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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Keith, for the Undertaker's Urn storyline use a SmackDown guy who isn't Booker T, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero or, obviously, The Undertaker. I got it with Carlito. It's the second storyline of the season.

For Torrie's contract be anyone except for JBL, Cena, RVD, Orlando, Bashams. It's the first storyline you have. I've had it with Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Carlito, Austin.

The storyline for Trish's contract is the second one in the RAW season. Use any RAW guy except for Regal, Eugene, Edge, Christian. I had it using Orton, Triple H, John Cena.

anyone know how to get the ECW arena ? i dident get it by turning to ECW and winning the title at mania :-/

That's because you get it when you complete the first two (Amateur, Rising Star) set of challenges.

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Bahah just had a great match with Cena. I was Raven, the referee got knocked out accidentally, I had enough time to grab a chair, wail on Cena, build a finisher and hit a chair guillotine and go for a cover just as the referee comes round again.

The only way it could have been more realistic would be if I did the moveset correctly, and the main chair finisher was the DDT :@

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Guest The Trooper

Yes, i've unlocked everything finally (including the snake) all with the help of a little friend (xploder)

He isnt that much to brag about, i mean his stats are around 81 and doesn't seem to have anything decent (other than the cool entrance music) i dont even know if they reanimated his DDT!

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Guest Dakendo

Just out of interest, I'm wanting to get one of those save transfer thingys for when I get the game, so you can download a save (CAWs, for example), and easily put them onto my game. Is this the kind of thing I'd be looking for? I just ask, because I've seen some totally rad CAWs (Super Dragon, I can recall), but the guy is only doing saves and big packs of them, not codes.

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Guest The Trooper

Just out of interest, I'm wanting to get one of those save transfer thingys for when I get the game, so you can download a save (CAWs, for example), and easily put them onto my game. Is this the kind of thing I'd be looking for? I just ask, because I've seen some totally rad CAWs (Super Dragon, I can recall), but the guy is only doing saves and big packs of them, not codes.

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Guest Dakendo

Just out of interest, I'm wanting to get one of those save transfer thingys for when I get the game, so you can download a save (CAWs, for example), and easily put them onto my game. Is this the kind of thing I'd be looking for? I just ask, because I've seen some totally rad CAWs (Super Dragon, I can recall), but the guy is only doing saves and big packs of them, not codes.

nah, just look for a MAX DRIVE on its own, you simply donwload the files you want from the site onto the USB device and transfer it onto your memory card

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It's generally agreed that this is the biggest step forward in the SD series since, like, forever. You're entitled to your opinion, and if you don't like it, that's fine. but there's no denying that this IS a better game, so don't start the fanboy bullshit you always start when you come into these threads.

I have to strongly disagree in regards to the "there's no denying that this is a better game" line - I'm quite happy to stand up and say that I found previous games in the series just as (or more) fun, which to me is the sole factor in rating a console game. While there is no doubting that this edition is the most technologically advanced they've ever done, I think a lot of the new features (while great in concept) don't work as well as they should, and some bits have actually got far far worse. I'm not saying this is a bad game by any means BTW, I just think that the bad points negate the good points, and therefore it isn't a vastly superior game.

Incidentally, I have to side with Matzat on the subject of AI; I find tag team matches absolutely unplayable at the moment due to the god-awful AI, it was far superior in previous versions; it's got to the point where unless I'm forced into one in Season mode, I will never do any sort of non-tornado tag match ever. I also think the poor AI has ruined both ladder matches (which seems to be generally agreed from threads I've seen) and elimination chamber matches (due to the inexplicable breaking up of pins and constantly climbing the cage walls). And as I've said before, the new referee is not very good, both in the fact that he gets in the way so you get lame DQs, and because of the way he will occasionally stand around for a good three seconds before bothering to count pins. So I think it's very unfair to Matzat to dismiss his post as "fanboy bullshit", I for one am completely in agreement with him.

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Overall, I'd say it's an improved game, but that is not to say it's a BETTER game than any of the others if that makes any sense, most of the improvements do have their flaws, most of the flaws are forgiveable, as usual I'd say next year on PS3 will be an effort to use the new engine to improve graphics while clearing out bugs from this one, I sure as hell hope GM mode doesn't come back though, it's the most unimpressive feature in the game, you can pretty much get the same effect from PPV Mode.

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I've just found out that you can do title vs. title matches!

I did a match with the Impact Players vs. Team 3D for the SmackDown Tag Team titles and won, and now I'm doing a match for the World Tag Team titles with the Impact Players vs. La Resistance, and it asked if I wanted to put the WWE Tag Team titles on the line as well. This is news to me.

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I sure as hell hope GM mode doesn't come back though, it's the most unimpressive feature in the game, you can pretty much get the same effect from PPV Mode.

THQ came right out and openly admitted it was a last-minute addition this year and would be bare bones. Personally, I think GM mode is the best thing added to a wrestling game in a long time. While it's not much this year, the possibilities for the future are endless. The idea of being able to run backstage skits, create stables and formulate storylines is just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head. GM mode has limitless potential if they spend enough time on it.

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Had another sexy finish, in the triple threat between Cena, RVD and me (my created character). Battled back and forth, I went to the outside, Cena joined me, whipped him hard into the steel steps, turned to RVD, hung him out on the top rope neck first, slid in the ring, quickly nailed my Osaka Street Cutter finisher as he was still reeling from the attack and got a quick 1,2,3 before Cena could get back in the ring.

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