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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Can somebody tell me where I can find a Boxville in San Fierro? I even checked the guide, but it's location is not listed, it only says that there is one in every major city in the game. The map shows the locations for the one in Los Santos and the one in Las Venturas, but not San Fierro...any help?

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CJ: So you’re blind. Then how come you know I’m black and not Chinese?

Woozie: I’m blind Carl no stupid

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You need to find flowers lying around the cities. Equip them, aim at her at press L1 to give her them. Then any time during that date you aim at her and press L1 afterwards, you'll kiss her. If your progress isn't too high she'll break the kiss and want to go home.

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is that Andy Dick's voice on "Gardening with Maurice" on WCTR, cause if so...it >*

I love WCTR now, just was listening to OG Loc & some white guy talkin, shit was hilarious...

OG: Im from the streets!

Guy: you keep saying your from the streets, everyone has a street in front of their house, your RICH! stop shooting at each other.

OG: You dissin my street! you bitch ass punk, fucker trick slut ho!

Guy:I dont understand what you just said, but ok.

OG: You better be glad i dont just hang you out the window, cause ima PIMP to!

Guy:Im sorry, just put the gun away.

something like that, love that shit

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I drove into some weird kind of roofed docking place in San Fierro and got 5 stars.

Yeah that's a special dock because if you can somehow get on top of the aircraft carrier to the North of the dock, there's a fighter jet up there.

So I'm told. I haven't tried getting there yet. I'm just about to fly there from Los Santos in a jet to see.

Edited by Media 2.0
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I can't exactly remember which one this is, but if I believe correctly, best advice would be...Stay OFF the grass. Especially, if it's raining. It's usually the grass that makes people spin out of control, so try not to make any quick turns or anything on it when you're trying to get back on track. Also as many others have said...try to go slower then you normally would. Because just holding X on most of the racing missions can really mess you up.

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I have the pimpsuit and access to her car.

I'm going to waste her here soon, because I'm not arsed with getting 100% right now.

I've got Freebird on the radio, a Desert Eagle in my lap...almost makes a guy wanna cry.


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Yeah after many attempts, Area 51 Invasion is a success.

It took the cars float on water and the Rhino Tank cheat, but I'm there, with many a Weapons and Armor cheats too.

Still exploring, theres a large metal door that goes underground but I can't open it and its pissing me off.

Note: I don't save after I use cheats

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Andy Dick is Maurice on the Gardening with Maurice show on WCTR.

And the mystery guy talking to OG Loc is Lazlow.

Funniest reference to a previous GTA has to be "Rosie". It's in the manual's list of characters, but I'll leave it at that just so it's not spoiled.

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I've seen about 3 plane crashes so far. I saw the first one smack into a bridge before coming down. The second came out of nowhere, and the third just crashed into a lake.

Oh, I take back what I said earlier. After doing the N.O.E. I can see where all those damn crashes keep coming from.

And another rumor: Apparently if you wait near the shack where you find a chainsaw (near the Wu Zi Mu starting point) at midnight (and supposedly in the rain), you may start to hear chainsaw noises, and some guy will come up and kill you with a chain saw.

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Go to the bridge to Las Venturas, near Jiszy's Pleasure Domes/Katie's house. Look for a sign that reads "Bridge Facts". Not really a phenomenon or anything, just a cool something Rockstar put in the game.

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So yeah, I've done every mission in SF so far, except the 2nd set of CJ missions. Well, I'm on Snail Trail right now.

And urrrghh.

Okay, here's what I usually do - I head the train off at the pass, so to speak. I usually get the sniper rifle, get on the dirtbike, and leave Cranberry Station seconds before the train, allowing me to arrive before the train and the reporter.

Well, I got there before the train/reporter, as I planned. I parked across the street on the dirtbike and watched the reporter get out, hail a cab, pass RIGHT BY ME and get spooked, then I proceeded to gun it the opposite direction to keep the "Spook-O-Meter" down.

Then I turned around and started tailing the cab from a distance. Lost it once when I wrecked my bike, so I stole a BF-400 bike and caught back up.

Hit a pole, the cab makes a left turn, I make a left turn and...Mission Failed, apparently I lost the reporter.

Arrrgghhhh. Any tips or strategies you fellas used to pass this one?

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I'm not saying I believe or not believe any of these, but here:

Confirmed Myths

Ghost Cars

There ARE ghost cars in Back O' Beyond in the South of San Fierro. They are beat-up Glendales near the large rocks in the shape of horseshoes. If you attempt to take them to an auto-shop, you can change the colour but you cannot repair them. If you move them from their place. Another ghost car will spawn at the top of the hill and roll down into place of the other one. There will be no driver.

Plane Crashes

I've witnessed one firsthand. It happened in the middle of the street. Whilst these happen rarely, it's said that Mt. Chilliad is a place where it's common to see planes crash.


Near Area 51 in Las Venturas there is a place called The Probe Inn. Inside there is a map on the wall. This map has several dots on it. These are locations where you are most likely to see weird ass shit like UFO's. Whether UFO's actually exist is another matter.

Demolished Trees

In Back O' Beyond there are many cut up trees and some 'gooey trees' which seem like glitches in the game.

Brown Lake

Also in Back O' Beyond, the lake nearby has brown coloured water and is meant to bubble at certain times.

Myths Unconfirmed:


Lots of people have said they've seen him. From most of the descriptions he's tall, has a big round body and round head and has thin arms and legs. No-one's been able to catch him, the biggest excuse has been that he runs about 4 times as fast as anything on the game. Commonly seen running past in the distance. Key places are Back O' Beyond and around Mt. Chilliad


People have claimed to have seen green orbs in the sky (air planes have flashing red lights so it's not them) and some have gone as far as saying that beams of light have shot down nearby.

Loch Ness Monster

Try swimming East of Los Santos. A few have claimed to have seen it peeking above the water but when you go below it has disappeared.

The Tree With The Face

Back O' Beyond again. People have claimed to have seen a tree with face like features.

Flame Thrower Circle

Again in Back O' Beyond there is a flame thrower surrounded in a circle of trees. It's said that using it to light the trees does something.


On the southern farms on San Fierro there is a chainsaw spawn in the middle of a crop field. Supposedly going here at a specific time a farmer resembling Leatherface will chase you away.


Too many people mistake Dolphins for them.

There's more, I just can't remember them all. There's something strange afoot.

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