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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Raven Movelist

By: Liger

Standard Actions

Ring-In: Normal

Ring-Out: Roll Down

Taunt: Raise Arm 4, Sit down, Come On! Hold Up 2

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1

Walking Motion: Normal

Running Motion: Normal


Strike Attacks

Kick To Gut 2

Toe Kick 1

Knee Attack 2

Body Punch

Clothesline 3

Outlaw Punches 1

Grapple Moves


Small Package 1

Body Knee Strike

Wrist Clutch & Elbow

Scoop Slam 5

Snapmare 2


Eye Rake 1

Low Blow 5

Head Pound

Eye Rake 2

Reverse Atomic Drop


Armbar 5

Snapmare & Neck Lock 2

Headlock 4

Sleeper Hold 1

Chicken Wing 1

Category 1: Brawler

Big Knee Smash

Elbow To Back of Head 1

Mat Slam

Neckbreaker 16

Headlock & Punch 1

Category 2: Technical

Complete Shot

Gutbuster 2

Jawbreaker 1

Jumping Armbreaker

Suplex 2

Category 3: Old School

Coconuts Crush

Fury Punch 4

Russian Leg Sweep 1

Backbreaker 1

Neckbreaker 10

Grapple Attack

Grapple Punch 1 (x 3)

Grapple from behind

Abdominal Stretch 1

Russian Leg Sweep 2

Elbow To Back of Head 2

Triple H Low Kick

Sleeper Hold 4

School Boy Pin 2

Back Suplex 5

Low Blow 6

Bulldog 5

Bulldog 2

Top of Cell Attack

Downward Thrust (x 4)


Strike Attacks

Angry Stomp

Knee Drop 2

Double Axe Handle 4

Grapple Moves

Arm Lock 3

Knee Drop 4

Mounted Punching 1

Stomp On Leg

Punch To Groin

Kick To Groin


Strike Attacks

Turnbuckle Clothesline 1

Clothesline & Bulldog

Knee Attack 1

Grapple Moves

Toss To Turnbuckle

Mudhole Stomping 1

Superplex 1

Dirty Punch

Clothesline 25

Foot Choke 2

Grapple from behind

Turnbuckle Smash

Snake Eyes

Forearm to Back

Toss into Ring Post

Super Back Suplex


Groggy on ropes

Groin Shaker

Rebound Attack

Clothesline 10

Double Axe Handle 5

Vaulting Body Press 2

Diving out of the ring attack

Baseball Slide 1


Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.

Diving Clothesline

Double Axe handle 3

Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.

Diving Elbow

Near Elbow Drop

Knee Drop 1


Running Strikes

Kitchen Sink 1

Clothesline 10

Running Grapple

Neckbreaker 1

Head Pound

Rear Techniques

Bulldog 6

School Boy Pin 2

Running ground attack

Double Axe Handle 5 x 2

Counter Attack

Drop To Hold

Flapjack 3

Sleeper Hold 5

Tag Team

Standard Tag Team

Double Beat Head

Double Clothesline

Double Suplex

Double Punches 2

Double Facecrusher

Corner Tag Team:

Kick To Gut 1

Whip & Lay Down

Double Stomping

Double Arm Whip

Facebuster 1



DDT 24

DDT 22


Complete Shot

Russian Leg Sweep 1

Drop To Hold

Chair Finishers

Guillotine 2

DDT 23

Combination Attack

Snap Jab x 2

Outlaw Punches 3

Found this on gamefaqs msg board, don't want to lose it



And this

Sabu Movelist

By: Liger

Standard Actions

Ring-In: Normal

Ring-Out: Normal

Taunt: Raise Arm 4, Wake Up 2, Cut Throat, Raise Arm 4

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1

Walking Motion: Normal

Running Motion: Normal


Strike Attacks


Toe Kick 1

Roundhouse Kick 3

Jumping Calf Kick

Shuffle Side Kick 1

Body Punch

Grapple Moves


Small Package 1

Back Chop 5

Headlock Takeover

Arm Wringer Flip

Snapmare 2


Eye Rake 1

Low Blow 3

Head Pound

Eye Rake 2

Forehead Bite 1


Armbar 2

Hammer Lock

Headlock 4

Chin Lock

Chicken Wing 1

Category 1: Speed

Knee Strike 1

Flapjack 2

Scoop Slam & Knee

Kitchen Sink 2

Step Up Enzuigiri

Category 2: Technical

Clothesline 22

Northern Lights Suplex 1

Jawbreaker 1

German Suplex 3

Suplex 5

Category 3: Old School

Coconuts Crush

Fury Punch 4

DDT 24

Neckbreaker 6

Schoolboy Pin 3

Grapple Attack

Grapple Body Attack 1 1 (x 3)

Grapple from behind

German Suplex 4

Pumphandle Suplex

Elbow To Back of Head 2

Triple H Low Kick

Forearm Smash

Sleeper Hold 4

Back Suplex 3

DDT 17

Sleeper Hold & Scissors 1

Facecrusher 5

Top of Cell Attack

Downward Thrust (x 4)


Strike Attacks

Angry Stomp

Knee Drop 2

Double Axe Handle 4

Grapple Moves

Choke 2

Abdominal Stretch 2

Mounted Punching 2

Leg Stretch 1

Toss 2

Kick To Back


Strike Attacks

Karate Kick 1

Running Shoulder Attack 1

Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

Grapple Moves

Hurracanrana 9

Multiple Kick

Superplex 1

Body Strikes

Shoulder Thrust 2

Running Knee Strike 2

Grapple from behind

Lucha DDT

Snake Eyes

Forearm to Back

Toss 1

Rebound Suplex


Groggy on ropes

Knee Drop 3

Rebound Attack

Spinning Wheel Kick 2


Moonsault Attack

Diving out of the ring attack

Rope Flip


Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.

