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Dr. Rated-R

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Jesus H Christ, what an awesome show this is. Stella is SO amazing, and easily the best new show I've seen in ages. God, I hope Comedy Central keeps this one -- they keep giving up on the better new shows. If they wind up trashing Stella and keeping Mind of Mencia... then they're retarded.

Anyways, what are your opinions on this new series?

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Guest Ringmaster

I wouldn't say its out of this world or anything, but it's very witty, and I enjoy that. The show is getting better by the ep too.

I think, however, that its one of those things not many people are going to get, which is why it may not be that successful.

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Stella is the worst attempt at humor on TV. There's nothing "to get" or "witty" about it. It's just a poorly written and executed attempt at a half hour of comedy. The only thing worse than the show, was their 30 minute stand up special. Ugh.

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Guest Spadekiller

to the Mind of Mencia hater: why put Chappelle's Show above Mencia? their both the same style comedy, but if one was better than the other id have to put Mind of Mencia ahead of Chappelle. Carlos is politically incorrect and i like that in comedy....Comedy Central must think so to since Mencia took Chappelles slot.

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Mencia is a total hack. He hypes himself so much as an edgy, dangerous, pollitically incorrect comic and yet every little nugget of shit that comes out of his mouth is completely trite and unoriginal. Nicole Richie is a beaner? Oh Carlos be careful or I might spit out my milk. Lame fat and gay jokes? Oh my sides hurt. Arab parodies of 5 year old Snicker's and Chilli's commercials! Genius!

...In other words, fuck that no talent hack.

And while we're on the topic of Stella, it's the only thing I bother to turn my TV on for this summer. Low brow, absurdist comedy at it's best. Absolutely charming stuff.

Gotta love Comedy Central with it's nice blend of goodness (Stella) and complete shit (Mind of Mencia).

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I've seen one episode of Stella, and I enjoyed it. I've enjoyed the work that the former cast of the State have done since departing that show. Viva Variety, Reno 911, and Hot Wet American Summer (did I get that name right?) being the other projects that various members have worked on. It's all been quality comedy, but I still think the State was their best show.

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Guest TheTokenWhiteGuy

to the Mind of Mencia hater: why put Chappelle's Show above Mencia? their both the same style comedy, but if one was better than the other id have to put Mind of Mencia ahead of Chappelle. Carlos is politically incorrect and i like that in comedy....Comedy Central must think so to since Mencia took Chappelles slot.

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i think Stella is a pretty good show, I have that kind of stupid sense of humor to laugh at these things.  But I agree, Mind of Mencia is terrible and needs to be dropped quick...BRING BACK I'M WITH BUSEY!

When I 1st saw that, I thought "What the fuck is this?" And didn't watch it. Now I see Gary Busey on Celebrity Fit Club and realize that that show was probably halarious.

Edited by veg
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I don't know, I actually like Mind of Mencia. Something about it gets me. But whatever.

I could care less about Stella, because quite frankly, I think that that show is stupid, so whatever. To each his own, I guess.

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