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Saddest TV Moment

Guest Wrestling_Man

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Seven Leaf Clover was hard to swallow. The one with Fry's dog was the same for me.

But, I've got another one. Remember that doc that was sown on Channel 4 called The Strangest Village in Britian? If so, that bit where the retarded guy is doing the washing up the woman goes tits at him and he starts to cry. That was horrible.

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Does anyone remember the episode of The Simpsons where Homer meets his mother for the first time after he fakes his death? The ending of that one is pretty sad.

Also, Doesn't Homer's mom return in another episode as well? I'm not too sure but I think there's another one with her. (most recent seasons maybe?)

BTW, How did Seven Leaf Clover end? I remember it was like Fry's brother naming his son after Fry or something after Fry thought his brother took his leaf and name? Is that right?

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BTW, How did Seven Leaf Clover end? I remember it was like Fry's brother naming his son after Fry or something after Fry thought his brother took his leaf and name? Is that right?

Edited by EWFan2004
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Guest Majick

Surprised that this one hasn't been mentioned yet, but the Firefly episode 'The Message'. The scene at the end where the guy's body is returned to his parents, and his will is read out over the scene of his funeral. Man, that gets me like nothing else.

"If you can't run, then you crawl. And if you can't crawl... Well, you know the rest..."

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The saddest things I can remember seeing on TV were, aside from things already mentioned, the last episode of The Office (before the special), where David Brent absolutely breaks down. That was brutally hard to watch, since he's really such an ass for the entire series, and then just seeing him basically just begging for his job since it is all he has got me really, really down. The special rounded things off nicely, though, which was great.

Also, there was an episode of ER with Ray Liotta in it that actually got me full-on to tears. I can't remember the details, but Liotta is an ex-con drifter who comes into the hospital...he's in really bad shape, and when given the option of going on dialasys for the rest of his life, or dying, he decides to refuse treatment. At one point, they contact his only relative, his son, and put him on speaker phone in the OR so that Liotta can talk to him, and while everyone is standing around, the son basically tells his dying father that he has nothing to say to him, and hangs up. That was avsolutely brutal, and one of the saddest things I have EVER seen.

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I really couldn't think of something but I managed to think of a recent one. The episode of Scrubs called My Screw Up in the third series that had Brendan Fraser as a guest star. When you found out that Brendan Fraser's character had died I was seriously fighting with all I had to not cry. If my girlfriend hadn't been in the room I would have weeped like a tiny little girl.

Actually a lot of episodes of Scrubs have made me feel really sad. Damn programme. It's meant to be a wacky comedy stop trying to make me cry.

Edited by Pander Opiate
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- The episode of Angel where Cordelia dies.

- The episode of Angle where Wesley dies.

- The episode of Buffy where Spike sees Buffy die.

- The episode of Stargate SG-1 when Daniel Jackson dies.

- The epside of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 when Jadzia Dax dies.

I only cry for Sci-Fi stuff. But the one that tops them all I have to say, it's easily in Star Trek: Nemesis when Data dies. I just loved the character and everything about him, and the sacrifice to save his friends and crew made me really cry. :(

Edited by TheReilDeal
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The last episode of Friends was emotional because ive been a fan for so many years but Frys Dog was the only episode that i came close to tears , Just the way the dog waits and waits then you see him slowly go to his knees then lie down .

Not to forget the Only Fools And Horses episode where its Rodneys wedding and Del and Rodney hug and Rodney leaves and they have the music on and then Mike asks him if hes ok and hes nearly in tears after the brother he raised like he was his son had grown into a man .

This is my 2nd edit , im remember how much of a sissy i am .

The Owen Hart tribute show was very hard to watch with Mark Henry , Jarret and Debra all breaking into tears and Austin toasting the beer . Even at a young age i knew that i was witnessing something i would never forget . I almost burst into tears when the Owen Hart ___-1999 came up at the end of the show with a picture of him

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The saddest things I can remember seeing on TV were, aside from things already mentioned, the last episode of The Office (before the special), where David Brent absolutely breaks down.  That was brutally hard to watch, since he's really such an ass for the entire series, and then just seeing him basically just begging for his job since it is all he has got me really, really down.  The special rounded things off nicely, though, which was great.

Also, there was an episode of ER with Ray Liotta in it that actually got me full-on to tears.  I can't remember the details, but Liotta is an ex-con drifter who comes into the hospital...he's in really bad shape, and when given the option of going on dialasys  for the rest of his life, or dying, he decides to refuse treatment.  At one point, they contact his only relative, his son, and put him on speaker phone in the OR so that Liotta can talk to him, and while everyone is standing around, the son basically tells his dying father that he has nothing to say to him, and hangs up.  That was avsolutely brutal, and one of the saddest things I have EVER seen.

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For me it was the finale of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire when he comes down the stairs after going to the bathroom and everyone has left and the lights are all off. Very sobering.

Although I think the worst was the first episode of Eight Simple Rules after John Ritter died. I was a huge fan of Ritter's for years, and just the fact that he wasn't on the show made for heartbreaking TV.

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If you people didn't cry when Mr Beans car got run over then there's something wrong with you :(

Like many have said, Friends is also quite sad at times for me too. I always seem to find myself quite teary over some of the episodes. Main ones are when Joey tells Rachel he loves her at dinner, but she pretty much says no in a way. Then by far the most emotional is when Joey finds Ross kissing Charlie even though he stopped his stuff with Rachel because he cared for Ross as a friend. Then he goes and kisses Rachel, greatest ending to a series I swear. Just a few more to add as well. Firstly the one in a box, where Kathy speaks to Chandler but he doesn't reply because his friendship with Joey means more. Oh and also the one when Ross argues with Rachel over Julie, only for the two to finally kiss at the end. Also, last one now I promise, the one where Rachel arrives at the wedding between Ross/Emily and then doesn't stop it going a head.

That's about it I think. Oh and one from Fresh Prince when Will screams at Carlton to give him the gun after Will had earlier taken a bullet for him. Come to think about it, also the episode where Will's dad comes and then leaves without him and Will breaks down in front of Phil.

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Only a few for me.

24 - The end of series 1 when Jack finds Teri dead. And also in the second series when Jack called Kim telling her he is on the plane and is going to die.

Friends - The last scene.

Those are probably the only times I have really cried I think.

Oh yeh, I forgot, Band of Brothers is TV.

The scene when they find that concentration camp is really sad and also the very end when Dick Winter's reads the end of that letter that someone wrote him, that gets me everytime. So sad. :(

Edited by Gooner4Life
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the ends of Star Trek: TNg had me tear up a bit. The show that makes me cry the most though is the end of Cheers. When the guy enters the bar and Sam looks at him and says "Sorry, we're closed"..god...

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