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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I have had it in a Last Man Standing Match, A Buff Bagwell Blockbuster on Kane pretty much wiped us both out I managed to get up and hit a Blockbuster to the outside and he popped right back up so I smashed him with The Chair for the duke.

I find it annoying that even Torrie Fucking Wilson pops back up after The Overcastle

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Finding a save with Super Dragon, Great Muta, Shinya Hashimoto and Katsuyori Shibata CAW's has made my day.

where did you find that save ? I've been looking for a good super dragon


Go to Files, and then it is pretty easy to find. It's called TB vs TJ, or something like that. One has mostly indy wrestlers, the other has Puro and classics on his team.

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Just something I noticed today - if you have interference turned on, and either competitor has a stable mate available, you don't seem to get the title belts at ringside, and you never seem to get the "pre-match mini game" either. Turn interference off, or have nobody available to run in, and the belt does appear and the mini-games become active again.

I can sort of see why the belt wouldn't be there if there was a chance of a run in - to reduce the amount of possible objects on screen - but I can't figure out why the pre match mini-game is affected?

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Still looking for someone to trade me Styles and Joe, and I'm also looking for either a Kawada formula and moveset, or to be traded. Anyone help me on this?


Where would I find the belt? under the ring?

On Smackdown/Smackdown PPV arenas, it's on the spanish announce table. On RAW/RAW PPV Arenas, its on the outside next to the bottom right turnbuckle.

I found a decent Kawada forumula.

Toshiaki Kawada

by Real F'n Show/Joejigatame

Name: Toshiaki Kawada

HUD Name: Kawada

Nick Name: Dangerous K

Announcer Introduction: Use whatever; I used The Machine

Hometown: Japan

Weight: Heavyweight (240 lbs.)

Tactics: Fight Clean

Voice: Voice 3

Face Morphing

head: 32, -22, 100, -58

eyebrows: 31, -49, 27, 0

eyes: -1, 58, 0, 0, -49, 0, 0

nose: 0, -12, 49, -1, 59, -12, -11, 0

cheek: 84, 54, 51, 29

mouth: -23, 0, -21, -3, 0, 59, 40

jaw: 9, 9, -12, 27, -25, 39

ear: 0, 0, -99, -99

age: 27

Morphing Continued

hair: 1 (95, 50, 28)

eyes: 16 (1, 50, 28)

eyebrows: 36 (94, 50, 45, 90)

facial hair: other: 20 (96, 50, 34, 46)

facial hair: other: 17 (94, 50, 18, 87)

facial hair: other: 6 (96, 50, 41, 10)

lips: 26 (0, 50, 49, 100)

face skin: 4

eye lids: 22 (56, 50, 50)

teeth: 1 (98, 50, 50)

Body Type

Ripped <-> Thick: 24


head: 10, 37, 11

neck: -59, 60, 59

chest: -1, 19, 34

shoulder: -32, 14, 24

abdomen: -42, 20, 20

waist: 3, 17

arms: -71, 16, 11

hands: -8, 7, 3

legs: -40, 9, 19

feet: -3, 2, 3

Body Skin: 5 (96, 53, 42)

Body Height: 5'10"


underwear: 1,1 (43, 0, 23)

wristbands: 1,1 (43, 0, 61, 100, 92)

tights: 1,1 (43, 0, 10, 100, 0)

kneepads: 5,1 (43, 0, 10, 100)

shoes: 14,1 (85, 61, 55)

feet accessories: 2 (85, 57, 55, 65)

coat: 6,1 (43, 0, 11) ENTRANCE ONLY

Now for the triangles on his tights:

torso: tattoo/logo: design: 138 Vertical twice, horizontal once.

Place on the side of his tights so that the bottom half of the diamond

is used as a triangle on his tights. Don't worry, the top half will be

covered eventually. (85, 59, 48, 91) MATCH & CUTSCENE ONLY

Copy above design and put on other side of tights. MATCH & CUTSCENE


Now to cover up the top half of the diamonds:

torso: tattoo/logo: design: 153 Rotate once, make as big as possible.

Cover up the top half of the diamond that goes off of his tights and

onto his upper body. (96, 32, 58, 92) MATCH & CUTSCENE ONLY

Copy aboe design and do the same to the other side. MATCH & CUTSCENE ONLY


A.I. fighting style 1: ground

A.I. fighting style 2: striker

Crowd Signs: Japanese flag and Match of the Year!


