission and I ended up crashing into the water out in the country so I was just swimming around under a bridge. Suddenly I hear about 3 explosions in a row so I ran up to the bridge to see what had happened and there was a blown up plane in the middle of the road. Extremely odd.

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