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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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GTA: SA will only take 4 months for it to come out on XBox, as it will be released for XBox in March. And to whoever said the XBox version will suck by comparision is sadly mistaken, as it's the PS2 version that's going to suck by comparison. Way better graphics, and I wouldn't be surprised and a new feature or two.

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Always? No, that's the first time I've ever mentioned anything like that. It's my opinion, I don't own an Xbox or a Gamecube 'cause personally I'd rather have one console and a big library of games rather than 3 consoles with the same amount of games spread out over all 3.

Other than that, if you could get a Ps2 style pad for Gamecube or Xbox I'd more than happily play on them.

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I couldnt do this either, but that was because I couldn't ride a bike. I kicked a car (go up to one and press triangle). They are quicker and safer. Go to the yellow blip on the radar.

The radar itself confused the hell out of me at first, but I have gotten more used to it.

Just head for the yellow dot, and do as AppleShampoo rightly suggests. You can always use the fold-up map that comes with the game too if that makes things easier.

Edited by timmayy
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I've had the game since Sunday, and have hardly done any missions (Seriously, I have only just met the Emmet guy). Instead, I have just been hitting the gym and exploring.

I just played two days in the game. 1st, I just drove about Los Santos, and did a bit of shopping (A guy has to look his best). The 2nd day, I drove out into the sticks, and explored a few little villages like Montgomery, Palomino Creek etc, saw (and maybe caused) a mini pile-up on the intersection, and did some off-track betting, and killed some random hillbilly types.

I'll probably just go to the gym for the next few days too. To be honest, in previous GTA games, I was never one for missions, juts liked to cruise around, and do whatever took my fancy.

So, whats everyone doing in San Andreas now? Missions? Driving round and exploring? Killing Spree's? Shopping spree's?

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I hate Halo, and I hate the hype its raised amongst it, the graphics on GTA are quality, they're not suppose to look like real people, infact a more realistic version wouldn't sit aswell with me.

And plus, the graphics on the Xbox won't be any better, they'd have to redo the whole game. All your getting is the same game at a later date.

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I like you haven't done many missions. The latest mission I've completed is Doberman. I'm now one-by-one gaining territories. Once I have them all I'll do some more missions. I want to do Vigilante, Taxi and Pimp missions but I daren't in case my hood comes under attack in the middle of it.

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Got the game on Sunday. I've done up to the Catalyst mission where CJ and Ryder go to that train of ammo or whatever and fight off the other gangs. I've finished all of Sweet's missions up to this point and I'm up to the Big Smoke mission where you're supposed to keep up with the front car of a train so he can shoot the guys on it.

I'm hoping to take an OG Loc mission soon, but the hours for that are weird and it's pretty far off so nearby missions (Ryder's and Smoke's) take precedence.

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Anyone who thinks the Xbox version of San Andreas would suck on the Xbox is either a complete idiot, or just a jealous "fanboy" (I fucking hate that word).

Fuck console favouritism. Vice City and GTA3 had noticeable improvements on the Xbox, both with frame rate and clearer graphics. And the custom soundtrack taking away from the game? Yes, a chance to listen to your own music would actually hurt the game and make it suck.

And Halo 2 is even more overrated than Halo.

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I think the music on the radio helps set the scene on the game, e.g. all the 80s stuff on Vice City. Also, some of the stations update and mention things (e.g. denise phoning in a reuqest, RLS commenting on gangwars etc.).

And the graphics on the PS2 version are excellent, there wasn't in my view a great deal of difference in the X-Box version's graphics on 3 and VC. I'm neither an idiot or a jealous fanboy, I jsut think the X-Box as a whole is over-rated, and waiting a year for the exact same game with worse controls is daft.

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