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At the weekend I may need to 'extralink' with people so I can increase and improve my White Forest area as right now it's pretty paltry. Anyone especially with a guy called "Dave" or "Roughneck Dave" will be ideal as I want a Ghastly.

If anyone needs any of the following, let me know asap and I'll catch one for you and give you it at the weekend (national dex needed):






And I, depressingly, think that may be all I have on offer atm. As I get more then my options increase but I need to extralink first.

I would actually really like a Magby and if you explain to me how, I would like to "extralink" also.

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I am having quite some trouble locating my copy of Pearl. I am rapidly approaching panic, as I have literally hundreds of hours into the game, and all the pokemon I have transferred to it. I had to play through the entirety of four pokemon storylines to get there.... :crying:

Only four? I went through Fire Red 3 separate times just to get the Legendary Dogs. Of course, Nintendo officially announced G/S remakes not too long after. >.>

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HG/SS had been announced by the time I got that far, I didn't need to do it :)

But still....:crying:

My copy of LeafGreen is also with it somewhere, and I had the timing for a slot machine down pat, so I had on-demand Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower TMs as well.

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I'm fairly sure Entralink requires you to be in proximity with someone - that is, it's done by local wireless, not Nintendo WFC.

Just fyi IAceI and Trench.

Oh hey while we're talking trades. I need an Abra. Does anyone have one going spare? In return I have a couple of swarm Pokemon - Yanma, Farfetch'd, Plusle, and I think one more - as well as the capability to get eggs of all the starters and Zorua, or any Black exclusives you might want.

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That's shit. So my White Forest will forever be blessed with the scurge of some of the most pathetic pokemon in the world... like.. Wurmple. Jesus.

Ah well, I'll still get you a Magby, Trench, and trade it over this weekend hopefully.

EDIT: Kind of defeats the purpose of 'white only version exclusives' going to need some help with a Ghastly now. Fucks sake. :@

Edited by IAceI
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DoubleX, I actually just caught an Abra in White Forest the other day. I could breed one for you and try to get it to you Friday evening my time if that would work for you, assuming nobody else can get you it.

Do you have all the starts for every generation or just Oshawott, Snivy and Tepig?

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DoubleX, I actually just caught an Abra in White Forest the other day. I could breed one for you and try to get it to you Friday evening my time if that would work for you, assuming nobody else can get you it.

Do you have all the starts for every generation or just Oshawott, Snivy and Tepig?

At the moment it's just Oshawott, Snivy and Tepig. I have almost all of the other starters on my other games, but I only have one DS and so no way to move them over.

Also that would be great with the Abra. I'm planning on using it to breed Psycho Cut onto my Medicham, so I'd prefer a male one, but I'm not too picky - if you give me a female one I'll just breed another >_>

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As of right now I believe Ive only gotten a Magby, Rhyhorn, Aron, and Abra, though Im not sure if I got the Aron there or somewhere else...

Once I can steal some people from my friends Black City I hope to get some more so that I wont have to worry about having my White Forest be all nice looking <_<.

And will do Double. I can start breeding an Abra in a bit for you to have ready.

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Do trades have to be pokemon for pokemon? No way of just sening a pokemon for nothing in return?

Also I have access to my WiFi for a few hours, so if I have any trades set up with anyone let me know and we can get them done. Trench, if you read this, I can get you your Magby to you for a few hours (about 9pm GMT) if not Friday or Saturday will be the next opportunity.

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Do trades have to be pokemon for pokemon? No way of just sening a pokemon for nothing in return?

Also I have access to my WiFi for a few hours, so if I have any trades set up with anyone let me know and we can get them done. Trench, if you read this, I can get you your Magby to you for a few hours (about 9pm GMT) if not Friday or Saturday will be the next opportunity.

Friday is fine for me and yeah, has to be Pokemon for Pokemon.

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Getting a Ditto for every nature is more of a bitch once you get towards the end. Ive only got four natures left, but I gave up for a while because it was so rare to run into a Ditto, and even rarer to get four specific natures. Stupid Ditto's <_<

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Not in half an hour I'm afraid but I'll have access to my WiFi in about 5 hours or so I'd say for a few days so if no one has helped you by then (sure someone will have, I work you see but most people on here are slackers ¬_¬) I will give you a hand.

May level up my Timburr because I fancy a Conkeldurr (but my Timburr is my strength slave so may not be wise if I wanna use a Conkeldurr to have it be that one..) Hmm

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Guest skipschool

I've just blitzed through a game of White, going to uptrade everything I've got from Red, Crystal and Pearl over the next week, and for the first time since I originally played through Red, try and catch them all... Might suicide during it though.

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