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Jesus Of Suburbia video


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It can only be better than September Ends >_<

After having watched the whole video, I have only one request for the band.

Stop putting over dramatic arseholes in your videos.

Edited by Turbonegro
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I was hoping for a Homecoming video to continue When September Ends..the songs been cut from around 9 minutes to just over 6..cut out some of the more repedative vocals (IE, the "I dont' care" part was cut a bit etc..) but its still good

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... are Green Day releasing ANOTHER goddamn single from that album? Oh god. Aren't their first four overplayed enough already?

So would you rather just hear those over and over without a little change up? I wouldn't worry too much because of the fact that "Jesus..." isn't going to be touched by any mainstream radio or television because it's nine minutes long. Still, I'd much rather bands go out and actually ride their albums as opposed to releasing two singles and then have a new album a year later. That's a huge problem with the music industry these days, no one actually rides their albums anymore. Audioslave does it, which is great, but for the most part the only bands who do it suck ass; like Linkin Park and the Killers.

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I don't think the problem is that bands don't release mopre singles at every moment to shill every penny out of you it's the new album every year that's the problem. It suggests that like releasing every track as a single you're only in it for the money. The best album,s IMHO are the ones we've been waiting desperatly for a few years for. Maybe if people spent more time making good quality albums they wouldn't need to release 50 singles.

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I don't think the problem is that bands don't release mopre singles at every moment to shill every penny out of you it's the new album every year that's the problem. It suggests that like releasing every track as a single you're only in it for the money. The best album,s IMHO are the ones we've been waiting desperatly for a few years for. Maybe if people spent more time making good quality albums they wouldn't need to release 50 singles.

I fail to see the logic in what you just said. People waited for years for American Idiot, fuck, I waited ten years for that album. Because as a Green Day fan, anything after Insomniac sucked huge amounts of cock and to see them come out with this album and it be so damn good, it's a treat. People bitch about it being overplayed, but that doesn't change that the album itself is fucking awesome. Radio and MTV suck, sure, but that doesn't take away from the album. And I don't see how releasing every track as a single says you're only in it for the money, that says you're busting your ass to showcase your work. Releasing new albums every year with one or two singles looks more greedy to me. A "good quality album" is one where every song could be a single, that to me says there's no filler and I should throw down money for the CD. And in case you forgot, every band is in it for the money.

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As resident Gigantic Green Day fan, I just want to see the whole 14 minute version of the video, thats not even the 9 minute version.

This, and the September video both tell stories, sorry if they don't develop fast enough for you.

And Zero, Nimrod was good, Warning was reminscient of Lookout days. While neither compared to Insomniac, in the big pictures both were important steps for Green Day to mature as musicians and be able to put out American Idiot

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... are Green Day releasing ANOTHER goddamn single from that album? Oh god. Aren't their first four overplayed enough already?

So would you rather just hear those over and over without a little change up?

No, I'd rather hear those four grow to be played far less as most other old singles tend to.

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I don't think the problem is that bands don't release mopre singles at every moment to shill every penny out of you it's the new album every year that's the problem. It suggests that like releasing every track as a single you're only in it for the money. The best album,s IMHO are the ones we've been waiting desperatly for a few years for. Maybe if people spent more time making good quality albums they wouldn't need to release 50 singles.

I fail to see the logic in what you just said. People waited for years for American Idiot, fuck, I waited ten years for that album. Because as a Green Day fan, anything after Insomniac sucked huge amounts of cock and to see them come out with this album and it be so damn good, it's a treat. People bitch about it being overplayed, but that doesn't change that the album itself is fucking awesome. Radio and MTV suck, sure, but that doesn't take away from the album. And I don't see how releasing every track as a single says you're only in it for the money, that says you're busting your ass to showcase your work. Releasing new albums every year with one or two singles looks more greedy to me. A "good quality album" is one where every song could be a single, that to me says there's no filler and I should throw down money for the CD. And in case you forgot, every band is in it for the money.

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4) Every band is in it for the money? silly me I forgot those thousands of bands who carry on for years without making a single penny but play just for the music and the love of touring. Most in fact tour for a loss and without a label to support some of the cost. Maybe your bands of choice are like that but there are thousands more who don't try and make the moeny as there primary goal.

Don't be blind, everyone is in it for the money. No one just goes, "Well alright, we'll live in poverty... but at least we can play music!" any band that says that doesn't make it far. The goal is to get your music across to a broad audience, get your message out and make as much money as you can in the process.

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