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The Book Thread

Farmer Reil

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I'm trying to finish Jennifer Governement but I'm finding it hard to keep up with all the flashbacks and different points of veiws thoughout the story.

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1984 is spectacular. One of the few books I've had to read for school assignments that I enjoyed and could manage to finish!

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I was given "Every Little Thing Gonna Be Alright: The Bob Marley Reader" by my other for x-mas, really interesting so far, alot of great insight into the historical/social context which Bob Marley and The Wailers were born, from what i've read so far though, it needs more non-white contributors, namely people from Jamaica~! Though there's a nice lil' piece from Rita Marley, oh and Lester Bangs has a really fun writing-style, good stuff so far.

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"The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition" by Stephen King - I read the original "The Stand" so I was happy to get this for christmas. Should be good all 1141 pages of it lol.

The uncut version kicks the shit out of the cut version. Its hella long, but worth it.

I just finished "Runaway Jury" by John Grisham, and its pretty good. Currently, I'm pushing my way through America: The Book.

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1984 is spectacular. One of the few books I've had to read for school assignments that I enjoyed and could manage to finish!

1984 = overrated. Couldn't stand it last year, it felt really tedious and plodding, and devoid of the emotion that such a novel should have. I thought Animal Farm was miles ahead in the way the characters were built and just the way it was written, such that the narrator told things from a pro-Napoleon stance, which really added to the whole allegorical feeling of the book.

I thought 1984 was really lacking, and didn't live up to the hype at all.

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Exact opposite. I couldn't hardly stand Animal Farm but I was rapt with 1984 the minute I began reading it.

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The books I've most recently read are the Belgariad series by David Eddings for the 2nd time, and all my Animorphs books.

Please can someone suggest something David Eddings-y to read (that's not Terry Pratchet).

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Picked up God's Debris: A Thought Experiment by Scott Adams yesterday, and it's a brilliant book so far.

Scott Adams, creator of the popular comic strip "Dilbert," has written a modern-day parable about a young man and an unlikely mentor. God's Debris starts with a young deliveryman trying to hand over a package to a man with a San Francisco address. But delivering the package to this old man proves to be as difficult as trying to understand the meaning of God.

    "It's for you," the old man tells the narrator, gesturing to the package.

    "What's in the package?" the narrator asks.

    "It's the answer to your question."

    "I wasn't expecting any answers,"

the deliveryman admits. About this time, the narrator begins to realize that he's not dealing with a feeble-minded old man; he's dealing with a situation that could alter his life. The sincerity and metaphysical complexity of this fable will surprise those who expect comedy, but Adams is following a tradition set by such writers as Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior) and Richard Bach (Illusions). As in many parables that have come before, the deliveryman learns the meaning of life from an illusive mentor who seems to arise from a wrinkle in time. The cleverness of the God's Debris concept is original and bound to leave readers pondering some altered definitions of God, the universe, and just about everything else.

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Just finished Pimp by Iceberg Slim.

Had to read a few passages a couple of times, as he uses Black American slang, which is pretty hard for a white Englishman to understand in places, but helpfully there's a glossary of terms at the back.

It's a lot different to what I expected, as I expected him to totally glamourise the business, but instead it's very gritty and very real. Some of the stuff from his childhood is pretty rough.


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