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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I too got the game this morning. Waiting for paper to print off my CAW data, then I'll really get into it. However, so far I've played abit on Season Mode, but GM Mode rocks. I've had 5 shows at the moment, and finally managed to beat RAW. At the moment, I'm beginning to build up Haas & London. London's CW champion, and has got the "London Challenge" - basically, he challenges himself to beat someone with a specific goal to their name. So far it's been Big Show (World's Largest Athlete) and Chris Jericho (First Ever Undisputed Champ).

Meanwhile, Angle and Christian are fueding over the WWE Title, while RVD & Hurricane (under the guise of The Loophole) are trying to get back the WWE Tag Titles from Charlie Haas & US Champ Chris Benoit.

The match engine can lag now and again, but I find it quite easy to get used to. So...4.5 Stars out of 5.

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Well, that was bullshit.

Started a season as Christian, was facing HHH in the first match. We were having a good, solid match, about 10 mins in, when the ref started getting in the way of EVERY damn move I went for, must have attacked the ref about 5/6 times and was DQ'd, even though I NEVER set out to hurt the ref.

An enjoyable match ruined.

Then, I was playing in exhibition, went for the heel tactic of going to the outside, then pressing into the ring and O to pull my opponent down onto the ropes, but the ref stood in the way, and followed me and my opponent across the ring, stopping me from doing it! Damn AI refs!

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Does anyone have a Monty Brown enterance? I can't find one anywhere.

I'd just use the Brock Lesnar-esque entrance movements, which I believe are Superstar 05 then fool around with pyros. I did find an entrance on Two Worlds though



fireworks: Randy Orton

screen effects: none

room lighting: red 2

name plate:off

camara 1 camara 1

camara 2 camara 1

camara 3 camara 7

camara 4 camara 9



Motion: Edge

fireworks: none

screen effects:

room lighting: red 2

name plate: on

camara 1 camara 1

camara 2 camara 1

camara 3 camara 2

camara 4 camara 2


ring in

Motion: edge

fireworks: none

screen effects: none

room lighting: red 2

name plate: off

camara 1 camara 2

camara 2 camara 2

camara 3 camara 2

camara 4 camara 2



Motion: Edge

fireworks: ring pyro 2

screen effects:

room lighting: red 2

name plate: on

camara 1 camara 2

camara 2 camara 2

camara 3 camara 2

camara 4 camara 2

Music- Edge

Movie- you're choice

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Since we're talking about Monty Brown, should I give him the Gore or Goldberg's Spear as the Pounce? The Gore can be hit out of nowhere, plus makes it easy to go straight into a pin, but Goldy's Spear just looks way cooler and it has the animation afterwards that is very Monty-esque. Also, which Powerbomb would you say is most like the Alpha Bomb?

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Holy shit, I just tried out the limo finisher in the Parking Lot Brawl. That had to be one of the best things I've seen in a Smackdown! game.

Anyways, did anyone get the Match Veteran trophy yet? I can swear I've done very match type so far, and I don't want to do them all again. I'll get it done at some other time I suppose.

EDIT: For Monty's Pounce, I'd use the running shoulder tackle, but it doesn't little to no damage. You'd be better going with Goldberg's spear.

Edited by Heroin Bob
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This is a question relating to SVR 2005, but I figured this was as good a place as any. Basically, what I'm experiencing is during Slobberknocker mode, I'll go for a while, and then the next guy will not come in.

This happens after tag matches too...there'll be a two minute lag or so before the Rematch/Exit screen comes up.

Can anyone help me?

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This is a question relating to SVR 2005, but I figured this was as good a place as any. Basically, what I'm experiencing is during Slobberknocker mode, I'll go for a while, and then the next guy will not come in.

This happens after tag matches too...there'll be a two minute lag or so before the Rematch/Exit screen comes up.

Can anyone help me?

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So, how the fuck do you win the cage escape mini-game? No matter how high my momentum, no matter how much Ive killed my opponent, no matter how much I hammer X, I can never win, yet the CPU fills the bar instantly.