Move: clever

irish whip: less

diving attack: less

taunt: less


Strength: 7.5

Submission: 10

Durability: 9

Technique: 9.5

Speed: 6.5

Charisma: 7

Hardcore: 7.5

Stamina: 8

OVR: 89




One Handstand Ring Out

Come On!

Edge 3

Come On!

Edge 3

Wrestling 1





spinning back kick 2

toe kick 1

elbow smash 1

middle kick

slap 2

Tajiri low kick



body knee strike

snapmare 2

headlock takeover

back chop 8

suplex 11


eye rake 1

low blow 5

reverse atomic drop

guillotine 1

head is struck


leg lock 3

armbar 2

headlock 4

abdominal stretch 3

guillotine 3

category 1: speed

knee strike 2

knee strike 1

arm twist kick

clothesline 21

suplex 12

category 2: technical

scoop slam 3

belly to belly 4

jumping armbreaker

suplex 2

northern lights suplex 2

category 3: old school

DDT 24

sidebuster 2

piledriver 2

neckbreaker 10

kneebreaker 1

grapple attack

grapple punch 1

grapple body attack 1

grapple elbow strike 1

back grapple

bulldog 2

elbow to back of head 2

back suplex 4

forearm smash

german suplex 4

octopus stretch 2

sleeper hold & scissors 1

back suplex 3

dragon sleeper 2

german suplex 5



knee drop 2

double knee drop

elbow drop 1


neck wrench


abdominal stretch 2

kick to head

single leg crab 4

step over toe hold



yakuza kick

turnbuckle clothesline 1

knee attack 1


big back chop 1

turnbuckle powerbomb

foot choke 1

superplex 1

turnbuckle body strike

foot choke 2

back grapple

tie to tree of woe

rebound suplex

forearm to back

toss into ring post

super back suplex



elbow & irish whip

rebound attack

running enziguri

dropkick to knee 3

vaulting body press 2


baseball slide 1


standing opp.

missile dropkick

double axe handle 3

down opp.

knee drop 1

foot stamp 2

diving elbow drop


running strikes

yakuza kick

spinning wheel kick 2

running grapple

neckbreaker 1

sunset flip pin 1


bulldog 2

Triple H low kick

running ground attack

elbow drop 5

dropkick to knee 3

counter attack

powerslam pin 2

tilt a whirl sideslam 3

back body drop 2



step up enziguri

powerbomb 11


abdominal stretch 2 (stretch plum)

back suplex 3 (backdrop driver)

suplex 2 (brainbuster)

combination attack

back chop 4

elbow smash

axe kick



Doug Basham

smoke 5


yellow 01


camera: 1, 1, 1, 1


Shelton Benjamin

stage pyro 02


yellow 01


camera: 3, 3, 3, 3

Ring In

Rey Mysterio



yellow 01


camera: 1, 3, 2, 1


Chris Benoit



yellow 01


camera: 1, 3, 3, 2



Chris Masters

Not made it myself, but its apparently good.

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One of Funk's finishers should definitely be a Piledriver. Other than that, the Hangman's Neckbreaker is good, also a moonsault (although they don't have the Terry Funk Oh Geez He's Gonna Kill Himself Moonsault), Main Event Sleeper, and hasn't Funk used the Stunner before as well?

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What setting do you guys have the stamina system on? In some matches, the CPU never seems to have any stamia beyond the 10+ min mark, I'm playing around with settings now.

Created my first belt last night, and the game won't let you crown a champion in a battle royal...gay! To prove I have way too much time on my hands, I'm simmming a 16 man tournament (CPU vs. CPU), I'll decide who I control, in the final for the title.

So far:

Shawn Michaels def. Bret Hart @21:51 with the Fame Asser....

Triple H def. Ric Flair @11:30 with the Pedigree

Chris Benoit def. Chris Masters via DQ at 17:23

Still to come:

Edge vs. Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio vs. Carlito

Shelton Benjamin vs. Booker T

RVD vs. Christian

Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton

I'm also looking to expand my CAW's soon, I only have Nunzio (ace having lots of Cruiser title defences as him), Sandman and Kobashi.

Edited by timmayy mars
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My Doink CAW would be perfect if not for three things - no fuzzy green afro, and no Stump Puller or Whoopee Cushion moves. I've settled on a Dragon Sleeper and Earthquake Vertical Splash instead to suffice.

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My Doink CAW would be perfect if not for three things - no fuzzy green afro, and no Stump Puller or Whoopee Cushion moves. I've settled on a Dragon Sleeper and Earthquake Vertical Splash instead to suffice.

A Doink CAW? I need details stat. :pervert:

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