Diving Clothesline

Double Axe handle 3

Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.

Diving Elbow

Diving Moonsault 1

Knee Drop 1


Running Strikes

Running Calf Kick

Spinning Wheel Kick 2

Running Grapple

Victory Roll Pin 3

Spear 1

Rear Techniques

Bulldog 2

School Boy Pin 2

Running Ground Attack

Double Axe Handle 5


Counter Attack

Arm Lock 1

Free Fall Drop

Sleeper Hold 5

Tag Team

Standard Tag Team

Double Flapjack

Kick & German Suplex Pin

Double Suplex

Double Punches 2

Double Facecrusher

Corner Tag Team:

Kick To Gut 1

Whip & Lay Down

Groin Press

Double Arm Whip

Facebuster 1



Diving Leg Drop

Camel Clutch 4


Jumping Calf Kick

Spinning Wheel Kick 2

Spear 1

Chair Finishers

Guillotine 2

DDT 23

Combination Attack

Middle Kick x 2

Spinning Back Kick 1

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Holy easter eggs Batman, did anyone else get the Virgil Runnels Amendment easter egg? That's awesome.

If you don't get it, Virgil Runnels is Dusty Rhodes, who is known for using the 'Dusty' (reverse decision) finish when he was booking. I seriously marked out right there. :lol:

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Holy easter eggs Batman, did anyone else get the Virgil Runnels Amendment easter egg? That's awesome.

If you don't get it, Virgil Runnels is Dusty Rhodes, who is known for using the 'Dusty' (reverse decision) finish when he was booking. I seriously marked out right there. :lol:

Yeah, someone mentioned it a few pages ago.I haven't had it yet though.

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I'm just about to do the main event of WrestleMania 22 with Mankind, I just had a really annoying 6-Man tag where every pin and submission is broken, i got pissed of and just blasted JBL with a chair getting DQ'd.

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just had possibly one fo the best matches ever. I was Buff Bagwell facing Mark Jindrak in a singles match. it lasted for over 45 minutes . Last 4 minutes was really intense. I wore him down enough and hit the double arm ddt I then quickly lifted him up and threw him into the corner were I performed the On the top move( where you hit them they stagger back and you climb the to the top) I quickly hit the blockbuster and make the cover for near fall. I quickly bull dog him to bust him open . now I'm out of breath as I try to exit the ring to compose myself , he grapples and nails me with a two hand chokeslam(like move) . we are both knocked out starting the little minigame. I get up first and start back into him. I get two specials up and quickly hit the 2x arm ddt followed by the blockbuster for another near fall. Both our heads and backs are in red I take my time to catch my breath. he comes at me and tries to hit a clothesline but I reverse it and grapple him again and try for a 2x arm suplex but its reversed and he backdrops me. He puts the sleeper on me and I escape on the last try. Out of breath again I try a desperation attack and hit a clotheskine . He's now down but I can't react because I fall to the mat in exhaustion. he covers em for the 3 count.

That was my first match using some sliders I found over at gamefaqs and i really lke the outcome even though I lost.

also I noticed something strange. at one part of the match my head was in red. I was out of breath and decided to step out of the ring for a breather. after catching my breath i noticed my head is now in orange. it happened to him also and with different body parts

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also I noticed something strange. at one part of the match my head was in red. I was out of breath and decided to step out of the ring for a breather. after catching my breath i noticed my head is now in orange. it happened to him also and with different body parts

When you regain your stamina, you regain health. If a body part isn't too far into the next colour, when you regenerate your stamina it'll go back a colour (eg. red to orange).

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I had the best match I've ever had in any SD game so far. Edge v. RVD in a ladder match. It was on the hardest difficulty (legendary or something like that). I started out by dominating him and hitting him with a spear and edge-a-cution early on in the match. I went to the ladder but he always got up in time. At about the 30 minute mark he was red in his head, back, and legs and I was yellow in my head and back. Here is where it got interesting. I went up top and he quickly followed, we had a punching battle and after countering 2 punches in a row he hit a grapple move and threw me out of the ring from the ladder, knocking me out and leaving me in red. But instead of grabbing the title he goes up top and hits a (i think) corkscrew moonsault off the ladder and barely hits me so he gets knocked out too. We had more back and forth action until he finally knocked me out again with another throw off the ladder and he got the title. It was about 50 minutes.

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Where do you unlock/buy movesets? Sorry if it's obvious, I can't seem to find it

You have to get the Tough Enough trophy. To get it, just win 10 matches with a created wrestler.

I was doing this with my Matt Hardy CAW, just doing a bunch of matches, and I had given him the Hurricane's moveset (for whatever reason) and I had a match against Steven Richards. I did about one or two normal powered moves, then hit an irish whip, and then I caught him with a powerslam-pin, and his body went yellow. I thought I'd get a 1 count, but I was damn shocked when I got the 3. Anyone else had strange stuff like that happen?

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Guest Grapehead

no but I have had John Cena and HHH kick out of 3 finishers after a 15 minute match... a little unbalanced to say the least.

EDIT: has anyone else had this happen... you use both your finishers back to back and pin but they kick out, but next time you have a match against the same person you do a finisher, pin, then the other and the second pin gets you a 3 count?

Edited by Grapehead
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that happenes a lot to me using my AJ styles caw I dunno why it does it though but man the landing pin(styles clash) is so weak in the game. I can only get a 1 count with it when my opponent is in the red.

Also I beleive matt hardy's moveset is Moveset 14 in the game

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