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Does PP run out for the AI Pokemon too? What would happen if in a legendary Pokemon battle if it lasted so long it ran out of moves? That'd be cool, if I had the time and patience to try it.

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Does PP run out for the AI Pokemon too? What would happen if in a legendary Pokemon battle if it lasted so long it ran out of moves? That'd be cool, if I had the time and patience to try it.

This has happened to me a lot with trying to catch legendary Pokemon and they will just start using struggle until they faint themselves/you catch them.

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God knows what my Reuniclus is in terms of nature and EV, I never tend to bother on the first run through. With unlimited TM's now it's even better as I don't start building up a new pokemon for EV training only to realise my preferred move was used on something else to help me beat a particular gym.

I'm considering doing an N and when I rebattle the Elite 4 turning up with a whole new squad of pokemon. Why? Because I'm stupid and like to take on silly tasks like that. I'm thinking of capturing a Ghastly to get Gengar to lead my team.

In a bit of a scramble I may offer out the other places to pokemon I'm using, so just offer up a pokemon and I'll do my best to capture it and turn it into a battling machine. I'm on White and hoping to be near White Forest soonish, if you do name a pokemon though and can breed and trade (and are willing to) do mention as that will save me some trouble. My rules are;

I may ignore particular pokemon for a certain reason

Keep the team varied, don't name me 6 Fire pokemon (altho in 5 generations they only seem to have made 7 decent ones ¬_¬)

No legendaries, obviously

If I had to assemble the team myself, I'd maybe go with (just out of fun/using pokemon I haven't used (which is most)) because I'd like to use stuff I don't normally use (Baring in mind most games I got 6 pokemon early on and was too fussy to ever change them because I got sentimental, so missed out on loads.)

Gengar (Ghost)

Houndoom (Fire/Dark)

Mammswine (Ground/Ice)

Toxicroak (Fighting/Poison)

Dodrio (Normal/Flying)

Hypno (Psychic)

And so on and so forth. So go on, name some pokemon that are (preferably) obtainable and I'll see if I can be arsed training them up to Level 70 odd so I can fight the E4 once more. (EV training is going to be a total bitch, may leave that out for this run so I can just EXP boost of Audino and go from there..)

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Use Aggron. I can get you an Aron just as soon as I find my Pearl game.

(I have like...Der Infi decent pokemon from multiple generations on my Pearl, as I have emigrated my LeafGreen, Ruby and Emerald teams and some legendaries to it. I also on that note have on-demand starters from these as well. Maybe not all of them, but definitely a bunch).

EDIT: Regarding my Solosis - I had to look up its nature after i'd started using it. And then I also only found out its hidden power type after much testing. I had it narrowed down to Grass or Electric after hitting a Tympole with it, then figured it out after trying to use it on a Sandile.

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Use Aggron. I can get you an Aron just as soon as I find my Pearl game.

(I have like...Der Infi decent pokemon from multiple generations on my Pearl, as I have emigrated my LeafGreen, Ruby and Emerald teams and some legendaries to it. I also on that note have on-demand starters from these as well. Maybe not all of them, but definitely a bunch).

EDIT: Regarding my Solosis - I had to look up its nature after i'd started using it. And then I also only found out its hidden power type after much testing. I had it narrowed down to Grass or Electric after hitting a Tympole with it, then figured it out after trying to use it on a Sandile.

There's a guy at the Mistralton Pokemon Centre who will tell you the type of Hidden Power any Pokemon would have if you were to use it.

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I'll give Aggron a miss as it was one of my main pokemon in Emerald. Pretty much beelined to that cave to make sure I got one of those guys because it seemed that nothing did damage to it, which was awesome early on when people were using tackle and it was just taking off 1HP. Feel free to reccomend another (or couple) though.

Also my Samurott can get HP: Fire, which is tempting to stick on just to really fuck everything up that tries to mess with it. Grass, Steel etc. will be well and truly scooby-doo'd with that.

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Beldum-Metagross bores me to use at the moment, although I'd gladly take a Beldum off your hands if you want. :)

Out of those I'm going to go with Dratini because I don't think I ever utilized one in the games despite Dragonite being a totally bad ass pokemon. So I'll take one of them.

Bagon line I used regularly. Riolu I've never had so that's a good possiblity, same with Larviatar, but I'll have Dratini as my dragon line. (Bloody dragon lines that come available at the end such as Dratini, Larvitar, Axew, Deino, they never get used by me because I'm too busy with my level 70 Pidgeot's I caught on Route 1 etc. sheesh).

So we'll say;


Houndoom (maybe)


Riolu (if i can be arsed catching one)

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