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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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That's cool Doc, but I was hoping for a TNA one.


Something like that.

Also I just made a badass TNA Raven, only problem is I think he looks a bit bland on the way down to the ring, so I may try and give him some entrance attire.

thing is, I don't have many layers left. I could steal some from the makeup I think, but I'd have three max. Do you think that would be enough to make a decent Shirt/Leather jacket combo? And does anyone know how to do it? There's a lot of clothes to look through and I'm crap at caws so far anyway.


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I really didn't have a problem with OJ A couple of power irish whips to the outside and a few moves in the exposed turnbuckle really weakens him up for my my leg submissions.

a lot of people are complaining abotu not being able to stack weappns but I really don't see a problem in it you can still get pretty creative with the ladders and tables.

I love doing the Life and Cutter through the table

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damn Christian is kicking my ass, doing ehibition title matches against him<he has both I-C and World titles and I'm trying to get I-C away from him> and so far he's beat me twice using Shelton, once using Chavo, once using Haas and once with my CAW of Christopher Daniels..and everytime he always seems to win by blocking/reversing a move of mine and hitting the Unprettier, with Shelton he blocked the Superkick finisher, spun him around and hit it>...oh well, gonna try my CAW of AJ now, heh

Edit: Well finally beat him, heh....damn I wish there was a way to edit the damamge of a move though, or at least make it so that any move chose as a finisher gets a decent damage boost to it because the Landing Pin/Styles Clash blows, I have never gotten more than a one count out of it, even with my opponent almost totally red

Edited by BlackFlagg
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God just had an amazing match which went over 45 minutes Bret Hart vs The Bulldog(me)

Countered the Sharpshooter and pushed him into the ropes went for the Powerslam he dropped down, countered the Piledriver and went for a Clothesline he ducks, then we do a chain of reversals for like ages before I finally hit him with the Powerslam

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John Cena is one tough mother fucker in a Parking Lot Brawl. I just had Cena vs Hassan in one for my Judgment Day PPV in GM Mode (I was Hassan) and I was trying to get the alternate finish to the match, but fell victim to the FU. The feud shall continue, however!

J-Day Results saw...

Daivari © Over Paul London for the Cruiserweight Title

Eddie Guerrero Over Danny Basham

Chavo Guerrero Over Edge in a First Blood Match

Shelton Benjamin © Over William Regal for the US Title

John Cena Over Muhammad Hassan in a Parking Lot Brawl (highest rated match at 4*)

Chris Jericho Over Chris Benoit in a 32 minute classic for the vacant World Heavyweight Title

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It's generally agreed that this is the biggest step forward in the SD series since, like, forever. You're entitled to your opinion, and if you don't like it, that's fine. but there's no denying that this IS a better game, so don't start the fanboy bullshit you always start when you come into these threads.

I have to strongly disagree in regards to the "there's no denying that this is a better game" line - I'm quite happy to stand up and say that I found previous games in the series just as (or more) fun, which to me is the sole factor in rating a console game. While there is no doubting that this edition is the most technologically advanced they've ever done, I think a lot of the new features (while great in concept) don't work as well as they should, and some bits have actually got far far worse. I'm not saying this is a bad game by any means BTW, I just think that the bad points negate the good points, and therefore it isn't a vastly superior game.

Incidentally, I have to side with Matzat on the subject of AI; I find tag team matches absolutely unplayable at the moment due to the god-awful AI, it was far superior in previous versions; it's got to the point where unless I'm forced into one in Season mode, I will never do any sort of non-tornado tag match ever. I also think the poor AI has ruined both ladder matches (which seems to be generally agreed from threads I've seen) and elimination chamber matches (due to the inexplicable breaking up of pins and constantly climbing the cage walls). And as I've said before, the new referee is not very good, both in the fact that he gets in the way so you get lame DQs, and because of the way he will occasionally stand around for a good three seconds before bothering to count pins. So I think it's very unfair to Matzat to dismiss his post as "fanboy bullshit", I for one am completely in agreement with him.

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Guest muddatrucker

It'd be more unfair if he wasn't notorious for going into every single SmackDown thread ever created and shat on it ranting about Kings of Coliseum and how its gameplay gold, so when he comes in here and disapproves of something, its only natural that anyone would make these assumptions.

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It'd be more unfair if he wasn't notorious for going into every single SmackDown thread ever created and shat on it ranting about Kings of Coliseum and how its gameplay gold, so when he comes in here and disapproves of something, its only natural that anyone would make these assumptions.

Fair enough, I don't know what his previous history is, I just thought he was being unfairly dismissed on this particular occasion; his points seemed to be valid to me.

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It's generally agreed that this is the biggest step forward in the SD series since, like, forever. You're entitled to your opinion, and if you don't like it, that's fine. but there's no denying that this IS a better game, so don't start the fanboy bullshit you always start when you come into these threads.

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