That conspired to cost me a match. Was Carlito defendinf the IC Championship against Shelton, and I killed him. On 3 occasions, I had him beat, but when I got to the top of the cage, nothing seemed to make Carlito climb to the outside, despite me hammerimng buttons like a mother-fucker. I devote time to trying to escape via the door, but couldnt not win the escape game at all.

Then, with Sheltons head, body and legs in red, and my momentum meter buzzing I think now is as good a time as any to escape. I start the game and tap X like a madman to try and win, to no-avial. Then, Shelton, the totally dead, momentum-less Shelton starts the game on me and escapes! I lost the damn IC Championship! THEN I got angry.......

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So, how the fuck do you win the cage escape mini-game? No matter how high my momentum, no matter how much Ive killed my opponent, no matter how much I hammer X, I can never win, yet the CPU fills the bar instantly.

That conspired to cost me a match. Was Carlito defendinf the IC Championship against Shelton, and I killed him. On 3 occasions, I had him beat, but when I got to the top of the cage, nothing seemed to make Carlito climb to the outside, despite me hammerimng buttons like a mother-fucker. I devote time to trying to escape via the door, but couldnt not win the escape game at all.

Then, with Sheltons head, body and legs in red, and my momentum meter buzzing I think now is as good a time as any to escape. I start the game and tap X like a madman to try and win, to no-avial. Then, Shelton, the totally dead, momentum-less Shelton starts the game on me and escapes! I lost the damn IC Championship! THEN I got angry.......

Because you're not supposed to hammer any button. Both ways of escaping are almost exactly the same.

Climbing the cage, you need to start climbing, then press square I think it is to start the mini-game. You press X when the bar is full, and you'll take a step up. The more full the bar, the higher your step will be. Once you're sitting at the top you have to press square again to exit, or X to dive off attacking.

Escaping the door is the same idea. When you're in the mini game, you have to press X to stop the bar as full as you can, the fuller it is, the further you'll crawl. The CPU rarely gets its bar filled consecutive times, so I don't understand how people can fail at this, but just fill your bar as many times as you can and eventually you'll fall out the door.

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So, how the fuck do you win the cage escape mini-game? No matter how high my momentum, no matter how much Ive killed my opponent, no matter how much I hammer X, I can never win, yet the CPU fills the bar instantly.

That conspired to cost me a match. Was Carlito defendinf the IC Championship against Shelton, and I killed him. On 3 occasions, I had him beat, but when I got to the top of the cage, nothing seemed to make Carlito climb to the outside, despite me hammerimng buttons like a mother-fucker. I devote time to trying to escape via the door, but couldnt not win the escape game at all.

Then, with Sheltons head, body and legs in red, and my momentum meter buzzing I think now is as good a time as any to escape. I start the game and tap X like a madman to try and win, to no-avial. Then, Shelton, the totally dead, momentum-less Shelton starts the game on me and escapes! I lost the damn IC Championship! THEN I got angry.......

Because you're not supposed to hammer any button. Both ways of escaping are almost exactly the same.

Climbing the cage, you need to start climbing, then press square I think it is to start the mini-game. You press X when the bar is full, and you'll take a step up. The more full the bar, the higher your step will be. Once you're sitting at the top you have to press square again to exit, or X to dive off attacking.

Escaping the door is the same idea. When you're in the mini game, you have to press X to stop the bar as full as you can, the fuller it is, the further you'll crawl. The CPU rarely gets its bar filled consecutive times, so I don't understand how people can fail at this, but just fill your bar as many times as you can and eventually you'll fall out the door.

As Kaney said, you're going about it all wrong. You're supposed to press X once at a time to get the meter as full as possible, not tap like a wildman.

I played the PSP version and I thought it was very good. Although it can be a bitch to climb the corner.

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I feel like such a fucking tool!

Could swear I pressed Square at the too of the cage though....unless I pressed square and a d-pad, which may have stopped it....

Anyway, again, THANKS, and I feel well stupid now. I'm off to take my IC Championship back!

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