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Halo 2 Build-Up/Discussion Thread

The Kraig

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NOTICE: Any spoiler talk will result in immediate death. You have been warned.

I know not many of you have Xboxes, you unlucky sods, but on November 9th and 11th, Halo 2 is released in North America and then Europe. I think Australia get it earlier, so screw them from this discussion (I kid, I kid). (¬_¬)

For those of us with Xboxes, dance around, because this game looks like the best FPS ever, along with what should be one of the best online games yet.

If you played Halo, you know the general jest of the story, which makes the game awesome. Halo 2 starts a while after Halo 1 ended, and the Covenant have located Earth. They have now planned to take over and glass the planet of any human life and it's Chief's job to do it.

It's taking advantage of Xbox Live and has some unique abilities compared to other games. It has grouping, which allows you to meet up with yoru friends and form a single unit, which will move from game to game so you're always playing with your pals. It also has a cool ranking system, which means you won't be getting owned all the time but instead will be having close-cut games against people of your own ability. That being said, if you purposely enter a game with more experienced players, you will be rewarded a better rank if you can hold your own. So beating highly ranked players gets more points and vice versa. Cool.

In multiplayer the main difference is that the maps are taken from the single player game. There is an attacking team and a defending team with their own advantages and weaknesses. Attacking teams get Warthogs for example and defending teams get Rocket Launchers, so no more symetric levels like in Halo. But it has been rumoured that post-release you will be able to download the old Halo maps for nostalgia games. Whatever the case, it's gonna rawk. Another nice addition to multiplayer I've seen is the 'tags' above players. When people die their tags turn to X's, so you know not to follow your team in for example. And your armour is fully customizable from colours to logos. And best of all, you can play as Elites, the Covenant's smartest and most humanoid infantry.

For the singleplayer, lots of stuff has been kept pretty secret, but since the leak, people have been posting about stuff in the game, pissing off everyone else. All I know from the trailers and demos is that Sarge Johnson returns (although he seemingly died in Halo when the Flood attacked, read First Strike to find out how he's still alive), new armour, dual-wielding, more Covenant species to kill, all the levels are apparently on Earth in various places. Africa is a certain, but Australia, North America, Europe, Asia and South America will apparently have levels too. Or at least, that would make sense.

I cannot fooking wait for this, I have my limited edition version pre-ordered. The countdown starts now. 11 days.

I suggest you head over to www.bungie.net for any trailers, screenshots and FAQs about it if you want. :thumbsup:

Surely there's someone who's going to get this instead of GTA, FM and the other numerous game releases like me? :P

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I own an X-Box and have been waiting for Halo 2 to come out. One problem, no cash. So my buddies have been taking up a collection so that I can buy it. So far I am still 30 bucks short. Hopefully we can find more cash and I can get it. Hopefully...

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I'm obsessed with Halo, pretty much, and am planning on spending close to $250 next week (Halo 2, X-Box Live & Wireless X-Box Live Adapter)

This game has so much hype behind it, it's almost scary. I've seen some of the screen shots and videos from single player (The leaked version), and it looks great.

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I love Halo 2, and I'm defentally going to be buying it. I might pick up XBox live, but I dont have that much money at the moment. I will most likely though.

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